6.2 Hernias Flashcards
What are the 3 lateral abdominal wall muscles?
What 2 muscles lies down the midline, and what is their relationship with the lateral wall muscles?
External Oblique
Internal oblique
Transversus Abdominus
2 Rectus Abdominus muscles lie down the middle of the abdomen (lifting muscles) and are enclosed by the aponeurosis of the lateral abdominal wall muscles EXCEPT in the lower portion of the abdomen where below the arcuate line there is no posterior sheath
Define a Hernia
A hernia is an abnormal protrusion of a cavity’s contents through a weakness in the wall of the cavity, taking with it the linings of that cavity.
What is the relationship between hernias and protrusions?
A hernia is a protusion; not all protusions are hernias
List and briefly describe 4 common Hernias in the abdomen
Inguinal hernias - these are very common.
Umbilical hernia’s - these only occur ONLY in babies
Para-umbilical hernias - these occur in adults
Epigastric hernias - occur in the midline down the linea alba
What is the line in the middle of the abdomen called?
What are the lines either side of the rectus abdominus muscles called?
In the middle we have the linea alba
Either side of the rectus abdominus muscles we have the linea semilunaris
What is the difference between a direct vs indirect hernia?
Direct Hernias: Occur within the “weak area” within Hesselbach’s triangle (usually acquired muscle weakness)
Indirect Hernias: occur at the deep inguinal ring (usually a congenital weakness)
Give 7 causes why someone may be at an increased risk of Hernias?
1) Design weakness ➞ eg. the myopectinate orifices (area of inguinal canal)
2) Entry/Exit of structures through the abdominal wall causes weakness.
3) Developmental failures ➞ failure of processes vaginalis to obliterate following decent of testis
4) Collagen disease
5) Increasing age ➞ due to weaking of the abdominal wall.
6) Pregnancy ➞ hormones make ligaments slack + enlarging uterus. These cause abdominal wall to stretch, which can lead to the umbilical or inguinal hernia.
7) Smoking ➞ destroys CT in the body
Give 4 examples of structures entering/exiting the abdominal wall that may lead to Hernias
1) Spermatic cord passing through the deep inguinal ring
2) Femoral vessels passing under the inguinal ligament into the leg
3) Oesophagus passing through the oesophageal hiatus in the diaphragm
4) Obturator nerve passing through the obturator foramen
What 2 structures does the Inguinal ligament run between?
What is the midpoint called?
What can be found at the mid-inguinal point?
The inguinal ligament runs from the ASIS to the pubic tubercle.
The midpoint is the “mid-point inguinal”
The femoral artery can be found at the mid-inguinal point
What is the myo-pectineal orifice? What type of hernias can this lead to?
a weak area in the groin ➞ can leads to the formation of direct and indirect hernias.
What are the boarders of Hesselbach’s Triangle?
Why is this area prone to Hernias?
Medial – lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle
Lateral – inferior epigastric vessels
Inferior – inguinal ligament
There is no strong tissue in this area ➞ prone to Hernias
What is the main causes of a Femoral Hernia?
Compare a femoral hernia to an inguinal hernia (how common, strangulation, treatment)
List one problem it can lead to
Femoral hernias are caused by the inflexibility of the lacunar ligament (F>M)
Less common than an inguinal hernia but more likely to strangulate. Inguinal Hernias can be treated laparoscopically, femoral MUST have surgery
Can cause bowel obstruction
How do we examine a patient with a groin hernia?
Stand patient up, palpate groin area and ask them to cough ➞ this should reveal the hernia (can be felt)
However, if hernia still cannot be felt because it is too small, an invagination test can be performed
Invagination test: invaginate scrotum and place ring finger into the inguinal canal (can be very painful). Ask patient to cough again and If the hernia is small you should feel the cough impulse at the deep ring
During he invagination test why should a small hernia be felt at the deep inguinal ring?
Because this is where the Hernia will start before it enlarges down the inguinal canal and into the scrotum
List 3 generic causes of lumps around the groin area
1) Lymph node
2) Lipoma
3) Sebaceous cyst