6.10 Subjuntivo Imperfecto Flashcards
In English, “if I had an accident” hypothetical situ, is expressed in the past tense. But not so in Spanish, they use the imperfect subjunctive which resembles the “they form” of the pretérito -
Tuvieron - they had. If I had - si tuviera. Drop the ron and add ra
Si tuvieran que
How would you say “if I/he saw a ghost, I/he would run”
Si yo viera un fantasma, yo correría
Si él viera un fantasma, él correría
ra. ‘Ranos. Note the stress falls on the vowel before the ending in the we form.
ras. Rais
ra. Ran
Si Hablara
Si Comieras
Si Abriera
Si Tuviéramos
Si Dijerais
Si Fueran
Si Estuviéramos
Si Hicieran
Si Pusieron
Si solo lo hubiera sabido antes de llegar
If I had a lot of money, I wouldn’t work here
Si tuviera mucho dinero, no trabajaría aquí
If I ate too much, I would be I’ll.
Si yo comiera demasiado, estaría enferma.
If I saw a ghost, I would die of fright.
Si yo viera un fantasma, moriría de miedo.
Si vieras un fantasma, ¿morirías de miedo.
If I lost my job, I wouldn’t know what to do
Si yo perdiera mi trabajo, no sabría qué hacer.
If I could help, I would help.
Si yo pudiera ayudar, ayudaría.
If I spoke Spanish better, I would visit Spain more often.
Si yo hablara español mejor, visitaría España más a menudo.
If I had only known (It)
I would have helped.
Si solo yo lo hubiera sabido
Habría ayudado
Habría dicho algo
If the weather was good, what would you think of a trip to Valencia?
¿Si hiciera buen tiempo, qué pensarías de un viaje a Valencia?
What would you think of me if I did it.
Qué pensarías de mí, si lo hiciera
If I told you, you would not believe me. Implied it!
If you had told me that last week, I would not have believed it.
Si te lo dijera, no me creerías
Si me lo hubieras dicho eso la semana pasado, yo no lo habría creído
If I drove, you could sleep for a while.
Si yo condujera, dormirías por un rato.
If we went to London, we would have a good time.
Si fuéramos a Londres, lo pasaríamos bien.
If I missed Craig, I would write to him everyday.
Si yo echara de menos a Craig, le escribiría todos los días.
If you bought a new fridge, I would be very happy.
Si compraras una nevera nueva, estaría muy feliz.
If I brought wine, I wouldn’t drink it.
Si trajera vino, yo no lo bebería.
If you had _. Si tuvieras
If you had to - si tuvieras que
If we had - si tuviéramos
If we had to - si tuviéramos que
If I won the lottery, I would buy it for you.
Si yo ganara la lotería, yo lo compraría para tí.
If we had to do it, what would we do?
Si tuviéramos que hacerlo, ¿qué haríamos?
Yo no sabría qué hacer
If they had to do it, what would they do?
Si tuvieran que hacerlo, ¿qué harían?
If they wanted to help us, they would call us.
Si quisieran a ayudarnos, nos llamarían
If we drove a little faster, we would arrive on time.
If we had driven
Si condujéramos un poco más rápido, llegaríamos a tiempo.
Si hubiéramos conducido
If you went out with him, you would have a good time.
Si salieras con él, lo pasarías bien.
If my husband were here, he would show us how to do it.
Si mi marido estuviera aquí, nos enseñaría cómo hacerlo.
If he saw us here, he would be angry,
Si él nos viera aquí, estaría enfadado.
I Could Take your kids to school, if you would bring them to my house at 7am.
Yo podría llevar a tus niños al colegio, si pudieras traerlos a mí casa a las 7am.