What is an equilibrium mixture?
mixture in which proportions of all components remain constant
What is dynamc equilibrium?
processes happening at same rate
Where does equilibrium only be reached in?
equilibrium can only be reached in closed system
What is a closed system?
reactants + products can’t escape
Does a closed system need to be sealed?
Example of how a beaker can be a closed system?
reaction that happens in a solvent, as long as reactant, products + solvent do not evaporate
In what direction can equilibrium be approached?
in either direction, final equilibrium position will be same (as long as conditions i.e. temp + pressure same)
What sort of process is equilibrium?
dynamic process
How is equilibrium a dynamic process?
reached when rates of two opposing processes, which are going on all the timer are the same
When do you know equilibrium has been reached?
when macroscopic properties of system do not change with time
Examples of macroscopic properties that do not change with time if equilibrium reached? (4)
density concentration colour pressure properties that do not depend on total quantity of matter
Why is the forward reaction initially fast? A + B =(r) C + D
as A + B are plentiful
Why is there no reverse reaction at the beginning? A + B =(r) C + D
there is no C + D
What happens as the concentrations of C + D build up? A + B =(r) C + D
reverse reaction speeds up
What happens at the same time as the reverse reaction speeds up? A + B =(r) C + D
concentration of A + B decrease so forward reaction slows down
When is equilibrium reached? A + B =(r) C + D
exactly the same number of particles changing from A + B to C + D as are changing from C + D to A + B
In what proportions are equilibrium mixtures?
in any proportion of reactants + products
How can the proportions of reactants + products in the equilibrium mixture be changed?
depending on conditions of reaction e.g. temp, pressure + conc.