61 a marriage hymn Flashcards
cultor cultoris
m. an inhabitant, a dweller
flammeum i
n. bridal-veil
luteus a um
reddish yellow
soccus i
m. a low-heeled shoe, light shoe, Grecian shoe, slipper, sock
hilaris e
cheerful, of good cheer, lively
concino 3 concinui
sing, play, or sound together, in concert or harmoniously
tinnulus a um
ringing, tinkling, shrillsounding
pello 3 pepuli pulsum
to beat, strike, knock, push, drive, hurl, impel
taeda ae
f. a resinous species of pine-tree, the pitch-pine tree
iudex iudicis
m./f. judge
nubo 3
ales aletis
m./f. large bird; an omen or augury
floridus a um
in bloom, flowering
ramulus i
m. a twig, sprig, shoot
roscidus a um
full of dew, wet with dew, dewy
nutrio 4 nutrivi nutritum
to suckle, nourish, feed, foster, bring up, rear
umor umoris
m. liquid
specus us
m./f. cave
rupes rupis
f. rock, cliff
irrigo 1
cheer, refresh, nourish, strengthen, flood, diffuse
frigero 1
to cool, refresh with coolness
tenax tenacis
holding fast, griping, tenacious
hedera ae
f. ivy
more gladly
maritus a um
of marriage, matrimonial, conjugal, nuptial
comprobo 1
to approve, assent to, sanction, acknowledge
commodum i
n. a convenient opportunity, favorable condition, convenience
queo 4 quivi quitum
to be able, can
nitor 3 nisus/nixus
to bear upon, press upon, lean, support oneself
ingenuus a um
native, indigenous
pudor pudoris
m. desire of approval, shame, shamefastness, modesty, decency
tardo 1
to make slow, hinder, delay, retard, impede, check, stay, prevent
secubo 1
to lie apart, sleep alone, live alone
papilla ae
f. a nipple, teat, breast
assitus a um
situated near
vitis is
f. a vine, grape-vine
lentus a um
pliant, flexible, tough, tenacious, sticky, viscous
cubile is
n. a place of rest, couch, bed
procax procacis
bold, shameless, impudent, insolent, forward, pert, wanton
jocatio iocationis
f. joke
nux nucis
f. nut
concubinus i
m. catamite, male homo partner
vagus a um
strolling, rambling, roving, roaming, wandering, unfixed, unsettled, vagrant
sordeo 2
to be dirty, filthy, foul
vilica ae
f. a female overseer; the wife of an overseer
cinerarius a um
a servant who heated in glowing ashes the iron used in curling hair, a hair-curler理发师
tondeo 2 totondi tonsum
to shear, clip, crop, shave
unguentatus a um
anointed, perfumed
glaber glabri
m. a young (beardless) slave
from another, from another source, from elsewhere
see! behold!
canus a um
white, hoary
anilitas anilitatis
f. the old age of a woman
annuo 3 annui annutum
nod to, to nod
tempus temporis
n, time; the side of the forehead, temple
rasilis e
scraped, smoothed, polished, smooth
foris is
f. door
immineo 2
be eager to
bracchiolum i
n. a small arm, delicate arm
teres teretis
round, slender
praetextatus a um
wearing the toga
parthenice parthenices
f. a plant
luteus a um
colored with yellowweed, golden-yellow, saffron-yellow, orange-yellow
papaver papaveris
n. poppy, seed
subduco 3 subduxi subductum
to draw up, cast up, reckon, compute, calculate
it’s fitting
from the same place
parvulus a um
very small, little, petty, slight
porrigo 3 porrexi porrectum
to stretch out, spread out, put forth, reach out, extend
semihians semihiantis
labellum i
n. lip
inscius a um
not knowing, ignorant
genus generis
n. acc. race, clan
ostium i
n. door
assiduus a um
注意与assitus a um区分
continual, unremitting, incessant, perpetual, constant