17 a victim for the bridge Flashcards
crus cruris
n. the leg, shank, shin
dim. ponticus
dim. axis axis
board, plank厚木板
redivivus a um
reused, second hand
supinus a um
lying on the back; facing upward; flat; helpless
risus risus
m. laugh
municeps municipis
m. townsman
lutum i
n. mud
putidus a um
rotten; foul, stinking
vorago voraginis
f. a deep hole or watery chasm
lividus a um
a dull, grayish blue color
insulsus a um
witless, stupid
dim bimus a um
2 years old
tremulus a um
shaky, trembling
ulna ae
f. forearm, esp. the crook of the arm
tenellulus a um
dim. tener tenera tenerum
sift, tender,delicate
delicatus a um
frisky; elegant
haedus i
m. a young goat, kid
more carefully
uva ae
f. a bunch of grapes
alnus i
f. an alder tree
suppernatus a um
having the leg cut from below; hamstrung; felled
securis is
f. axe
just as much
stupor stuporis
m. numbness, paralysis, torpor; an insensate person, clod
potis pote
having the power, able; possible
stolidus a um
dull, stupid,inert
veternus i
m. torpor, senility衰老
caenum i
m. mud, filth, slime
tenax tenacis
clinging. tenacious抓紧的,坚决的
mula ae
f. a she mule
solea ae
f. sole, sandal鞋子
ferreus a um
sg gen