6.1 & 6.2 Flashcards
dynamic system (w/ inputs outputs flows storage) that has undergone changes through geological time
greenhouse effect:
- natural + necessary phenomenon that maintains suitable temps for living systems.
- gases trap heat energy that is reflected from the earths surface and reradiate it
- 51% is absorbed (for photosynthesis, heating ground & seas, evaporation) & 4% is reflected back
- GHG: water vapour, CO2, methane
stratosphere ozone:
is good. some UV radiation from sun is absorbed, causing break up of ozone molecule. under normal conditions, the ozone molecule will reform ] process of ozone destruction & reformation which is an example of dynamic equilibrium
effect of UV radiation:
- genetic mutations + subsequent health effects (skin cancer higher rates NZ & Australia)
- cataract formation in eyes
- damage to photosynthetic organisms & consumers of these
- in animals stimulates vitamin D production
- can be used to treat vitiligo & other skin diseases
- industrial uses: lasers, lighting, forensic analysis
eg. CFC’s from refrigerants and AC units ] releases chlorine atoms
HCFC’s replacement for CFC’s ] releases chlorine atoms. (same effect as CFC’s but better coz shorter lifetime in atmosphere)
halons from fire extinguishers ] releases bromine atoms.
how is ozone destructed?
UV releases chlorine atoms from CFC’s which react with ozone which results in ozone destruction. also reacts w oxygen atoms to prevent ozone formation. in both processes -> chlorine atoms formed back & can react with ozone or oxygen atoms. reaction: positive feedback
management strategies for ODS’s
- replace CFC’s w CO2, propane, air
- add ozone & remove chlorine from stratosphere
- legislate for fridges to be returned to manufacturers and coolants removed & stored
- recover, recycle CFCS from AC’s & fridges
the albedo effect and its role in regulating the Earth’s global temperature -
albedo is a measure of the reflectiveness of a surface / is greater from lighter coloured/smoother surfaces.
high albedo means that solar radiation is reflected away from a surface, therefore reducing temperature while low albedo means that solar radiation is absorbed by a surface, therefore increasing temperature.
oceans/ice/clouds contribute significantly to Earth’s albedo.
albedo effect & how it involves feedback loops -
the balance between the albedo of the Earth’s surfaces involves feedback loops:
negative feedback loops reduce change and maintain the global temperature, e.g. rise of global temperature -> increased evaporation -> increased cloud cover -> increased albedo and reflection of solar radiation -> decrease in global temperature
a change in the balance can result in a positive feedback loop which amplifies changes and results in a rise in the Earth’s global temperature, e.g. rise in global temperature -> increase melting in ice caps -> decrease in albedo -> increase in solar radiation absorption -> rise in global temperature.