6.) Specification: Choosing the Independent Variables Flashcards
Specifying an econometric equation consists of three parts…
- ) Choosing the correct independent variables
- ) Choosing the correct functional form
- ) Choosing the correct form of the stochastic error term
A specification error results when…
any one of three parts of specifying an econometric equation made incorrectly
The strength of researchers being able to pick the independent variables for regression equations is…
the equations can be formulated to fit individual needs
The weakness of researchers being able to pick which independent variables to include is…
that researchers can estimate many different specifications until they find the one that “proves” their point
The primary consideration in deciding whether an independent variable belongs in an equation is whether
the variable is essential the regression on the basis of theory
The major consequence of omitting a relevant independent variable from..
an equation is to cause bias in the regression coefficients that remain in the equation
Omitted Variable is defined as..
an important explanatory variable that has been left out of a regression equation
The bias caused by leaving a variable out of an is called…
omitted variable bias
In an equation with more than one independent variable, the coefficient beta K represents…
the change I the dependent variable Y caused by a one-unit increase in the independent variable Xk, holding constant the other independent variables in the equation
If a variable is omitted, then …
it is not included as an independent variable, and it is not held constant for the calculation and interpretation of beta hat K.
The major consequence of omitting a relevant independent variable from an equation is…
to cause bias in the regression coefficients that remain in the equation
The term Bomf(rin,om) is …
the amount of specification bias introduced into the estimate of the coefficient of the included variable by leaving out the omitted variable.
When a relevant variable is omitted than r squared barred is likely to…
What two factors are key to understand if a relevant variable is left out of a regression equation?
- ) There is no longer an estimate of the coefficient of that variable in the equation.
- ) The coefficients of the remaining variables are likely to be biased.
Reasons that including omitted variable is easier said than done
- ) Omitted variable bias is hard to detect
- ) The problem of choosing which variable to add to an equation once you decide that it is suffering from omitted variable bias.
Expected bias is…
the likely bias that omitting a particular variable would have caused in the estimated coefficient of one of the included variables.
The best indicators of an omitted relevant variable are
the theoretical underpinnings of the model itself
Irrelevant variables are..
the converse of omitted variables, it’s when you include a variable in an equation that doesn’t belong there.
Although the irrelevant variables no bias…
it causes problems for the regression because it reduces the t-scores and the R squared barred
In terms of bias and variance on coefficient estimates an omitted variable causes…
Bias and the variance decreases
In terms of bias and variance on coefficient estimates an irrelevant variable causes
No bias but increases the variance
4 part test to be worked through every time a variable is added
- ) Theory: is the variable’s place in the equation unambiguous and theoretically sound?
- ) t-Test: Is the variable’s estimated coefficient significant in the expected direction?
- ) R squared bar: Does the overall fit of the equation (adjusted for degrees of freedom) improve when the variable is added to the equation?
- ) Bias: Do other variables’ coefficients change significantly when the variable is added to the equation?
If an irreleveant variable is included…
it will reduce r squared bar, have an insignificant t-score, and have little impact on the other variables’ coefficients.
Since economic theory is the most important test for including a variable…
a variable need not be dropped from an equation simply because it has an insignificant t-score.
Theoretical considerations should never be discarded…
even in the face of statistical insignificance
Three prescriptions for best practices in specification searches…
- ) rely on theory rather than statistical fit as much as possible when choosing variables, functional forms, and the like.
- ) minimize the number of equations estimated
- ) Reveal, in a footnote or appendix, all alternative specifications estimated.