2.) Ordinary Least Squares Flashcards
Why use Ordinary Least Squares?
- ) OLS is relatively easy to use.
- ) The goal of minimizing sum of error squared is quite appropriate from a theoretical point of view
- ) OLS estimates have a number of useful characteristics
Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)
is a regression estimation technique that calculates the estimated slope coefficients so as to minimize the sum of the squared residuals
An estimator is …
a mathematical technique that is applied to a sample of data to produce real-world numerical estimates of the true population regression coefficients (or parameters). So, OLS is an estimator, and an estimated slope coefficient produced by OLS is an estimated.
What are the three reasons for using OLS?
- ) It is the simplest of all econometric estimation techniques.
- ) Minimizing the summed, squared residuals is a reasonable goal for an estimation technique.
- ) Has the following two useful characteristics.
a. ) The sum of the residuals is exactly zero.
b. ) OLS can be show to be the “best” estimator possible under a set of specific assumptions
K =
of independent variables
i =
goes from 1 to N and indicates the ith observation of independent variable
the biggest difference btw a single-independent-variable regression model and a multivariate regression model is
the interpretations of the latter’s slope coefficients, often called partial regression coefficients, are defined to allow a researcher to distinguish the impact of one variable from that of other independent variables.
You should always include beta naught in a regression equation,…
but you should not rely on estimates of beta naught for inference
Total Sum of Squares
is the squared variations of Y around its mean as a measure of the amount of variation to be explained by the regression.
For OLS, the total sum of squares has two components….
- ) Variation that can be explained by the regression
2. ) Variation that cannot
this is usually called the decomposition of variance
Decomposition of the variance in Y
The variation of Y around its mean (Y - Yavg) can be decomposed into two parts:
- ) (Yobs - Yavg) = the difference between the estimated value of Y(Yhat) and the mean value of Y (Yavg).
- ) (Yi-Yhat) = the difference between the actual value of Y and the estimated value of Y.
Explained Sum of Squares (ESS) =
Measures the amount of the squared deviation of Yi from its mean that is explained by the regression line. It is attributable to the fitted regression line.
Residual Sum of Squares
This is the unexplained portion of TSS (that is, unexplained in an empirical sense by the estimated regression line)
The smaller the RSS is relative to the TSS…
the better the estimated regression line fits the data.
OLS is the estimating technique that…
minimizes the RSS and therefore maximizes the ESS for a given TSS
Once the computer estimates have been produced, what are some questions that an econometrician should ask…
- ) Is the equation supported by sound theory?
- ) How well does the estimated regression fit the data?
- ) Is the data set reasonably large and accurate?
- ) Is OLS the best estimator to be used for this equation?
- ) How well do the estimated coefficients correspond to the expectations developed by the researcher before the data were collected?
- ) Are all the obviously important variables included in the equation?
- ) Has the most theoretically logical functional form been used?
- ) Does the regression appear to be free of major econometric problems?
is the ratio of the explained sum of squares over the
A major problem with R^2 is…
that adding another independent variable to a particular equation can never decrease R^2
Degrees of freedom an also be understood as…
the excess numbers of observations (N) over the number of coefficients (concluding the intercept) estimated (K + 1)
which is R^2 adjusted for degrees of freedom
When is R^2 of little help?
If we’re trying to meaningfully explain If adding a variable to an equation improves our ability to explain the dependent variable.
R-squared-bar measures…
the percentage of the variation of Y around its mean that is explained by the regression equation, adjusted for degrees of freedom.
R-squared bar can be used to…
compare the fits of equations with the same dependent variable and different numbers of independent variables. Because of this property, most researchers automatically use R-squared-bar in stead of R-squared when evaluating the fit of their estimated regression equations.
Adding a variable can’t change TSS, but…
but in most cases the added variable will reduce RSS, so R^2 will rise
Degrees of freedom, or the…
excess of the number of observations (N) over the number of coefficients (including the intercept) estimated (K + 1).
The variation of Y around its mean can be decomposed into two parts…
- ) The different btw the estimated value of Y and the mean value of Y
- ) The difference between the actual value of Y and the estimated value of Y
OLS selects those estimates of beta naught and beta one that …
minimize the squared residuals, summed over all the sample data points.
Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) is a regression estimation technique that calculates…
betas so as to minimize the sum of the squared residuals.