6 Security & Ethics Flashcards
What does data loss mean?
Data loss means that data no longer exists in storage.
What is data corruption?
Data corruption is when the data has been damaged or changed.
What is unauthorized access?
Unauthorized access is when data is edited or deleted be people who didn’t have permission to see or alter the data.
What does integrity mean?
Integrity means the data is protected from unauthorized changes.
What does privacy mean?
Privacy means that you data is only viewed or copied by people that have permission.
What is a hardware fault?
A hardware faults happen when the computer is not well built or it has been damaged.
What is a software fault?
A software fault is when data is corrupt of lost because the software didn’t work properly.
What are external threats?
External threats might include floods, earthquakes or social unrest.
What are executable files?
Executable files are files that perform functions when you click on the file and they cannot be viewed because they are compiled.
What does DoS stand for and what does it do?
DoS stands for Denial of Service attack and it oveloads your computer(with messages from one account so it can be blocked) and it slowes down your computer.
What does DDoS stand for and what does it do?
DDoS stands for Distribute Denial of Data attack. It is similat to DoS however it is harder to stop because a lot of messages are sent not only from one account but hundreds if not more.
By whom would a DDoS or a DoS attack com from?
The attack would come from someone who wants to protest against the company or simply attack it.
What is identity theft?
Identity theft is a crime and it happens when someone finds out personal infromations about you and will use it against you.
What tricks might people use to get personal data from you?
Phishing happens when someone sends you a message that is disguised as a message from a company and asks you to respond to personal questions.
Pharming is when someone makes a fake website and when you log on and enter really personal data like bank details.
What is a biometric check?
A biometric check is when a part of your body is used to confirm identity.
Physical properties might a biometrick check scan?
Finger print
The pattern if your Iris.
Features of your eyes: the distance between your eyes.
And others.
What does LAN stand for and what does it do?
LAN stands for Local Area Network and it connects all the computers in an area so that people can share programs and data ON THAT LAN.
What does a router do?
The router can be connected to the LAN and the LAN than can join the internet.
What are hubs?
Hubs are LANs.
What does a proxy do?
A proxy handles the connection between two computers or networks.
What does a firewall do?
The firewall scans all the data that goes in and out of the local network for malware.
What is OSI?
OSI is a way of grouping protocols in seven layers.
Which are the seven layers in which OSI stores the protocols?
- Physical layer
- Data link layer
- Network layer
- Transport layer (TCP, IP)
- Session layer
- Presentation layer
- Application layer
What does TLS stand for and what does it do?
TLS stands for Transport layer security is a security protocol and it basically encrypts the information that is sent.
What are the 2 parts of TLS?
TLS record protocol - a method to break down the communication(message) into smaller parts called records.
TLS handshake protocol - establishes a private link between the two computer if the other device is genuine so that they will have the same protocols and so that they can communicate.
What does e-commerce mean?
E-commerce means buying or selling on the internet.
What does teleworking mean?
Teleworking means when someone is working from home.
What is a certification authority?
CA(certification authority) is an organization that everyone trusts and it checks the digital certificats that show if the other device is safe. It plays a big role in TLS.
What does SSL stand for and what does it do?
SSL stands for secured sockets layer and it is an earlier version of TLS however it is not as secure.
What is the difference between cypher text and plain text.
Plain text is a normal text and isn’t that secure. A cypher text is a text that is encrypted and it can be read only by someone who has the encryption key.
What is an encryption key?
An encryption key can be a string of text or numbers that tells the computer how to encrypt and decrypt.
What is symetric incryption?
Symetric encryption is when the key is secret and only the sender and reciever know the key.
What happens in asymetric encryption?
In asymetric encryption there is a public key and a private key.
The public key can be downloaded by everyone, but it can only encrypt
The private key can only decrypt however it is not shared.
Which encryption is faster and which is safer symetric of asymetric?
Symetric is faster, but asymetric is safer.
Name 3 internal threats
Hardware faults
Software faults
Human error
Name three malpractices.
Leaving the computer logged on when you leave.
Telling someone else your password.
Using work computer for personal business because the company loses valuable work time.