6 : Quality Flashcards
There are a lot of new terms in quality and don’t worry if your answers are not the same as the answer I provide as you may use different words to explain these. The important thing is that you are on the right track and you are aware of the terms so you can recognize them in the examination questions.
In your own words what does the Quality Theme do? (Tip: What does the information provided in the Quality chapter help to ensure?)
The Quality theme defines the PRINCE2 approach to ensuring that products created during the project meet the expectations and that the product can be used as intended. Any answer along these lines is fine.
In which document do you find the quality criteria for each product created in the product?
The quality criteria are part of the Product Description and this can be created for each product.
What is quality? Answer in your own words.
Quality is generally defined as the total amount of features or characteristics of a product so that it meets the expectations and satisfies stated needs. Think of an example such as a manual can opener. So all the features or characteristics of the can opener and what the intended user expects from the product and how long they expect to use it is encompassed in quality. Thus, quality is the total amount of features or characteristics of the product. Quality can also be defined as fit for purpose, which states that the product must be able to provide the functionality so the product can be used as intended.
What is Scope from a Quality point of view? (Tip: this is related to the project product scope)
Scope is related to the scope of the plan and the scope of a plan is the sum of its products. It is defined using the product breakdown structure and the Product Descriptions. All products listed in the product breakdown structure makes up the scope. To summarize, scope from a Quality point of view is the same as product scope.
What is a Quality Management System? Answer in your own words.
A Quality Management System is a complete set of standards, procedures and responsibilities for a site or organization. So it is how a company goes about quality management and ensuring quality.
What is Quality control? (Tip: Quality control happens after quality planning.)
Quality control focuses on the techniques and activities to inspect & test products. This will also include looking for ways to constantly improve quality and remove less satisfactory performance. Another way to say this is: Quality control implements & tracks the quality methods used during the project.
What is Quality assurance?
Quality assurance provides a way to get an independent review of the quality process and ensure that it complies with the company quality standards and checking that the quality processes are in place. It is the responsibil
What is Acceptance Criteria from the point of view of the Project Product? (Tip: It’s closely linked to the Customer Quality Expectations and used at the end of the project)
Acceptance Criteria as a prioritized list of attributes that the product should have when complete. See it as list of all the Customers Quality Expectations in a spreadsheet that will be ticked off at the end of the project. The acceptance criteria for the apartment block can cover such points as maintenance costs, appearance, security, durability, heating costs, and insulation.
When is the Project Product Description created (tip: it becomes part of the Project Brief) and how is the Project Product Description used in the Closing a Project process?
The Project Product Description is created in the Starting up a Project process and becomes part of the Project Brief. It can be refined in the Initiation Stage when creating the Project Plan. The Project Product Description contains the Quality information and this is why it is used by the Closing a Project process as it is used to verify that the project has delivered what was expected and that the acceptance criteria has been met. Remember the Project Product Description provides the following quality information:
1) Quality Expectations,
2) Acceptance criteria,
3) Quality Tolerances,
4) Acceptance method
5) Responsibilities.
When are all the Product Descriptions created for the project and comment on the level of detail require?
The Product Descriptions for the project should be created during the Initiating a Project process as part of planning and before the Project Plan can be completed. There is no need to go into too much detail, in fact try to reference existing standards when ever possible to cut down on documentation. E.g.: In a new Laptop project, you can say that the network card must support the Wifi 802.11 N standard without having to document this standard in detail.
What are Quality Records? (Tip: the clue is in the name)
Quality Records provide evidence that each product has met its requirements as specified in its Product Description. These records support the entries made in the Quality Register as the Quality Register just provides a very high level overview of the activities. For example, these Quality Records provide evidence of who has approved what, audits that have taken place and proof that products have met specific quality criteria.
What are Approval Records? (Tip: the clue is in the name)
Approval Records are records that show that products have been approved. Just think of quality certificates or a signed document. Approval Records can also be minutes of a meeting, email, memo, or a signed document.
What are Acceptance Records? (Tip: the clue is in the name)
Products that are approved during the project can have their ownership transferred to the customer, so the customer accepts the products. The Acceptance Record is proof that this has taken place. At the end of the project in the Closing a Project process the Project Manager must confirm to the Project Board that all products have been accepted and will therefore use these acceptance records to prove this.
What is the Quality Review Technique? What management document is used to compare the product? Answer in your own words.
The PRINCE2 quality review technique is a quality inspection technique. It has defined roles and a specific structure to follow. The purpose is to inspect that a product is complete, that it respects the customer’s quality standards and meets the quality criteria listed in the Product Description.
Name two of the four roles in a Quality Review Meeting?
The roles are:
• Chair: This role is responsible for chairing the review meeting.
• Presenter: This role presents the products and represents the producers of the product.
• Reviewer: This role reviews the products, submits questions and confirms corrections or improvements.
• Administrator: This person provides admin support for the chairperson. E.g., taking minutes and recording results and next actions.
What is the minimum number of persons you can have at a Quality review meeting?
There are four roles but the minimum number of people involved in a quality review meeting can be two; one person taking the chair & reviewer role and another taking the presenter and administrator role.
Who is responsible for the following in the Quality theme?
• Provide the companies quality expectations and acceptance criteria for the Project Product
• Provide acceptance for the Project Product
• There are also one of the approvers for the Product Description and Quality Management Strategy
• (Tip: This is not the Executive.)
This is the Senior User.
Who is responsible for the following in the Quality theme?
• Provide details of the corporate or programme quality management system
• Provide quality assurance
This is the Corporate or Programme Management.
Who is responsible for the following in the Quality theme?
• Document the customers quality expectations and acceptance criteria
• Prepare the Project Product Description with other persons
• Prepare the Quality Management Strategy
• Ensure the Team Managers implement the quality control measures agreed in the Product Descriptions and Work Packages
This is the Project Manager.
Who is responsible for the following in the Quality theme?
• Provide resources to undertake supplier quality activities
This is the Senior Supplier.
Who is responsible for the following in the Quality theme?
• Produce products consistent with Product Descriptions
• Advise the Project Manager of the product quality status
This is the Team Manager.
Who is responsible for the following in the Quality theme?
• Advise the Project Manager on the Quality Management Strategy and on suitable reviewers and approvers
• Assure the Project Board members on the implementation of the Quality Management System
This is the Project Assurance.
Who is responsible for the following in the Quality theme?
• Provide administrator support for quality control
• Maintain Quality Register and the Quality Records
This is Project Support.
What are the 3 different statuses a product under review can have after a Quality Review Meeting?
The three different statuses are: Complete, Conditionally complete & Incomplete
• Conditionally complete means that a few minor actions need to be done and another Quality Review will not be required.
• The Incomplete status will require another quality review meeting.