6. Populations Cannot Grow Indefinitely Flashcards
What is the formula for population growth?
BIDE processes
(births + immigration) - (deaths + emigration)
What are the 2 ideal population growth models?
exponential growth (J-shaped curve)
logistic growth (S-shaped curve)
What are characteristics of the exponential growth model?
constant rate of increase
(like compounded interest)
can happen when there are unlimited resources
When is the exponential growth model mostly seen?
when a population is initially colonizing a new environment (like bacteria on a petri dish)
a population recovering from a crash (overhunting, habitat loss, etc.)
is indefinite exponential growth possible?
Malthus says no
there is a carrying capacity
(the environment can only support so many, you can’t have unlimited resources forever)
there’s a struggle for existence the more individuals there are / less space there is
What slows population growth?
intra-specific competition
How does competition slow population growth?
mortality rate increases
female fertility decreases
individual growth rate decreases
What letter represents carrying capacity in ecological graphs usually?
What are characteristics of the logistic growth model?
S-shaped curve
carrying capacity (K)
(populations will stay around the carrying capacity once they reach it, determined by resources and space)
initially looks exponential
What growth model are humans following right now?
currently exponential growth, is expected to turn logistic
Human’s life expectancy and development have been what? Why?
increasing globally
advances in agriculture → lots of protein
decrease in infant mortality → modern medicine
Human’s birth rates have been what?
decreasing, some countries are even below replacement
Are the birth rates above or below the death rates in Canada?
Is the world population still growing?
yes, but it is slowing down
What is demographic transition?
a phenomenon and theory which refers to the historical shift from high birth rates and high death rates to low birth rates and low death rates
How do you achieve demographic transition?
increase in wealth → need fewer children to work
gender equality → access to education, jobs, and contraception (women have more options and delay reproduction)
education and equality drive wealth
Is there an environmental cost to development?
yes, increase in ecological footprint because of economic growth
if we focused more on gender equality (no extra emissions) there would be less ecological repercussions
What has breaching the carrying capacity of the earth resulted in?
climate change, ocean acidification, hole in the ozone, ocean dead zones, biodiversity loss
What is more important for the future of the earth: overconsumption or overpopulation?
lots of confusion on this issue
overconsumption is the more pressing issue, but it doesn’t mean overpopulation isn’t one
Who produces more C02 by capita?
wealthy countries produce more C02 per capita, but decreasing and increasing in poorer countries