6. Planning the RBI Assessment Flashcards
6.1 Getting Started
- An RBI assessment is a team-based process that requires
proper skills and knowledge from multiple disciplines
6.1 Getting Started
Important questions before the beginning of the RBI exercise (1/3)
a) Why the assessment
b) How the RBI assessment
c) What knowledge and skills are
d) Who is on the RBI team?
e) What are their roles in
a) is being done?
b) will be carried out?
c) required for the assessment?
d) Who is on the RBI team?
e) the RBI process?
6.1 Getting Started
Important questions before the beginning of the RBI exercise (2/3)
f) Who is responsible and
g) Which facilities, assets, and
h) What data is to be
i) What codes and
f) accountable for what actions?
g) components will be included?
h) used in the assessment?
i) standards are applicable?
6.1 Getting Started
Important questions before the beginning of the RBI exercise (3/3)
j) When the assessment will
k) How long the assessment will
l) How the results will
m) What is the plan
j) be completed?
k) remain in effect and when it will be updated?
l) be used?
m) period?
6.1 Getting Started
Objetives at the conclusion of the planning portion of the development of the RBI
- establish the objectives of
- identify the physical
- identify the operating
- develop screening questions and criteria consistent with
- the risk analysis;
- boundaries
- boundaries
- the objectives of the analysis and identified physical and operating boundaries.
6.1 Getting Started
Next step to the Objetives at the conclusion of the planning portion of the development of the RBI
The data and information required for collection
be identified (see Section 7)
- 2 Establishing Objectives and Goals of an RBI Assessment
- 2.1 General
RBI should be undertaken with clear objectives and goals that are fully
understood by all members of the RBI team and by management
- 2 Establishing Objectives and Goals of an RBI Assessment
- 2.2 Understand Risks
From the understanding of risk, an inspection program may be designed that
optimizes the use of inspection and plant maintenance resources
- 2 Establishing Objectives and Goals of an RBI Assessment
- 2.3 Define Risk Criteria
The RBI team and management may wish to judge whether the
individual equipment item and cumulative risks are acceptable
- 2 Establishing Objectives and Goals of an RBI Assessment
- 2.5 Reduce Costs
Cost reduction benefits of the optimization
a) unnecessary inspection activities may
b) Inspection of low-risk items may
a) be eliminated.
b) be eliminated or reduced.
- 2 Establishing Objectives and Goals of an RBI Assessment
- 2.5 Reduce Costs
Cost reduction benefits of the optimization
c) Online inspection methods may
d) More effective, infrequent inspections may be
c) be substituted for invasive methods that require equipment shutdown.
d) substituted for less effective, frequent inspections.
- 2 Establishing Objectives and Goals of an RBI Assessment
- 2.6 Meet Safety and Environmental Management Requirements
- Managing risk by using RBI assessment can be useful in implementing an
effective inspection program that meets performance-based safety and environmental requirements.
- 2 Establishing Objectives and Goals of an RBI Assessment
- 2.6 Meet Safety and Environmental Management Requirements
- RBI focuses efforts on
areas where the greatest risks exist.
- 2 Establishing Objectives and Goals of an RBI Assessment
- 2.7 Identify Mitigation Alternatives
Other mitigation actions
a) modification of
b) modification of operating
c) chemical treatment of
d) change metallurgy of
e) removal of unnecessary
a) the process
b) procedures
c) the process
d) components
e) insulation
- 2 Establishing Objectives and Goals of an RBI Assessment
- 2.7 Identify Mitigation Alternatives
Other mitigation actions
f) reduce or limit available
g) upgrade safety, detection, or
h) change process fluids to
i) change component
j) process control and
f) inventories
g) loss limiting systems;
h) less flammable or toxic fluids;
i) design
j) adherence to IOWs.
- 2 Establishing Objectives and Goals of an RBI Assessment
- 2.8 New Project Risk Assessment
This may allow potential risks to be minimized by design and
have a RBI plan in place prior to actual installation.
- 2 Establishing Objectives and Goals of an RBI Assessment
- 2.9 Facilities End of Life Strategies
- Is about gaining the maximum remaining economic benefit from
an asset without undue personnel, environmental, or financial risk.
- 2 Establishing Objectives and Goals of an RBI Assessment
- 2.9 Facilities End of Life Strategies
- Focus the inspection efforts directly on
high-risk areas.
- 2 Establishing Objectives and Goals of an RBI Assessment
- 2.9 Facilities End of Life Strategies
- May be developed in association with a
Fitness-For-Service assessment of damaged components
- 2 Establishing Objectives and Goals of an RBI Assessment
- 2.9 Facilities End of Life Strategies
- It is important to revisit the RBI assessment if
the remaining plant life is extended
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.1 General
The screening process focuses the analysis on
the most important group of equipment items
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.2 Establish Physical Boundaries of an RBI Assessment
- Boundaries for physical assets are
established consistent with the overall objectives.
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.2 Establish Physical Boundaries of an RBI Assessment
- The scope of an RBI assessment may vary between an entire refinery or
plant and a single component within a single piece of equipment
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.2 Establish Physical Boundaries of an RBI Assessment
- Typically, RBI is done on multiple pieces of equipment (e.g. an entire process unit) rather than
on a single component
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.3 Facilities Screening
Type of plants a RBI can be applied
a) oil and gas
b) oil and gas processing and
c) refineries,
a) production facilities,
b) transportation terminals,
c) refineries,
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.3 Facilities Screening
Type of plants a RBI can be applied
d) petrochemical and
e) pipelines and
f) liquefied natural gas
d) chemical plants,
e) pipeline stations,
f) plants.
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.3 Facilities Screening
Modes of screenings of the facilities
- Screening at the facility level may be done by a
simplified qualitative RBI assessment
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.3 Facilities Screening
Modes of screenings of the facilities
- Screening at the facility level could also be done by:
a) asset or product
b) history of problems/failures at
c) PSM/non-PSM
d) age of facilities,
e) proximity to
f) proximity to
a) value,
b) each facility,
c) facilities,
d) age of facilities,
e) the public,
f) environmentally sensitive areas.
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.4 Process Units Screening
- For multi-unit facility RBI assessment the main purpose is
screening of entire process units to rank relative risk
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.4 Process Units Screening
- The screening points out areas that
are higher in priority and suggests which process units to begin with.
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.4 Process Units Screening
- Provides insight about the level of assessment that may be required for
operating systems and equipment items in the various units
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.4 Process Units Screening
Basis for assigns priority
a) Relative risk of
b) relative economic
c) relative COF of the
a) the process units,
b) impact of the process units,
c) process units,
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.4 Process Units Screening
Basis for assigns priority
d) relative reliability of
e) turnaround
f) experience with
d) the process units,
e) schedule,
f) similar process units.
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.5 Systems Within Process Unit Screening
- It is often advantageous to group equipment within
a process unit into systems
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.5 Systems Within Process Unit Screening
- In case the risks of each piece of equipment in the system show a common sensitivity to changes in process conditions, then
a screening can establish one single IOW with common variables and ranges for the entire system.
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.5 Systems Within Process Unit Screening
- Block flow or process flow diagrams for the unit may be
used to identify the systems
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.5 Systems Within Process Unit Screening
- When a process unit is identified for an RBI assessment and overall optimization is the goal,
it is usually best to include all systems within the unit
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.5 Systems Within Process Unit Screening
Basis for selection of systems
a) relative
b) relative COF of
c) relative reliability
a) risk of the systems,
b) systems,
c) of systems,
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.5 Systems Within Process Unit Screening
Basis for selection of systems
d) expected benefit from
e) sensitivities of risk to
d) applying RBI to a system,
e) changes in process conditions.
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.6 Equipment Item Screening
Normally of the total unit risk will be concentrated in a relatively small percentage of the equipment items and
should receive greater attention in the risk assessment.
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.6 Equipment Item Screening
Types of pressure-containing equipment for applying RBI (1/2)
a) piping,
b) pressure vessels,
c) reactors,
d) heat exchangers,
e) furnaces and boilers,
f) tanks,
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.6 Equipment Item Screening
Types of pressure-containing equipment for applying RBI (2/2)
g) pumps (pressure boundary),
h) compressors (pressure boundary),
i) pressure-relief devices,
j) control valves (pressure boundary).
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.7 Utilities, Emergency and Off-plot Systems
- Should be included depends on the planned use of the RBI assessment and
the current inspection requirements of the facility
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.7 Utilities, Emergency and Off-plot Systems
- When emergency systems are included in the RBI assessment, their
service conditions during both routine operations and upset should be considered.
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.7 Utilities, Emergency and Off-plot Systems
Possible reasons for including in RBI
a) The RBI assessment is being done for an overall optimization of
inspection resources and environmental and business COF are included.
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.7 Utilities, Emergency and Off-plot Systems
Possible reasons for including in RBI
b) There is a specific reliability
problem in a utility system.
- 3 Initial Screening
- 3.7 Utilities, Emergency and Off-plot Systems
Possible reasons for including in RBI
c) Reliability of the process unit is a
major objective of the RBI analysis.
- 4 Establish Operating Boundaries
- 4.1 General
- Are established consistent with the study objectives,
level of data to be reviewed, and resources
- 4 Establish Operating Boundaries
- 4.1 General
- The purpose is to identify key process parameters that
may impact deterioration
- 4 Establish Operating Boundaries
- 4.1 General
- Start-up and shutdown conditions as well as
emergency and nonroutine conditions should also be reviewed.
- 4 Establish Operating Boundaries
- 4.1 General
- The operating conditions, including any sensitivity analysis, used for the RBI assessment should be
recorded as the operating limits for the assessment
- 4 Establish Operating Boundaries
- 4.2 Start-up and Shutdown
- Process conditions during start-up and shutdown should be
considered for all equipment covered by the RBI assessment
- 4 Establish Operating Boundaries
- 4.2 Start-up and Shutdown
- Start-up lines are often included within the process piping and their service conditions during
start-up and subsequent operation should be considered.
- 4 Establish Operating Boundaries
- 4.3 Normal, Upset, and Cyclic Operation
- Normal operating conditions found on documentation should be
verified by unit operations personnel.
- 4 Establish Operating Boundaries
- 4.3 Normal, Upset, and Cyclic Operation
- Changes in the process resulting from unit abnormal or
upset conditions should be considered in the RBI assessment
- 4 Establish Operating Boundaries
- 4.3 Normal, Upset, and Cyclic Operation
- RBI assessment on systems with cyclic operation should
consider the complete cyclic range of conditions
- 4 Establish Operating Boundaries
- 4.3 Normal, Upset, and Cyclic Operation
- Cyclic or intermittent conditions could impact
the POF due to some damage
- 4 Establish Operating Boundaries
- 4.3 Normal, Upset, and Cyclic Operation
Data that should be verified by unit operations personnel.
a) operating temperature and
b) process fluid composition including
a) pressure including variation ranges;
b) variation with feed composition ranges;
- 4 Establish Operating Boundaries
- 4.3 Normal, Upset, and Cyclic Operation
Data that should be verified by unit operations personnel.
c) flow rates including
d) presence of moisture or
c) variation ranges;
d) other contaminant species
- 4 Establish Operating Boundaries
- 4.4 Operating Time Period
- The RBI assessment may include the entire
operational life, or may be for a selected period.
- 4 Establish Operating Boundaries
- 4.4 Operating Time Period
- An RBI analysis may focus on the current run period or
may include the current and next-projected run
- 4 Establish Operating Boundaries
- 4.4 Operating Time Period
- The time period may also influence the types of decisions and
inspection plans that result from the study (inspection, repair, replace, operating)
- 4 Establish Operating Boundaries
- 4.4 Operating Time Period
- Projected operational changes are also important as
part of the basis for the operational time period
6.5 Selecting a Type of RBI Assessment
Factors for selecting a type of RBI Assesment
a) Is the assessment at a facility, process unit,
b) Objective of the
a) system, equipment item, or component level?component level?
b) assessment..
6.5 Selecting a Type of RBI Assessment
Factors for selecting a type of RBI Assesment
c) Availability and
d) Resource
e) Perceived or previously
f) Time
c) quality of data.
d) availability.
e) evaluated risks.
f) constraints.
6.5 Selecting a Type of RBI Assessment
A strategy should be developed, matching the type
of assessment to the expected or evaluated risk. A high level of approach is on the high risk elements.
6.6 Estimating Resources and Time Required
Factors for Estimating Resources and Time Required
a) implementation
b) knowledge and training
c) availability and quality of
a) strategy/plans.
b) of implementers.
c) necessary data and information.
6.6 Estimating Resources and Time Required
Factors for Estimating Resources and Time Required
d) availability and cost of resources
e) amount of equipment included in
f) degree of complexity of
g) degree of
d) needed for implementation.
e) each level of RBI analysis.
f) RBI analysis selected.
g) precision required.
6.6 Estimating Resources and Time Required
Elements that the estimation of scope and cost involved in completing an RBI assessment must include
a) number of facilities, units, equipment items, and
b) time and resources required to gather
a) components to be evaluated;
b) data for the items to be evaluated;
6.6 Estimating Resources and Time Required
Elements that the estimation of scope and cost involved in completing an RBI assessment must include
c) training time for
d) time and resources required for
e) time and resources to evaluate RBI assessment results and
f) type of analysis (qualitative, semi-quantitative and/or quantitative) to be
c) implementers;
d) RBI assessment of data and information;
e) develop inspection, maintenance, and mitigation plans;
f) conducted.