6 Phase Meditation by Vishen Lakhiani Flashcards
Inhale deeply exhale slowly. Imagine loved one in front of me, allow the sensation of love to spread, take another breath exhale, visualize my compassion spreading around and all over the world.
After reaching a goal and closing the gap my happiness wears off. Exercise gratitude. Focus on what I have. Dopamin, serotonin. 3 aspects of personal, work, self.
900 fortnightly pension, business income with Jojo, lump sum UoL, Mcom, MA, home in Naivasha, Mum Sonderbach, finance research, audio books, plenty of fish, freedom, decades to go, see my children when looking into the mirror,
superpower. let go of bitterness. practice like a muscle. safe place, a person or thing, read the charge, inform offender of wrong. how does offender feel? what motivated them? forgive.
Future vision
3 yr long term goals unfold like movie. home, beach, Ferienhaus Villa, shamba, Adelaide Hills, orchard, vineyard, supplies. BMI, clear mind, strong digestion, passionate wife, kids, emotions, spiritual, career Kenya trade, UoL lump sum, finance trading
Daily intention
Early morning due to work but after vacation for two weeks. Visualize starting with wouldn’t it be nice if…Create strong expectation, belief. Finally command it: Today business partner, water, dress, breakfast, exercise, staff, clients, advance UoL, advance laptop backup, plan visit wife, wise business, trading, solar, financial trading. Unfold day in chronological order, break down in chunks.
Receive blessing from higher power. be open for help and support. primitive mind and higher mind: primitive safety, higher harmony all life. activates courage and strength. visualize receiving blessing from higher power: solution digestion, BMI, passionate wife, money, finance skills, kids,