6. Organisms Respond to changes in their internal and external environments Flashcards
how do organisms increase their chance of survival?
by responding to changes in their environment
what is a stimulus?
a change in the internal or external environment detected by receptors
what is a receptor?
a specialised cell or protein that detects stimuli, and is specific to one type of stimulus
what is an effector?
a cell that brings about a response (eg muscles and glands)
what is the simple reflex arc made up of?
3 neurones
sensory, relay and motor
what does the sensory neurone do? what does it look like?
what does the relay neurone do? what does it look like?
what does the motor neurone do? what does it look like?
- sensory neurone transmits impulses from receptors to the CNS/relay neurone. its cell body is in the middle of the axon terminal
- the relay neurone transmits impulses from the sensory neurone to the motor neurone. it is very branched, has and has no mylein sheath
- the motor neurone transmits impulses from the CNS/relay neurone to the effectors
it has a long axon terminal and the cell body is at the start, not the middle
where can the relay neurone be found? why does it not have a myelin sheath?
- relay neurone is only found in the CNS (the grey matter)
- it does not need a mylein sheath as it only needs to transport impulses short distances, so it doesnt need the extra speed provided by the insulation of the myelin sheath
how does the nervous system communicate?
using electrical impulses
what is a reflex?
what do reflexes do?
a rapid, automatic response that is involuntary and does not need to be learnt
- reflexes are protected and prevent damage to the tissues
describe the process of the reflex arc if someone were to touch a hot plate
- the STIMULUS is the hot object
- the temperature and pain RECEPTORS IN THE SKIN would detect the stimulus
- the SENSORY NEURONE would transmit this impulse to the spinal cord (as it is the closest component of the CNS) and into the relay neurone
- the RELAY NEURONE would transmit this impulse to the motor neurone
- the MOTOR NEURONE would then transmit this impulse to the effector
the EFFECTOR would be the muscles in the arm which would contract to move the hand away
state 7 reasons why the reflex arc is important in organisms
- its automatic and involuntary
- it doesnt have to be learnt
- it helps organisms escape predators
- it prevents damage to body tissues
- it helps maintain posture and balance
- it helps animals find a mate
- it regulates the control of homeostasis
-what pathway does the impulse from the sensory neurone take to reach the CNS?
-what is the bump in this pathway called, and why is it there?
-where is the relay neurone positioned in the CNS? why is this made up of? what surrounds this?
-what pathway does the impulse from the motor neurone take on its way to the effector?
- dorsal root
- dorsal ganglia, it is the cell body of the sensory neurone
- in the grey matter/ due to a collection of cell bodies and nuclei/ white matter
- ventral root
what are the three features of an electrical impulse?
- localised
- short lived
- rapid
what are taxes and kinesis?
simple responses that can maintain a motile organism in a favourable environment
what is a taxes response?
when an organism moves its entire body towards a favourable stimulus (positive taxis) or away from an unfavourable stimulus (negative taxis)
what is a kinesis response?
when an organism changes the speed of its movement or the rate at which it changes direction in response to a non-directional stimulus.
explain kinesis in terms of beneficial stimuli and harmful stimuli
if an organism moves from an area with favourable conditions to an area with harmful stimuli, its kinesis response will be to increase the rate at which it changes direction, so that it can return to an area with favourable stimuli more quickly.
if an organism is completely surrounded by negative stimuli, the rate of turning decreases, and they move in a straight line to try and find a new location with favourable stimuli
if an organism moves into an area with favourable stimuli, rate of turning decreases as they would want to stay in this area for longer.
what are the advantages of taxes and kinesis behaviour?
- move organisms away from other organisms to reduce competition
- moves organisms away from predators/helps them avoid predators
- prevent organisms from drying out
- helps them find a mate
- ensure they remain near a food source
- increase dispersal