6 - online collaboration, supply chain & CRM (H5&8) Flashcards
Challinges in video conferencing
Technical challenges
Communication & team
Web 1.0
Web 2.0
Consumer is content creator
Explicit knowledge
deals with objective, rational and technical material
Tacit knowledge
is usually in the domain of subjective, cognitive, and experiential learning
The semantic web
set of design principles that will allow computers to better index we pages, topcis and subjects
Web 3.0
To be centered around mobility and the user information needs
What is social media?
- Web 2.0 internet-based applicaions
- Users create service-specific profiles and identities
- Social media facilitate the development of online social networks
- User-generated content
Building a digital community
- connect
Find and establish a connection with people - communicate
Share information with other people - Cooperation
Contribute to help other achieve their goal - Collaboration
Work together with other people towards a single shared goal
Societal changes
Social media & technology
Online collaboration
Societal engagement
Governmental changes
Complex organization
- Information exchange between: responding professionals & affected community
- Collaboration support between: responding professionals & responding compounding community
- needs & capacity matching between: affected community & responding community
Why customer relationships
Operational CRM
Sales force automation
Customer service and support
Enterprise marketing management
Communication CRM
analytical CRM
Data warehouses
Data mining and visualization
Business intelligence
ERP systems
Cllaborative CRM
Methods and technologies to facilitate communication
Vendor managed inventory
Vendors track usage en replenish supplies
Supply chain efficiency
minimezen cost, ut increased risk of stockout
may sacrifice customer service
Supply chain effectiveness
Maximizes likelihood of meeting objectives
supply chain visibility
Product tracking
anticipating adverse impacts
Supply chain analytics
Monitoring SC performance