6 markers for education Flashcards
Outline 3 functions that education performs for individuals and or society
1.Bridge between the family and wider society
-In family, individuals are judged on particularistic standards and hold ascribed status, it is fixed at birth
In wider society =
-We are judged on universalistic standards because society is meritocratic
-Education = children get used to being judged on meritocratic and universalistic standards which prepares them for the wider society
- secondary socialisation
-It passes on society norms and values to younger generations - Role allocation
-Inequality is essential in society as most important roles should be filled by talented people
-Important roles = highly rewarded
-This will create competition for the top jobs ensure they go to the best people
Outline 3 ways in which education may mirror workplace
1- hierarchies= in school headteachers at top and students are below, in workplace boss are at the top and workers are below
- rewards = rewarded with grades in schools, in workplace rewarded with pay
3- fragmentation of knowledge = schools divided into unconnected subjects . in workplace, divided into unconnected task
Outline 3 cultural factors may lead to class differences in education achievement
- language = berstein
two speech codes : restricted and elaborated
restricted = limited vocab (w.c)
elaborated= wide vocab (m.c)
elaborated is used by teachers, exam and textbooks - use of income = berstein and young
m.c parents have the income needed for educational toys and books. helps child develope their intellecutual - working class subculture= berry Sugarman
4 key factors - fatalism = belief in it is what is
- collectivism = family and friends success is more important than yours
- immediate gratification= seeking rewards now rather than later
- present time orientation= living for today
Outline 3 material that might cause w.c underachievement
- cold and damp living conditions = illness = absence of schools. catch up work missed lacking of understanding
- health = according to Howard, poorer families have lower intake in vitamins and minerals this affects their energy levels and they have lower performance in school. ill health causes frequent absence from school.
- finance =lack of money
w.c have no money for books, pc and uniform
bull = cost of free schooling.
Outline 3 educational policies which have contributed to social class differences
- private schooling = m.c have economic capital to pay the fees for private schooling
2.fees for higher education such as university = w.c are debt adverse
3.league tables = m.c can afford to move near good schools
Outline 3 policies that promote marketisation of education
- formula funding= schools received the same amount of money for each student
2.league tables = provides information for parents ensuring parents have choice and choosing the right school.
3.open enrolment
Outline 3 ways in which government policies may had reduced social inequalities
Outline 3 ways government policies that may reduce social class difference in educational
- sure start 1997-2010
- ema= government to support those in post 16 education
- education priority areas = to work with parents to promote physical, intellectual and social development.
Outline 3 factors within schools that lead to educational underachievement for ethnic groups
- teacher racism and labelling = Teachers hold racialised expectations Expect black people to present behavioural problems and to challenge their authority Teachers also like to discipline black boys even for the minor offences for which the white students were not disciplined. The pupils react negatively and this creates conflict and students to be kicked out thus missing out on lessons and this causes underachievement.
- ethnocentric curriculum = ethnocentric means that your culture is superior to others. Having an ethnocentric curriculum allows some minority ethnic groups to underachieve as troyna and Williams says British culture gives a priority to British culture and English language and ignores European languages, music and literature. Coard adds there is a lack of black literature, history, music and culture. This creates a low self esteem among black students and leads to failure.
- assessments
Outline 3 ways in which schools is ethnocentric
school dress/uniform requirements may conflict with cultural ones
assemblies that focus on one faith (1 mark) lead to lower self esteem
history taught from a British perspective black history of slaves may lower self esteem
Outline 3 reason why some w.c parents fail to attend parents + evening
cannot afford the costs of attending transport may not be able to afford
more likely to be shift workers have to work longer hours to make a living wage
inability to understand the schoolwork embarrassed to attend
Outline 3 ways in which factors within schools may shape gender differences in subject choice
Peer Pressure
Peer pressure can encourage or discourage students from taking certain subjects
paetcher E.g boys won’t choose drama, dance or music in fear of negative reaction from peers
Gendered career opportunities
Most jobs as seen as women or men
Women’s job=caring and reflecting the activities of housewives - nursing etc
Affect subject choice as it gives students ideas about which jobs are suitable and acceptable for which sex
.Gendered subject images
Different subjects are seen either as boys or girls subjects
Kelly= science seen as boy subject, teachers tend to be men, textbook use examples which appeal to be masculine gender domains.
Outline 3 reason for gender differences in educational achievement
impact of feminism
Feminists movement - improved the position of women in society. For e.g changes in the law like equal pay act and sex discrimination act. Encourages girls to gain qualifications
Changes in the family
Increase in divorce = created a type of positive role model for girls. Financially independent women
To achieve this independence women need well paid jobs which need high qualifications
This encourages girls to remain in education
. Increased in women’s employment opportunities
New employment laws have been introduced to establish equality between men and women at work
-equal pay act 1970
-sex discrimination act 1975
Increase in the number of working women
Outline 3 criticism that sociologist make of the functionalist view of education system
- Education is not meritocratic. There is evidence that fact such as class, ethnicity and gender that can affect achievement
2.New right=education fails to prepare students for work because of the interference from the government
3.The Wolf Report found that the education system does not
teach specialist skills adequately. For example, high quality
apprenticeships are rare.