6 Linear codes Flashcards
span of {v_i}
The set of all vectors expressible as linear combinations of {v_i} is a
subspace called the span of {vi}. We say that {v_i} is spanning for
a vector space V is its span is V.
A subspace of a vector space V over F is a subset of V containing the zero vector which is closed under scalar multiplication and addition. A subspace is itself a vector space over F.
linearly independent
A set of vectors is linearly independent if the only
way to linearly combine them to 0 is with all coefficients 0.
Any linearly independent set can be extended to a basis and any
spanning set contains a basis
A linearly independent spanning set for a vector space is called a basis.
So if a vector space V has a basis
B = {v1, v2, …, v_k }, then every
vector in V can be uniquely expressed as a linear combination of the v_i
Moreover, if F is finite, then so is V and we have
|V| = |F|ᵏ
The number k is independent of the chosen basis and we call it the dimension of V
|V| = |F|ᵏ
for finite F
basis for F_qⁿ
basis for F_qⁿ:
has a basis {100..00, 010..00, …, 000..01}
consisting of n vectors.
Example basis for
V = {000, 001, 010, 011}
V = {000, 001, 010, 011} is a subspace of Z₂³ with basis
{001, 010}.
V = {000, 001, 002, 010, 020, 011, 022}
its not a subspace of Z₃³
its size is not a power of 3
attempt at a basis
remove 001 and 020, 002 and 010
V = {000, 011, 022}
size must always be a power of p
p=3 here
contains 0 vector, closed under scalar multiplication and addition? no as no 012, 021 so not a subspace
|V|=|F|^2 = 6
remove 010 and 002 as they add to this
{000, 001,002,010,011,012,020,021, 022,101,102,110,111,112,120,121,122,200,201,202,210,211,212,220,221,222}
3^3= 27
6.3. Proposition
characteristic p
Let F be a finite field of characteristic p. Then F is itself a vector space over Z_p.
Proof: Exercise.
Note that this implies that |F| must be a power of p.
Linear code definition
We say that code C ⊂ F ⁿ is a linear code if it is a linear subspace of Fⁿ, i.e.
it contains the zero vector and it is closed under addition and scalar multiplication.
Is C= {000, 001, 010, 011} a subspace of Z₂³?
V=Z₂³ = {000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111}
zero vector
closed under + *scalars
size is a power of 2
If C, C’ ⊂ Fⁿ linear codes then is
C ∩ C′
closed under addition
If C, C’ ⊂ Fⁿ linear codes then is
C U C′
only in certain cases,
require to be closed under + and scalar multiplication
If C, C’ ⊂ Fⁿ linear codes then is
C + C′
C + C′:= {u + u′| u ∈ C, u′ ∈ C′}
closed under addition