2 Error detection correction Flashcards
𝜏- Error detecting
𝜏- Error correcting
d(C) ≥ 𝜏+1
can detect up to 𝜏 errors
t- Error correcting
t- Error correcting
d(C) ≥ 2t+1
can correct up to t errors
using nearest neighbour algorithm
q-ary (n,M,d) codes
Codes block length n , M codewords and min dist d
q-ary (n,M,d) codes correct up to
t = floor((d-1)/2)
proof: If x transmitted and y=x+e received weight(e)=t #errors
Contradiction:Assume there is a codeword z closer to y than x. (That we can’t correct t errors correctly).
d(z,y) ≤ d(y,x) then
d(z,x) ≤ d(x,y) +d(y,z) ≤2d(y,x) = 2w(x-y)= 2*t#errors ≤d-1 which contradicts the min distance
thus we can correct t errors correctly
d(C)inequalities for error detec and correct 3.5. Proposition
(a) d(C) ≥ t + 1 if and only if C can detect
up to t errors;
(b) d(C) ≥ 2t + 1 if and only if C can correct up to t errors using
“nearest neighbour” decoding.
3.5. Proposition PROOF
(a) d(C) ≥ t + 1 if and only if C can detect
up to t errors;
Let C ⊆ S^n. Consider the collection of t-balls centred on all
x ∈ C. , balls NHD caused by up to t transmission errors.
(a) If d(C) ≥ t + 1 then no x lies in another’s ball. Thus if 1 up to
t errors occur then the received message is not in C and we know
we have an error.
3.5. Proposition PROOF
(b) d(C) ≥ 2t + 1 if and only if C can correct up to t errors using
“nearest neighbour” decoding.
Let C ⊆ S^n. Consider the collection of t-balls centred on all
x ∈ C. , caused by up to t transmission errors.
(b) If d(C) ≥ 2t + 1 then even the balls are disjoint (this is
perhaps not so obvious with the Hamming distance, cf. say the
usual Euclidean metric, but the triangle inequality is what we need
to confirm it), and if 1 up to t errors occur then the received
message is closer to x than any other y ∈ C The reverse implications of (a) and (b) are left as an exercise.
Hint: You may assume that any number of errors can occur in any
positions. □
ball of radius r (or
r-ball) centred on x is
Br(x) := {y ∈ S^n|d(x, y) ≤ r}
That is, the set of sequences that differ from x in no more than r
Sr(x) := {y ∈ S^n|d(x, y) = r}
That is, the ‘outer shell’ of an r-ball
The reverse implications of (a) and (b) are left as an exercise.
Hint: You may assume that any number of errors can occur in any
positions. □
c can detect up to t errors implies d(c) ≥ t + 1:
c can correct up to t errors implies d(c) ≥2 t + 1:
q-ary code of length n subset of….
How many subsets?
Σn^ _q
|P( Σn^ _q )|2^(q^n) #of these subsets