6 - Histological Interpretation Flashcards
What model should you follow when interpreting histology?

What things are stained by eosin and what things are stained by haemotoxylin?
E: Positively charged things like aa, cytoplasm, skin
H: negatively charged, like nucleus
What is the difference between histology and cytology?
Can only really assess nuclei with cytology

Describe what the different blood cells look like under the microscope. (e.g eosinophils)

Describe what the thyroid, liver, skeletal muscle and lungs look like under the microscope.

Which one of these is apoptosis and which one is coagulative necrosis?
Left is apoptosis, right is coag

What is the definition of a granuloma?
A focus to chronic inflammation leading to central macrophages becoming epithelia-like cells, surrounding by lymphocytes

Which one is acute and which one is chronic inflammation?
Left is acute as neutrophils
Right is chronic as lymphocytes

What is this inflammation an example of?

What is this histology showing?

Atheroscelorsis with dystrophic calcification

What is the difference between benign and malignant masses in histology?

What is this?

Reed Sternberg cell in Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
These are two malignancies from breast tissue, which one has the higher grade?

One on right has higher grade as is is not as well differentiated as the one on left, doesn’t look like breast tissue

What type of carcinoma is this?


What type of carcinoma is this?

- Squamous cell carcinoma

This is a lymph node, what is abnormal with it?

Metastatic thyroid carcinoma in subcapsular space as this is the area the lymph drains into first