6 Hemodynamic Monitors Flashcards
NIBP cuff: ideal length and width
Length- 80% of circumference, width- 40% of circumference
How bp changes from aortic root to periphery
SBP increases, DBP decreases, pp widens, map is the same
How bp changes above or below heart per inch
BP 2mmhg per inch
When a line is under dampened or over dampened
Under: baseline after several oscillations, SBP over estim and DBP under. Over damp: baseline w no oscillations, SBP under DBP over
Risk of Pa rupture w CVL insertion inc by
Elderly, hypothermia, anticoag, irrit of vessel wall, filling balloon w liquid
CVP waveform
A- RA contraction, c- tricuspid elev, x- downward RV, v- RA passive filling, y- RA empties into open valve
Electrical event with cvp waveform
A- after p wave, c-just after QRS, x-st seg, v- just after t wave starts, y- after t wave
What happens when lose a wave on cvp
A fib or v pacing w no underlying rhythm
What large a wave on cvp means
Tricuspid stenosis, Dias dysfunc, Myo ischemia, chronic lung dis w RV hypertrophy, av dissociation, junctional rhythm, v pacing a synchronous, pvcs
What large v wave on cvp means
Tricuspid regurg, inc in iv vol, RV papillary muscle ischemia
What waveform of PAOP is: a c v
A- LA systole, c- mitral valve elev during lv systole, v- la filling
How to tell if pa tip isn’t in zone 3
Paop > pa end DBP, nonphaseic paop tracing, cant aspirate blood when wedged
When paop overestimates LVEDP
Ischemia, mitral valve dis, l to right shunt, tachycardia, PPV, peep, COPD, pulm htn, not in west zone 3
When paop underestimates LVEDV
Aortic insufficiency
Co tracing when co high vs low
When high, less area under curve, when low more area under curve
Thermodilution co: when underestimates vs over estimates co
Under: injectate vol too high or sol too cold. Over: injec vol too low or sol too hot. Partially wedged pac or thrombus on tip of pac
How to calc svo2
Sao2 - vo2/(q x 1.34 x hgb x 10)
Nml svo2
When PPV may not be accurate
Spont vent, small tv, peep, open chest, RV dysfunc, dysrhythmias
When esophageal Doppler means;urement may not be accurate
As, AI, thoracic aorta disease, aortic cross clamp, after CPB, pregnancy