6. Focus on Money Laundering Flashcards
Definition of ML
To Move illegally acquired cash Through financial systems so It appears to be legally acquired
Activities relating to ML include:
1) Acquiring, using or posessing criminal property
2) Handling the proceeds of crime (such as theft, fraud)
3) Being knowingly involved in any way with criminal or terrorist property
4) Entering into arrangements to facilitate laundering criminal or terrorist property.
5) Investing the proceeds of crime into the acquisition of property/assets
6) Transferring criminal property
Money Laundering Rules
legislation can be found
* Sets out principle ML offense and requirement to report suspicious transactions
2) The TERRORISM ACT 2000 (TA)
* Sets out principle terrorist financing offences and reporting terms (similar to POCA)
3) The MONEY LAUNDERING REGULATIONS 2007 (the Regulations)
* These require sole traders and firms to establish procedures to detect & prevent activities relating to ML & TF
* These regs set out further, more detailed rules regarding the risk-based approach that accountants must take to cusomer due diligence.
* They also seek to prevent new means of TF incl through e-money and prepaid cards
National Crime Agency (NCA)
Crime fighting law enforcement agency responsible for PRO-ACTIVE operations against SERIOUS and ORGANISED crime.
Class A drugs; ppl smuggling; human trafficking; major gun crime; FRAUD; computer crime
Accountant’s duty to report ML
POCA & TA require accountants as individuals in the regulated sector to report any suspicion that a clien, employer or colleague is involved with criminal property to the NCA in a
If the org has a MLRO it should be reported in an internal report to them. The MLRO will review the info and decide if it needs reported to the NCA
Once the MLRO decides reasonable grounds they must tell the NCR at the earliest possible opportunity
The MLRO should get consent from NCA to complete the transaction. If not possible to delay the transaction to get consent must inform NCA of this when they send the report.
14 years / unlimited fine
The provision or collection of funds
From legitimate or illegitimate sources
that they should be used to carry out terrorism
2 circumstances a required disclosure in an internal report or a SAR MUST be made by an accountant
1) Accountant wishes to provide services in relation to property which is known or suspected to relate to ML or TF. MUST ASK FOR AND WAIT FOR CONSENT
2) When the accountany actually knows or suspects, or there are reasonable objective grounds for knowing or suspecting that another person is engaged in ML or TF, regardless of whether wishes to act for that erson.
(Could be client, colleague or third party)
SAR report must contain at minimum
1) Identity of suspect (if known) and details.
2) Infomation on which suspicion is based
3) Whereabouts of laundered property (if known)
4) Details of person making report (normally MLRO or sole practitioner)
Exceptions to the duty to report
1) Info forming the basis of the knowledge or suspicion was btained ouside the course of the accountant’s business (eg socially)
2) When the info came about in privileged circumstances, that resulted from the accountant being asked to provide legal advice, expert opinion or services in relation to legal proceedings.
Eg. The accountant found out information about possible ML while explaining the clients tax liability.
However a report would have to be made if the advice sought from the accountant was to enable the client to committ a criminal offense or to avoid detection.
3) When there is a reasonable excuse for not reporting straight away. In this case report must be made ASAP. There is currently no case law but anticipated only excuses such as duress and threats to safety would be accepted
Authorised disclosure
Disclosure by a person who realises they may have engaged in ML or are about to engage in ML
Prejudicing an investigation
person (not just accountant) making a disclosure that is likely to adversly affect an investigation into suspected ML
or falsifying , concealing or destroying documents relating to the investigation, or causing this to happen
The person making disclosure does not have to intend for the offense to apply but there is a defense available if they did not know what they were doing
Customer Due Diligence (CDD) is…
The process of
EVALUATING a prospective business decision
INVESTIGATING relevant Financial, Legal and other Important information about the other party
Customer Due Diligence (CDD) should include
by looking at documents or data from a reliable source
2) ENSURE understand who BENEFICIAL OWNERS are.
(normall someone who owns 25% or more)
Customer Due Diligence (CDD) - Outcome
1) If unable to carry out adequate CDD must decline assignment
2) If CDD results in suspicion must submit report to MLRO or NCA
Customer Due Diligence (CDD) - Records must keep
The 2017 regs (ML, TF & TF Regs) placed a requirement on accountancy firms to take a RISK-BASED APPROACH to CDD..
Procedures must be followed to analyse the clients potential exposure to ML
Firms must DOCUMENT the PROCESS that has been followed to asses risk of ML
DOCUMENT the actual CDD that has been carried out
Customer Due Diligence (CDD) - Situations must carry out CDD
The 2017 regs (ML, TF & TF Regs) sets out situations where an accountant should carry out CDD
1) When accountant establishes a biz replationhip.
2) When an accountant carries out an occasional transaction > 1,000 EUR
3) When an accountant suspects ML or TF even if not certain
4) Where there is doubt about a client’s Identification information (may have been carried out previous but later found to be invalid or inaccurate)
5) When circumstances of a client change or seem to be inconsistent. Eg. change in structure or ownership. Unusual transaction.
6) When regs require Enhanced CDD (ie when risk-based approach identified high risk of ML or TF)
* Client provided false or stolen identification documents when a biz relationship is established.
* A biz relationship or occasional transaction with a person established in a High-Risk country
* Where a client is a Politically exposed person (PEP) or a family member or known close associate (PEPs include MPs and heads of state)
* Where the transaction is complex and unusually large, or there is an unusual pattern of transactions