6.7.1 Flight Deck Jumpseat6.7.1 Flight Deck Jumpseat
The priority for on-duty personnel to occupy flight deck jumpseats is:
- Transport Canada Civil Aviation Safety Inspector (CASI); then
- Air Canada Instructors/ACPs conducting instruction or evaluation; then
- Augment flight crew member; then
- Persons authorized per CAR 705.27(3) and holding a Letter of Authorization from the Senior Director Operations or Director, Flying Operations; then
- The second augment flight crew member on a double augmented flight; then
- Air Canada or Air Canada Rouge flight crew members completing a familiarization flight.
6.7.1 Flight Deck Jumpseat
Except for CASIs and ACPs, the Pilot-in-Command always retains the right of refusal to the flight deck. If the PIC elects to prohibit any persons above (other than CASIs and ACPs,) to occupy the flight deck jumpseat, the PIC shall…..
submit a Voyage Report providing an explanation for the decision.
6.7.1 Flight Deck Jumpseat
Air Canada Senior Executives have a….
standing Letter of Authorization on file and are not required to present one to the Pilot-in-Command. If required, the Flight Crew should contact the Duty Pilot for confirmation of the identity of the Senior Executive requesting access.