6: EU Law Flashcards
What was the name of the treaty that merged three treaties together?
Merger Treaty 1967
What was the name of the treaty that created the European Union and what year did it come into effect
Treaty on European Union, 1 Nov 1993.
What was the Treaty on European Union later renamed to?
Treaty estblishing the European Community
What does TFEU stand for
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
What two things did the Treaty of Lisbon 2007 change?
- Added the EU Chaerter of Fundemental Rights
2. Rename to Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)
The Treaty of Lisbon modernised the way the EU works in three ways:
- Streamlined rules already drawn up
- Changed the way responsibilities are divided up
- Amended the rules of national parliaments in the EU
The Charter of Fundamental Rights contains six fundamental rights:
Dignity Equality Freedom Solidarity Citizens rights Justice
The policy areas of the TFEU are categorised into three areas:
Exclusive competence
Shared competence
Supportive competence
what are the five EU candidate countries?
T urkey M ontenegro S erbia A lbania M acedonia
how many members in the European Parliament?
is the European Court of Auditors one of the 7 institutions of the EU?
is the European Court of Justice on of the 7 institutions of the EU?
is the Council of Europe one of the 7 EU institutions?
no, it is not one of the institutions but is just another EU council
which EU institution is responsible for proposing draft legislation?
European Commission
what is the primary source of EU law?
TFEU Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
in EU law, what are the ‘four freedoms’?
Free movement of goods
Free movement of services and freedom of establishment
Free movement of persons and workers
Free movement of capital