6. Domestic Violence and Abuse Flashcards
Definition of DV
any incident or pattern of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse,
over age 16>
who are or have been intimate partners or family members
regardless of their gender or ethnicity
5 types of DV
1. emotional 2, physical 3. psychological 4. financial 5. sexual
DV are a range of acts which are designed to… (6)
- subordinate
- make dependent
- isolate
- exploit
- deprive independence/ ability to escape
- intimidation, degradation, isolation, humiliation - to punish, harm or frighten the victim
give an example of honour based violence to control behaviour in families
Female genitial mutilation FGM
when was FGM made illegal?
how many females in england and wales are living with the consequences of FGM
how many men and women will experience DV?
women - 1/4
men 1/7
how many DV victims never report to the police?
theory which breaks down DV?
Biderman’s chart of coercion analysis of psychological torture
Acronym for Biderman’s chart of coercion analysis of psychological torture
describe IED - TEDO for Biderman’s chart
- Isolation
- Exhaustion
- degradation
- Threats
- Enforced trivial demands
- Display of total power
- Occasional threats
what does MARAC stand for?
Multi-agency risk assessment conference
who is involved in MARAC?
police, social and childrens services, health services, DV specialist
what is MARAC?
regular local meetings to discuss how to help victims - make an action plan which is tailored to the victim
what is clare’s law?
- can find out about a partner’s history of DV from police
- police can give info for protection
- police can also warn you if they think you are at risk of Dv