6. Design & Development of IS Flashcards
Feasibility Analysis: Operational Feasibility (3 Reasons for Analysis, 2 Overall Questions)
Feasibility analysis to assess how well the proposed system will..
- .. support the business priorities of the organization
- .. solve the identified problem
- .. fit with the existing organizational structure
Does the system/data base fit overall?
Is it feasible/meaningful on the operational level?
Feasibility Analysis: Economic Feasibility (4 things to assess)
Assessment of:
- cost savings
- increased revenue
- decreased investment requirements
- increased profits
=> cost/benefit analysis
Feasibility Analysis: Technical Feasibility (3 Requirements)
Can the following meet the needs of a proposed system and can be acquired or developed in the required time:
- Hardware
- Software
- Network
Feasibility Analysis: Legal/Political Feasibility
Assessment of..
- .. possible patent or copyright violations
- .. violation of antitrust laws
- .. foreign trade restrictions
- .. any existing contractual obligations
- .. changes to existing reporting and power structures
(e. g. new CEO that’s tech-averse)
The Role of the User Interface (Types (4) and Trend)
Types of user interfaces:
- command-line user interfaces
- graphical user interfaces
- speech-based user interfaces (e.g. Siri)
- gestural user interface
-> Trend towards the development of multi-modal interfaces (-> combining multiple input/output (I/O) modes)
User Interface Design (3 Components)
Successful user interfaces creatively balance:
- the task, the context, and the user (these
components ALWAYS have to be considered!)
- business goals
- and technology
Phases of the Interaction: Design Lifecycle Model (4)
- Identify needs/establish requirements
- identify what users of the system need
- establish and document the according requirements
- Design
- translate the requirements into appropriate models
- establish and document the according requirements
- Build an interactive version
- develop interactive (and therefore evaluable)
versions of different designs
- develop interactive (and therefore evaluable)
- Evaluate
- check, if the interactive versions fulfill the
requirements established in phase 1 (-> ideally
evaluate interactive versions with actual users)
- check, if the interactive versions fulfill the
Importance of Prototyping (Definition Prototyping, 3 Characteristics, Goal)
= rapid development and testing of working models
- an interactive, iterative process used during the
design phase
- makes development faster and easier -> especially
when end user requirements are hard to define
- enlarge the role of business stakeholders -> see
whether they are satisfied
=> Goal: Get an understanding of how a given prototype gets accepted in the long run (practicability, marketability, etc.)
User Centered Design Process (UCD) (3 Definitions, 2 Tipps)
= is a universally applicable process to develop usable
= is a design approach that grounds the whole
process in information about the people who will use
the product
= is based on the principles for the design of useful
and easy to use computer systems
->early focus on users and tasks => include
customers/users requirements and need from early
-> mechanism to integrate end-users early on are
-> iterative designs
Participant Observation and Fieldwork (Definition, 5 Characteristics, Goal)
= mechanism to integrate end-users into the development process that provides usable insights, specifically where the workflow is rich on action and interaction
- can happen anywhere and anytime
- involves an extended period of engagement
- engage in informal conversations with people (give
details on their jobs/needs)
- hear the unofficial story -> personal contact and
conversation facilitates honest feedback
- observe what people actually do
=> Goal: Get an overall picture of the tasks and the people to derive further requirements and needs
Elicitation Workshop (Definition, Goal)
(Elicitation = Erhebung, Herauslocken)
= bring together all stakeholders in one room and, through a series of intense but focused interactions, attempt to get consensus on the requirements
-> include end-users, business sponsors,
requirements engineers, representative of
development team
=> Stakeholder => Interaction => Consensus
Scenarios (Definition (2), Action, Goal)
= way of receiving end-user feedback from early on
= informal, narrative description of a user’s task along with the respective context and the user’s needs -> showcasing what the system COULD look and be like
- focus on people’s activities rather than interactions
Action: tell a story describing the workflow of using a future solution
=> Goal: Get early feedback in terms of usability, practicability and possible changes.
Software Development Approach: Structured Approach - Waterfall (5 phases)
Phase 1: Analysis = study, understand, and specify system requirements.
Phase 2: Design = study, understand, and design the system architecture
Phase 3: Coding = Operationalize the requirements
Phase 4: Testing = Integrate module and the increasingly large modules
Phase 5: Implementation = Implement the systems and maintain its various components.
Pros and Cons of Waterfall Approach
+ clear sequence of specific tasks
+ complete, well-defined products
+ easy to manage process model
- inflexible partitioning into stages (especially looking
back) - insensitive to changing requirements
- high-risk due to “big bang” integration
-> big bang = shut off old system and implement
new system immediately
Paradigm Shift Towards Agile Methods (4 Solution-Characteristics)
-> as a result of dissatisfaction with the overheads of structured models
=> Solution:
- Focus on the code rather than the design
- are based on iterative approach to software
- are intended tp deliver working software super
- evolve small pieces of quickly delivered software to
meet changing requirements