6. Cardiovascular drugs Flashcards
2 reading 2 min apart at 2 appointments
> 140/90
BP we want most patients
Stage II BP
evidence of end organ damage
- confusion
- chest pain
- renal failure
- visual changes
BP we want most patients
Stage II BP
Urgency BP
evidence of end organ damage
- confusion
- chest pain
- renal failure
- visual changes
Azide side effects
- hypokalemia
- hyperurecemia
- xerostomia
- anorexia
Loop diuretics act on
- ascending loop of Henle
- inhibits re-absorption of Na with concurrent loss of H2O
5 types of antihypertensives
- diuretics
- adrenergic effects
Azides act on
distal convoluted tubule
azide side effects
- hypokalemia
- hyperurecemia
- xerostomia
- anorexia
Loop diuretics act on
- ascending loop of Henle
- inhibits re-absorption of Na with concurrent loss of H2O
Loop diuretics side effects
- hypokalemia
2. hyperurecemia
A2 agonist
1. chlonidine
2. guanabenz
3. fadolmadine
Groups of K+ sparing diuretics
1. Spironolactone/eplereone - competitive antagonist with aldosterone
2. amiloride/triamterene - block Na+ channels in distal end of distal tubules
K+ sparing side effects
- hyperkalemia
2. arrythmia
A2 agonist side effects
- drowsiness
2. sedation (esp chlonidine)
A2 agonist
1. chlonidine
2. guanabenz
3. fadolmadine
B1 blocker good for patients with
- MI
2. ischemic heart disease
Calcium channel blockers
1. diltiazem, verapamil
2. dipines - class diphydropyridines
nonselective B blocker side effect
- reactive airway disease
B1 blocker side effect
- possible hypotension and bradycardia
CCB adverse reactions
- gingival overgrowth
- excessive hypotension (syncope, dizziness)
- nausea and vomiting
- bradycardia
Calcium channel blockers
- diltiazem, verapamil
2. dipines - class diphydropyridines
CCB treat
- arrythmia and angina
CCB produce
- vasodilation
2. reduce afterload
CCB adverse reactions
- gingival overgrowth
- excessive hypotension (syncope, dizziness)
- nausea and vomiting
- bradycardia
ACE drugs
- pril
ACE side effects
- hypotension (syncope, dizziness)
- URI - dry cough
- nausea and vomiting
- lichenoid oral reaction
- avoid NSAID
What should ACE avoid?
ARB drugs
- artan
ARB side effects
- dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, headache
- upper respiratory tract infection
- diarrhea
- muscle cramps in leg and back
- angioedema
common medications for the treatment of HTN
- ace inhibitor
- beta blocker
emergency hypertension drugs
- nitroprusside
- nitroglycerine
- nicardipine
- hydralazine
- esmolol
- propranolol
- labetolol
nitroprusside action
- arteriole and venous dilator
- works for 10min or less
nitroglycerine action
- mostly venous dilator
nicardipine action
hydralazine action
- arteriole dilator
- IV bolus