6 - Antepartum Hemorrhage Flashcards
Antepartum hemorrhage:
Bleeding after the age of viability
Main causes:
1– Placenta previa [PP]
2– Placenta abruption
Minor causes:
1– Premature separation of the placenta
2– Polyps, cancer, trauma, erosion
3– Vasa previa
Placenta previa and its criteria:
— Placenta is inserted in the lower uterine segment OR Any placenta 2 cm or less from the cervical os and needs a CS [Identified by US]
— Diagnosed after 28 weeks, painless and a risk factor for preterm labor
Predisposing factors for placenta previa:
1– Multiple gestation 2– Multiparity 3– Previous CS 4– Previous previas 5– Uterine anomalies [Fibroid in fundus] 6– Increased maternal age
Placental changes in the placental previa:
The upper uterine segment has higher blood supply, so when the placenta goes to the lower uterine segment, it compensates by getting wider and thinner and needs a digital try to deliver it
PP classes:
1– Minor = Grade 1 and 2 Anterior [Low lying] and a margin of the placenta covers the lower uterine segment
2– Major includes grade 2 posterior, grade 3 [Partially covers the internal os] and grade 4 AKA CENTRALIS [Totally covering the internal os]
PP presentation:
1– Painless vaginal bleeding [About 1 L/min]
2– Recurrent bouts early in pregnancy
3– Malpresentations [Like breech or transverse presentation]
4– Soft uterus
PP maternal complications:
1– Hemorrhage 2– PPH 3– CS risk and complications 4– Sepsis [From CS] 5– Air embolism
PP fetal complications:
1– Malpresentation
3– Malformations
4– Umbilical cord complications
Why shouldn’t the suspense of PP be examined by DVE?
Because palpation can cause placental separation —> More hemorrhage
PP management:
Crystalloid solution, FFP to avoid hemodilution and blood transfusion by packed RBCs
Management in severe bleeding VS mild:
— CS irrespective of GA
— Try to reach maturity without risking mother’s health and apply expectant management
Expectant management:
Keep in hospital, corticosteroids and correct the anemia with routine checking of fetal growth and CTG
PP conditions:
1– P Accreta [Attaches to myometrium w/o penetration]
2– P Increta [Penetrates the myometrium]
3– P Percreta [Penetrates the myometrium to the serosa and attach to organs like rectum and bladder]
Placental abruption [PA]:
Placental separation before delivery
PA complications:
1– Fetal hypoxia
2– Nutrients deprivation
1– HTN, thrombophelia 2– Previous PA 3– Short cord 4– High parity and low social class 5– PROM/ROM 6– Trauma 7– Polyhydramnios 8– Chorioamnionitis
1– Bleeding 2– Abdominal pain [Backache] 3– Uterine tetany and tenderness 4– Normal lie and presentation 5– Fetal distress 6– BP normal 7– DIC evidence + Skin ecchymosis
Fucking bored with this lecture
See ya later biatch