22 - Multiple Pregnancy Flashcards
Diagnosis method and criteria:
— A) Sonographic exam [To identify 2 sacs [As early as 6 wks]]
B) Fetal heart activity for 2 fetuses
— Sacs without heart activity isn’t diagnostic
Mono VS Dizygotic:
— Splitting of an embryo
— Fertilization of 2 or more eggs in a single cycle [Each in its own amnion, chorion and placenta]
Relationship between timing of cleavage and nature of the membranes in twins:
— Within 1st 72 hrs —> Diamniotic+Dichorionic
— 4–8d —> Diamniotic+Monochorionic
— 8–12d —> Monoamniotic+Monochorionic
— >12d —> Conjoined twins
Define Superfecundation and superfetation:
— 2 ova fertilized but not at the same coitus
— 2 cycles intervene between fertilization
Factors increasing the multiple pregnancy:
1– Race 2– Genetics 3– Maternal age [High=Twins] 4– Nutritional factors 5– Pituitary gonadotropins 6– IVF or IUI
How to determine Zygosity [Are the twins mono or di?]
1– Chorionicity [2 separate placenta and a thick membrane between more than 2mm —> Di]
2– Opposite genders —> Di
3– Different blood type groups —> Di
4– Peak signs [V] —> Di
Maternal physiological changes:
1– High BP —> Pre-eclampsia and HTN
2– Increased demand for Fe+ and folate
3– Distressed RS [Due to VC and aorta compression]
CC on fetuses:
Abortion, malformation and low birth weight
CC uniquely for mono twins:
1– Umbilical cord abnormality [Either one cord, or intertwined cord and entanglement]
2– Conjoint twins [Requires CS]
3– Interplacental vascular anastomoses
Stopped at page 8
Okay bye :)