6 - Amblyopia Dx/Mx Flashcards
Amblyopia dx
Is a dx of exclusion
VA assessment
- single line
- single letter
- single letter surround
Difficult with crowding phenomenon
When single letter > single line, prognosis for tx is better (due to absence of crowding)
Single letter can over-estimate, with surround offers more reliability
VA assessment
- pinhole
- S chart
- contrast sensitivity
If VA doesn’t improve, amblyopia could be a DDx
Best way to monitor progress! -> improves slower than single letter or line during tx
-aka Flom Chart or Psychometric Chart
Can use to monitor therapy/patching progress
- better seeing eye
- tx goal
Higher risk of loss of better seeing eye in amblyopia
Improve VA and binocular fusion
Obstruction removal
- when
- IOLs
- poor prognosis if
ASAP - as soon as first 2 months of life
No - eye is still developing, PCO will invade
Unilateral deprivation exists beyond 3 months of life
Optical correction
- when
- why
- method of choice
First step in mx plan
Offers clear retinal image
Cycloplegic refraction
Optical correction
Clear retinal image OU to allow binocularity and to stop the amblyogenic process
-i.e. balance b/w 2 eyes and alignment
BEPEDS/MEPEDS: Inter-ocular VA in children 30-72 months -spherical equiv anisometropia = 40x’s more likely with \_\_D -4x’s more likely with \_\_D -1.5x’s more likely with \_\_D
- 00+ D
- 00-2.00 D
- 50-1.00 D
BEPEDS/MEPEDS: Inter-ocular VA in children 30-72 months -astigmatic anisometropia = 6x’s more likely with \_\_D -2x’s more likely with \_\_D -1.6x’s more likely with \_\_D
- 00+ D
- 50-1.00 D
- 25-0.50 D
Inter-ocular VA in children 30-72 months
-what condn is 9x’s more likely to lead to amblyopia than no strab
Inter-ocular VA in children 30-72 months
-what race/ethnicity is 2x’s more likely to lead to amblyopia than White
Relationship b/w overall anisometropia and adjusted prevalence of VA diff >2 lines
- strong __ relationship from __ to __D
- nearly 100% prevalence at __D
Linear from 1D-5D
Binocular VA in children 30-72 months
-spherical equiv refractive error = 10x’s more likely with __D
4.00+ D
Binocular VA in children 30-72 months
-astigmatism = 17x’s more likely with __D
-2x’s more likely with __D
- 00+ D
1. 00-2.00 D
Why cycloplege
- 2 reasons
- type of drug
- if still suspect residual hyperopia
Amblyopic eye not sensitive to small changes during subjective refraction
Completely relax accomm
Full vs partial rx
- if cylco > subjective
- if no other concerns (e.g. strab)
- astigmatism
Slightly reduce
Reduce ~1D
Full cyl
Full vs partial rx
- why start with glasses (vs other managements)
- F/U
- child to adapt to rx
- you to determine amount of clarity gained
- see how aggressive to be
- compliance
- acceptance of subsequent management
3-4 months
Full vs partial rx
- when partial balanced rx can be issued (reduce by ~1D)
- when full rx should be issued
Hyperopic anisometropic amblyopia WITHOUT esotropia
Accommodative ET
Occlusion therapy
- why (2)
- when to alternate patching eyes
Improve visual function, eliminate EF
Occlusion therapy
-SE of atropine
Hot as a hare Dry as a bone Blind as a bat Red as a beet Mad as a hatter
Occlusion therapy
Compliance Development of strab - Eso due to lack of fixation Occlusion amblyopia Cosmesis Skin irritation Atropine SE Diplopia
Vision therapy
- purpose vs optical correction
- when to start
OC = improve vision VT = improve visual efficacy (movement, accomm, bincocularity)
After VA has improved to 20/40 in amblyopic eye
Case considerations/trends:
Deprivation amblyopia
-when to initiate tx
-VT for __
After reevaluation
Binocular abnormalities (suppression, etc.)
Case considerations/trends: Isoametropic amblyopia -reevaluate after \_\_ -amblyopia tx -VT for \_\_
4 months
If indicated, alternating occlusion
Binocular abnormalities (suppression, etc.)
Case considerations/trends: Anisometropic amblyopia -reevaluate after \_\_ -amblyopia tx -VT for \_\_
4 months
If indicated
Binocular abnormalities (suppression, etc.)
Case considerations/trends: Strabismic amblyopia -reevaluate \_\_, consider \_\_ -amblyopia tx -VT if \_\_ -surgery
VA and binocular status, prism
If necessary
Prognosis is good
Contraindicated in most acommodative ETs