6-15 Nerve coordination Flashcards
What is the difference in communication in terms of the hormonal and nervous system?
H: hormones
N: nerve impulses
What is the difference in transmission in terms of the hormonal and nervous system?
H: by the blood system, relatively slow
N: by neurones, very rapid
What is the difference in the response in terms of the hormonal and nervous system?
H: widespread, slow, long-lasting, effect may be permanent
N: localised, rapid, short-lived, usually temporary
What are the basic components of a motor neurone?
Cell body
Schwann cells
Myelin sheath
Nodes of ranvier
What is a cell body?
It contains all the usual cell organelles including a nucleus and large amounts of rough ER
What are dendrons?
Extensions of the cell body which divide into smaller branches called dendrites
They carry nerve impulses towards the cell body
What is an axon?
A single long fibre that carries nerve impulses away from the nerve body
What are Schwann cells?
Cells which surround the axons, protecting it and providing electrical insulation
Wraps around the axon many times so the layers of the membranes build up
What is the purpose of the myelin sheath?
It forms a covering to the axon and is made up of the membranes of the Schwann cells
These membranes are rich in myelin
What are nodes of ranvier?
Constrictions between adjacent Schwann cells where there is no myelin sheath
What are the three types of neurones?
Motor, sensory or relay
What is the purpose of a sensory neurone?
Transmits nerve impulses from a receptor to a relay or motor neurone
Has one dendron
Dendron carries the impulse towards the cell body and one axon that carries it away from the cell body
What is the purpose of a motor neurone?
It transmits nerve impulses from a relay neurone to an effecor
Has a long axon and many short dendrites
What is the purpose of a relay neurone?
It transmits impulses between neurones, for example, from sensory to motor neurones
They have numerous short processes
What is a nerve impulse?
A self-propogating wave of electrical activity that travels along the axon membrane
What are the two ions which control the creation of an action potential?
Sodium (Na+)
Potassium (K+)
How is the movement of sodium and potassium ions controlled?
The phospholipid bilayer of the axon of the plasma membrane prevents the diffusion of ions
Gated channel proteins which allow facilitated diffusion
Sodium potassium pump (type of carrier protein)
What is the resting potential of the axon membrane?
65 mV
When can the axon be called polarised?
When the inside of an axon is negatively charged relative to the outside
This is the resting potential
How is the resting potential established?
Sodium ions are actively transported out of the axon by the sodium potassium pumps
Potassium ions are actively transported into the axon by the sodium potassium pumps
For every three sodium ions moving out, two potassium ions move in
More sodium moves out into the tissue fluid than potassium moves into which creates an electrochemical gradient
Sodium begins to diffuse back naturally into the axon while the potassium begins to diffuse back out of the axon
Most of the gates which allow the movement of potassium are open but most of the gates which allow the movement of sodium are closed
How is an action potential generated?
The energy of a stimulus causes some sodium voltage-gated channels to open
Sodium ions diffuse into the axon
This causes a reversal in the potential difference
As sodium diffuses into the axon, more sodium channels open which creates a greater influx by diffusion
Once an action potential of +40mV is reached, the voltage-gated sodium channels close and the voltage-gated potassium channels begin to open
The electrical gradient preventing the outward movement of potassium is now reversed, causing more potassium channels to open which causes potassium to move out
This starts the repolarisation of the axon
The outward diffusion of potassium ions causes a temporary overshoot with the inside being more negative than usual
The gates of the potassium channels close
The sodium-potassium pump pumps sodium out and potassium in to reach the normal resting potential of -65mV
It is now repolarised
What is an action potential?
A travelling wave of depolarisation
How does an action potential move along the axon?
As one region becomes depolarised, it stimulates the depolarisation of the next region
The previous region becomes depolarised
The myelin sheath around the axon acts as an electrical insulator, preventing action potentials from forming
Therefore the action potentials jump between nodes of ranvier
This is quicker because depolarisation does not need to be created all along the axon
What is a nerve impulse?
The transmission of an action potential along the axon of a neurone