6-10 - English / Cymraeg Flashcards
you speak /
you are speaking
ti’n siarad
you are speaking it /
you speak it
ti’n ei siarad hi
very well [as in praise]
yn dda iawn
that you speak (–)
bo’ ti’n siarad (–)
you need to –
mae eisiau i ti –
to do / to make
(i) to do again
(ii) to do something again
(i) gwneud eto
(ii) gwneud rhwbeth eto
you’re doing – / you’re making –
ti’n gwneud –
you’ve been doing – / you have done –
you’ve been making –/ you have made –
ti wedi gwneud –
more often
yn amlach
You’re doing what you need to do
Ti’n gwneud beth mae eisiau i ti wneud
You need to practice speaking more often
Mae eisiau i ti ymarfer siarad yn amlach
You’ve been doing very well
Ti wedi gwneud yn dda iawn
I think that you speak it very well
Dw i’n meddwl bo ti’n siarad hi’n dda iawn
NB the “‘n’ in “hi’n”, here, is merely the shortening of “yn”
you said
dwedest ti
what you said
be’ ddwedest ti
you have been learning
ti wedi bod yn dysgu
have you been learning
wyt ti wedi bod yn dysgu?
how long…?
pam mor hir..?
How long have you been speaking Welsh?
Pam mor hir wyt ti wedi bod yn siarad Cymraeg?
you started
wnest ti ddechrau
a week ago
wythnos yn ôl
a month ago
mis yn ôl
have you started?
wyt ti ddechrau?
when (in the non-question context)
e.g. When I made breakfast, I drank coffee.
e.g. Pan gwnes i brecwast, fe wnes i coffi
I’m trying to remember what you said
dw i’n trio gofio be’ ddwedest ti
you could –
gallet ti –
could you –?
allet ti –?
yn araf
you want
ti’n moyn
do you want –?
wyt ti’n moyn –?
a little more slowly
bach yn arafach
you’ve learnt
ti wedi dysgu
could you say what you’ve done?
gallet ti ddweud beth ti wedi gwneud?
Could you say it again slowly?
Allet ti ddweud hi eto yn araf?
When did you start – ?
Pryd wnest ti ddechrau –?
to know
Do you need to –?
Oes eisiau i ti –?
to understand
I didn’t –
wnes i ddim –
I’m sorry
mae’n ddrwg ‘da fi
I want you to speak
dw i’n moyn i ti siarad
to help you
dy helpu di
I’d like to know –
Hoffen i wybod –
‘g’ softens to ‘w’ after vowel
I want to help you understand what I’m going to say
Dw i’n moyn dy helpu di i ddeall beth dw i’n mynd i ddweud
every week
pob wythnos