5th practical Flashcards
What is this and what species?
Cholangiohepatitis, cat
Portal triad- hepatic artery
Portal vein
Bilary structure with epithelial cells
limiting phase
Liver parenchyma
Inflammatory cell accumulation- monocell not nucleophiliic are lymphocytes
Bile duct proliferarion
Rubarth’s disease
Canine adenovirus 1 hepatitis
Rubarths disease
Dogs normally vaccinated today
liver enlarged and shiny and rounded borders
Portal and sinusoidal inflammatory infiltration
Cowdry A-type intranuclear inclusion body
Inflammatory cells and necrosis + eosinophillic cells
Rubarths disease
Rubarths disease
Necrosis nuclei split up and apoptotoic
Confluent necrosis
Rubarths disease
Rubarths disease
Rubarths disease
Rubarths disease
Hyperrimic rim and necrotic
centrilobular and mid zona necrosis
What is caused below the line?
Rubarths disease
Necrosis below line due to viral effect
Black arrows are intranuclear inclusion bodies
Liver cirrhosis
What is the organ and cause?
Liver Cirrhosis
with regenerative anaemia
Chronic condition
scar tissue accumulation in liver cell parenchyma
More coomon in humans due to alcoholism
hepatitis b or c too
Liver cirrhosis with pseudolubolus
nodules seen on cut surface
scar tissue proliferation splitting pseudolobules invading liver lobules