4th Practical Flashcards
Name organ and type of disease and species?
Bronchopneumonia catarrhalis from pigs
Organ and describe?
Normal lung tissue
alveoli and bronchioli are clean
Airways filled with inflammatory cells
Inflammation affects alveoli and terminal bronchi
bronchiolitis obliterans
filled with inflammatory cells neutrophil granulocytes
Small bronchiole without cartilage with inflammatory exudate with neutrophil granulocyte
polymorphonuclear cell
desquamated alveolar epithelial cells
upon damage they detach from basement membrane and become huge round cells
Neutrophil granulocytes and lymphoid cells also seen!
epithelisation, type-2 pneumocytes
if cells survive they will try to rebuild with basement membrane
Name the disease?
Pneumonia crouposa
or we can call it bronchopneumonia Crouposa
Damage of the vascular blood vessel is so severe that macromolecules like fibrinogen are able to come out of circulation and polymerize into fibrin
What is 2 hallmark of this disease?
They are always covered by fibrinous pleuritis
Rabbit lung tissue
seen on parietal surface too
also liver like texture on surface
Inflammatory cells
Pneumonia crouposa
Pneumonia Crouposa
Blood vessels having large thrombi in them
Presence of fibrin in the alveoli
Croupous pneumonia
fibrin staining blue strands
Pneumonia and pleuritis caused by Actinobacillus
in swine older animals
circumscribed lesions and pleuritis
cut surface 2nd pic
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
Perifocal are marked oedema and hyperaemia
Fibrin rich
Macrophage proliferation in the lumen of the alveoli hallmark part of the disease
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
Macrophage degeneration with bezoar proliferation with 3rd pic arrows