5th/6th questions 3 of 3 Flashcards
? Did someone take 3 steps?
Amari and the Night Brothers
? Is someone’s supernatural ability illegal?
Amari and the Night Brothers
? Was a machine called a “magic meter”?
Amari and the Night Brothers
? Does something (atataryam?) look like a pro basketball stadium?
Amari and the Night Brothers
? Did someone feel like dust in a beautiful painting?
Amari and the Night Brothers
? Are there 1001 careers?
Amari and the Night Brothers
? Are there 3 warnings?
Amari and the Night Brothers
? Did someone say “I will find you” to a virtual brother?
Amari and the Night Brothers
? Was someone happy about summer break?
Amari and the Night Brothers
9 Is someone sniffing the air vent because it smells like cotton candy?
11 Is there a factory called “Life is Sweet”?
14 Does someone like to watch their mom scrape cinnamon for his oatmeal?
18 Does someone’s lungs expand with the fresh air that was constantly pumped?
23 Does someone’s grandpa win an award for the biggest peppermint ice pop in the world?
25 Does someone’s Dad play the violin?
28 Does someone use a pencil to make someone’s hair stick up a little?
31 Are there rubber duck races?
33 Does someone use a nutshell to protect their recipe?
33 Are the first people to come the last people to leave?
24 Do wishes just float to the earth like tiny snowflakes and dissolve into nothing like they were never there?
The Last Shadow Warrior
56 Does someone look like they’re coming out of a red bird’s armpit?
The Last Shadow Warrior
68 Was horse on yesterday’s menu?
The Last Shadow Warrior
137 Does it seem that people are entering a lost temple of literary wonders?
The Last Shadow Warrior
149 Does everyone rub someone’s head of good luck?
The Last Shadow Warrior
179 Is it said that “no big deal” generally means it’s a pretty big deal?
The Last Shadow Warrior
225 Does it seem that people are in an old musical?
The Last Shadow Warrior
240 Does someone not have time for a tea party?
The Last Shadow Warrior
257 Is someone surprised that someone has never read The Poky Little Puppy?
The Last Shadow Warrior
303 Does someone have a mischevious glint in their eyes?
The Last Shadow Warrior
20 Do peoplehand out things like sweeties at an eg hunt?
blackthorn key
34 Does someone eat cherries from a silver bowl?
blackthorn key
36 Does someone learn that they should always bring cotton to stuff their nose?
blackthorn key
72 Does someone say they hate the cold only to change their mind and say that they love the cold?
blackthorn key
76 Is it said that “only god can judge”?
blackthorn key
114 Does someone wear a gold chain that you can see from heaven?
blackthorn key
129 Does someone have a burlap sak of rotting fruits?
blackthorn key
129 Does someone look as though they are wondering why god was pleting(?) them with pomegranates?
blackthorn key
142 Does someone say something as though they had been forced to swallow hemlock?
blackthorn key
146 Does someone pinch their lips like someone is eating their future?
blackthorn key
147 Do people play a game calleed stick-tock?
blackthorn key
177 Does someone open a door with someone’s head?
blackthorn key
178 Is it said that oak really hurts?
blackthorn key
197 Does someone ask what a pretzel is?
blackthorn key
245 Are there glass jugs that hold dizzying rainbow colors?
blackthorn key
249 Is there a sticky brown goo that smelled like Satan eating beans?
blackthorn key
292 Is someone awed, proud, and scared?
blackthorn key
331 Is someone known as the Merry Monarch?
blackthorn key
366 Does someone try to avoid the drove of squealing pigs?
blackthorn key
76 Does a teacher find a student’s excited hand?
118 Are exhibits stacked like hat boes?
170 Is a pet’s name Echi?
200 Is there a quote that says “Those who seek entry must be pairs bonded by blood, only together shall you claim what you desire”?
220 Are a character’s eyes described as “fogged oer, the pupils the color of a stormy sky”?
230 Does a character’s mother say that her daughter is a pack rat?
250 Does a character ask what kind of bugs live in your clocks?
270 Are noodles bursting out of both corners of someone’s mouth?
280 Does a character say I wanted extra work, you know how I like to know everything?
360 Does a character say silly, spirited kids?
3 Is there a 6 foot diameter hemlock tree?
My Side of the Mountain
28 Are trees described as old, old giants?
My Side of the Mountain
41 Does someone think trout are easier to catch than any other fish?
My Side of the Mountain
63 Does someone burn out a tree to make more storage?
My Side of the Mountain
77 Is a meal served in a turtle shell?
My Side of the Mountain
91 Is the axel of an old wagon considered a treasure?
My Side of the Mountain
100 Does someone learn “to animals, might is right”?
My Side of the Mountain
105 Does someone have a jacket that looks like a cross between a RUssian miltary blouse and a carpenter’s apron?
My Side of the Mountain
107 Does someone cut hair with a penknife?
My Side of the Mountain
124 Are someone’s eyebrows described as going up and down and in and out?
My Side of the Mountain
6 Do someone’s hands and feet suddenly seem to be completely useless objects?
the seventh Most Important Thing
38 Are houses on one street described as mismatched puzzle pieces?
the seventh Most Important Thing
39 Does sleet turn paper into a soggy mess?
the seventh Most Important Thing
86 Does someone say A lot of people mess up over Christmas, it’s a tough season?
the seventh Most Important Thing
94 Does someone not believe a trash picker is going away for the Christmas holiday?
the seventh Most Important Thing
95 Did someone’s best friend move away at the end of fifth grade?
the seventh Most Important Thing
118 Is there an old victorian house that’s described as a decrepit museum?
the seventh Most Important Thing
138 Did someone half expect a big lightning bolt to come down and zap him?
the seventh Most Important Thing
172 Does someone say Everything in heaven was perfectly balanced?
the seventh Most Important Thing
173 Does bottle foil have the most shimmer?
the seventh Most Important Thing
3 Does someone say that they “seem to be covered in nail polish remover or something”
Greetings from Witness Protection
54 Is or was someone a lawyer in employment?
Greetings from Witness Protection
114 Does someone lunge downstairs without a care for someone?
Greetings from Witness Protection
124 Does someone dream about Nazguls, broken phones, and creaky porch steps?
Greetings from Witness Protection
268 Is a character’s favorite sport lacrosse?
Greetings from Witness Protection
328 Does a character promise not to pry?
Greetings from Witness Protection
338 Can a character not decide if they should run, collapse, or take a swing at someone?
Greetings from Witness Protection
98 Does a character say that their favorite color is the color of the inside of a plum?
Greetings from Witness Protection
71 Does someone turtle down settling their eyes of the screen of their phone?
Greetings from Witness Protection
215 Does something soar upward and then break apart like an asteroid hurtling through earth’s atmosphere on it’s way down?
Greetings from Witness Protection
1 Does a character notice the cold weight of something?
the seventh Most Important Thing
122 Is the squelching of shoes in cement the only sound other than the person’s heartbeat?
the seventh Most Important Thing
109 Does someone say that there’s no law against sitting where you want in the cafeteria?
the seventh Most Important Thing
64 Is the sole of a character’s boot cracked and leaking?
the seventh Most Important Thing
40 Does someone move as if they were on a Sunday stroll in the park?
the seventh Most Important Thing
97 Is something described as a chariot with unseeable horses?
the seventh Most Important Thing
139 Does someone say that something is a whole different ball game?
the seventh Most Important Thing
63 Does something take someone hours and put them in a bad mood but when they’re done the thing is a masterpiece?
the seventh Most Important Thing
85 Does someone have official and unofficial business?
the seventh Most Important Thing
49 Does someone have a walkie-talkie on his belt?
72 Does someone tell others to “ask questions first and act later”?
73 Does someone wonder why there’s not a contest for naming clouds?
81 Does someone smell strongly of peppermint?
116 Does someone pack a duffel bag in “five minutes flat”?
119 Does a zipper get caught on someone’s sneaker?
165 Does a woman pull anote from her apron pocket?
182 Does someone’s laugh sound like tinkling glass and windchimes?
204 Does someone have “high-tech wax”?
307 Does being obnoxious come easily for someone?
19 DOes a kid notice “Adults sometimes put on brave faces”?
The last Shadow Warrior
30 Is a vehicle compared to an oversized out-of-control snowboard?
The last Shadow Warrior
31 Does someone’s dad break the back window of the car?
The last Shadow Warrior
39 Does someone’s dad say their superpower is stubbornness?
The last Shadow Warrior
74 Does someone say another character once duct-taped a student to her desk and left her there all weekend?
The last Shadow Warrior
92 Does a giant have a work injury on his arm?
The last Shadow Warrior
99 Are there legends about a king and a thorn?
The last Shadow Warrior
160 Does a janitor wish he had a bigger mop?
The last Shadow Warrior
171 Does it say “the hunters become the hunted”?
The last Shadow Warrior
202 Does someone’s dad like pineapple on his half of the pizza?
The last Shadow Warrior
44 Does someone find open suitcases by a megachurch?
61 Does it say “those untroubled days seem long ago”?
61 Does being alone at night give someone the creeps?
90 Does someone handwash clothes in a two-wheeled cooler filled with lake water?
92 Does someone always leave a thank you note with their name and address?
138 Is someone exhausted from winning a race they didn’t even know they were running?
140 Does someone have to move to old town because of the cold?
215 Does someone crawl to the baththub and hear glass shatter?
239 Does someone think “If only I could be sure I would survive?”
269 Does someone use a fire extinguisher for protection?
34 Does a security guard smile and wave the main character through, no questions asked?
Amari and the Night Brothers
67 Does someone say “friends don’t eat friends”?
Amari and the Night Brothers
82 Does a place “turn smart people into geniuses”?
Amari and the Night Brothers
159 Do some creatures have laughs so cold, a character can feel it in her bones?
Amari and the Night Brothers
193 Does someone wonder if there’s a secret handshake to meet someone new?
Amari and the Night Brothers
238 Is there a driver named Maxwell?
Amari and the Night Brothers
269 Does someone’s curtsy turn into an awkward bow?
Amari and the Night Brothers
302 Does the sweet scent of flowers make someone lightheaded?
Amari and the Night Brothers
337 Is there a jet-black tent with a faded sign?
Amari and the Night Brothers
4-5 Did the main character use a hidden drawer in a workbench to send secret messages to her mom?
The last shadow warrior
14 Does the main character wear a university of North Carolina Tarheels ball cap?
The last shadow warrior
158-159 Is a sea monster defeated by ping pong balls?
The last shadow warrior
125 Do the main characters play a life or death bingo game?
The last shadow warrior
233 Is a spoon called “the weapon”
The last shadow warrior
200 Does a tree impersonate Elvis Presley?
The last shadow warrior
82 Does a plant have a sedative effect, causing a coma-like state?
The last shadow warrior
253 Does a plant only grow in dark places and the flower petals glow in the dark?
The last shadow warrior
70-71 Does the school lunch menu include lutefisk which is sort of like fish jello?
The last shadow warrior
21 Does the main character get a scholarship to a school for a sport she has never played?
The last shadow warrior
224 Does a character collapse on their grandparents bed?
86 Does a character mull over scenarios at night?
289 Does a character trek up and over a hill?
344 Does a character collapse on soggy grass?
15 Does a character ask another character to help them with a book report?
205 Is there a model homes for model families?
129 Does a hope to trigger some kind of magical energy in the universe with other characters?
220 Does a character use a shower rod for a crutch?
308 Is a characters leg covered in wet ash?
382 Do plums fall to the earth in messy piles of red and purple sweetness?
5 did a character have tattered silver Converse?
15 does a character say that a little kid shouldn’t be reading Island of the Blue Dolphins?
42 does a character’s grandpa have a red bandana?
59 does a character live in Millerville, Colorado?
68 does a character state “Having company feels better already.”?
106 is someone dreaming about their parents getting married at a funeral?
150 did the sound of shattering glass shock a silent town?
196 does a character find a library book on how to safely shoot a firearm?
240 has a character been across eastern Colorado and Kansas?
251 Does a character state “loneliness and insanity are twin houseguest?
311 does a character find a flattened Twinkie in their backpack?
335 does the sky match a characters mood?
382 does a character think she is a fairytale-princess picking apples?
399 did a character forget how to feel heart-quenched?
4 does a character eat turtle soup?
My Side of the Mountain
8 did clouds look as wild as the wind
My Side of the Mountain
13 did a character use white grubs as bait?
My Side of the Mountain
20 did a character know how to fish and make a fire?
My Side of the Mountain
29 did a character look at a tree and call it home?
My Side of the Mountain
38 was an old lady wearing a pale blue sunbonnet and a loose brown dress?
My Side of the Mountain
59 is a character’s favorite meal frog?
My Side of the Mountain
90 does a weasel scare loneliness right out of someone?
My Side of the Mountain
107 was a character excited by their wardrobe?
My Side of the Mountain
127 was a steak cooked to perfection?
My Side of the Mountain
134 does a character state “if you don’t have a newspaper or a radio to give you weather bulletins, watch the birds and animals?
My Side of the Mountain
163 did a character teach someone how to sing a song they made up?
My Side of the Mountain
174 was a character’s last name Katerskills?
My Side of the Mountain
91 Does a character look for iron spikes or some sort of medal?
My Side of the Mountain
144 Does a squirrel strip bark of a sapling?
My Side of the Mountain
72 Does a room Smell of smoke and mint?
My Side of the Mountain
135 Are there no raccoons or skunks in the snow?
My Side of the Mountain
80 Does a character state “ You are a murdered or a thief or a racketeer?”
My Side of the Mountain
89 Does a character raft out into deep pools of a creak to fish?
My Side of the Mountain
15 Does a character flip a trout out of water?
My Side of the Mountain
60 Does a character have to pairs of pants that are threadbare and three sweaters that were frayed?
My Side of the Mountain
101 Does a character get chills from red eyes?
My Side of the Mountain
57 Does a character look round and banged to the hemlock forest?
My Side of the Mountain
3 does a character despise the GOO GOO Dolls?
19 does a character’s deep voice remind someone of gravel in a blender?
39 does a character eat lunch on a loading dock?
51 does a character have an aggressive tumor?
75 does a character’s eye look like they rubbed a glazed donut on it?
93 do characters pinkie swear mean not to tell a word about a few memes?
122 did a character learn that playing the guitar is hard?
144 does a character spit out a softball size of gum?
176 does a character state “there’s strength in different’?
199 does a bike make someone look like a bear on a tricycle?
227 does a character smell like cold french fries?
248 do characters play loud rock songs to brush off cobwebs?
267 did a character have a crush since 4th grade?
285 was a character head buzzing like a tornado?
313 does a character state “life is a precious, wonderful gift from above so cherish it?
35 did somebody press the basement button 26 times?
Amari and the Night Brothers
48 is there a company called Voila Pharmaceuticals?
Amari and the Night Brothers
79 does someone not want to find a moonstone inside their wooden box?
Amari and the Night Brothers
120 is there an aerial dance floor?
Amari and the Night Brothers
169 does someone say “This place is a fortress. Nothing in the known or supernatural world could harm it.”?
Amari and the Night Brothers
204 is someone afraid that they will take her memories if she gets caught?
Amari and the Night Brothers
230 does an office look “more like a trophy room than an office” with shelves of photos, awards and medals?
Amari and the Night Brothers
260 do creatures burst through the front door and windows of a manor?
Amari and the Night Brothers
286 does a student borrow every book from the library on a certain subject and even a few books from a professor’s personal book collection?
Amari and the Night Brothers
347 does someone make the auditorium look like it’s a street from their home neighborhood?
Amari and the Night Brothers
8 was there a potion for a cannon?
Blackthorn key
16 did someone hit the floor like a sack of wheat?
Blackthorn key
38 is a staircase so old the lightest step makes it squeal like a frightened donkey?
Blackthorn key
53 were poppies the best pain reliever?
Blackthorn key
75 did a character feel that rotten eggs made a statement?
Blackthorn key
114 was there a rumor that someone kept themselves alive by an elixir of youth?
Blackthorn key
144 did a character’s wig look like a bird’s nest?
Blackthorn key
176 did a character shirt small like gunpowder?
Blackthorn key
224 did a character state “Secrets under secrets. Codes inside codes.”?
Blackthorn key
262 did a character have an angry red triangle the width of a melon on their back?
Blackthorn key
303 was a cannon fuse nearly 2 feet long?
Blackthorn key
352 did a character have a meal of roasted goose, braised beef and gravy, fish spiced vegetables, and half a strawberry cake?
Blackthorn key
2 did a character spend 3 weeks in juvie?
the seventh Most Important Thing
11 did a character throw a brick because of a hat?
the seventh Most Important Thing
31 did a character take a hat for its wings?
the seventh Most Important Thing
51 did a character describe snow like white BB pellets coming down from the sky?
the seventh Most Important Thing
77 did a character spend hours playing with cars in the living room as a little kid?
the seventh Most Important Thing
99 was someone’s locker halfway down the gym hallway?
the seventh Most Important Thing
116 was a character asked to find a throne chair?
the seventh Most Important Thing
139 was a character building the Throne of the Third Heaven?
the seventh Most Important Thing
155 was there a sign that said “Go Ahead Throw Things at Me”?
the seventh Most Important Thing
174 did a character not want to break a mirror so they didn’t have bad luck for seven years?
the seventh Most Important Thing
195 did a character get the flu?
the seventh Most Important Thing
216 did a landlord look like a gangster?
the seventh Most Important Thing
236 was a character’s dad’s job to drive a truck around for the newspaper?
the seventh Most Important Thing
252 was a character’s 14th birthday on a Friday?
the seventh Most Important Thing
3 do people praise kids like honey drizzled on hot biscuits?
9 was a character’s scent a little honey and a little lavenders and a little honey
9 did a character have a kidney bean sized spot on the back of their neck?
22 did a character have the kind of smile you could feel?
27 did a character feel like she had more friends than stars in the sky back home?
37 were black calla lillies a character favorite flower?
41 were the tenets: integrity, self control, perseverance, and goodness?
65 did a character’s angry blush make their face turn into a hot sauce red?
74 did a character look like they just awoke from a thousand year sleep?
106 did tiny pumpkins hang from brass lanterns
115 did a character’s locs wiggle?
120 did a creature poop gold squares?
153 did a character’s questions and worries feel like aggravated honey bees?
174 did a character state “a bruised fruit is still sweet.”?
190 did trollies whiz around like honey bees headed for a 100 different flowers?
228 did a character spend Christmas in a Mississippi farmhouse?
255 was a character always warm like if they’d swallow the sun?
275 did a character wear an old-fashioned frock coat and a long black dress?
300 was a flower: powerful, deadly, and illegal?
307 did a character state “no buts in our work”?
322 did days pass like the slow trickle of one side of an hourglass to the other?
347 was a character’s favorite phrase “Some things have to be faced. They can’t be avoided”
368 did a character’s stomach tangle and untangle then flip and flop?
385 was a character’s face tomato red?
1 was a character waiting for a bald billionaire with a heart of gold to adopt them?
Greetings from Witness Protection
14 was a room decorated to be as soothing as possible?
Greetings from Witness Protection
19 was a character eyeballed with no small amount of suspicion?
Greetings from Witness Protection
27 did a character sit in a police station for four hours?
Greetings from Witness Protection
39 was it a character’s first time seeing a two hundred pound man do jazz hands?
Greetings from Witness Protection
56 does a character read about legal jargon in a file?
Greetings from Witness Protection
71 was a character’s scent of lilac and lotion?
Greetings from Witness Protection
89 did a character get a taser?
Greetings from Witness Protection
99 do character’s arms move like silk scarves trailing behind a ballerina?
Greetings from Witness Protection
136 is a party described as pig-pickin?
Greetings from Witness Protection
173 did the air smell of pinesap and coffee?
Greetings from Witness Protection
196 did a character whisper hello to a book called Bud (not Buddy)?
Greetings from Witness Protection
211 is a character’s unease overruled by hunger?
Greetings from Witness Protection
255 was a character called a “quilting bee”?
Greetings from Witness Protection
291 were pencils aligned in three perfect squadrons?
Greetings from Witness Protection
307 was a character offered pizzelles and milk to help them sleep?
Greetings from Witness Protection
354 did a character need to do six months of therapy for their hand?
Greetings from Witness Protection
3 was a character called a “Charity Case”?
Amari and the Night Brothers
49 was a character’s face green?
Amari and the Night Brothers
85 was a character really good a knitting when they were younger?
Amari and the Night Brothers
130 is a character called the “Red Lady”?
Amari and the Night Brothers
166 did a character state “we are all bound by our choices”?
Amari and the Night Brothers
208 is a character wearing an emerald gown?
Amari and the Night Brothers
240 was a gang called the Wood Boyz?
Amari and the Night Brothers
285 did a character get shoes in a black box with silver writing on it?
Amari and the Night Brothers
329 was a giant petition posted on gym doors?
Amari and the Night Brothers
368 did a character state “there will only be one lie between us”?
Amari and the Night Brothers
11 was a character’s shop called Life is Sweet?
36 did a room have an unoffical title of “Most Colorful Place”?
89 was a character as the intimidating type if you didn’t know them?
126 was a character given advice about making friends by talking about the afterlife?
163 did classical music make a character feel sorrow and beauty?
202 did a character lie by saying their dad was a violinists?
246 was a character made mute for two weeks?
285 did a character step on a yellow wearing a sailor hat?
327 did a character briefly wonder if flowers were edible?
369 was a character surprised about how much a character knew about music?
401 were characters directed to stay by an emergency exit?
443 did a character bring all the elements they possibly could for one hour at the lake?
2 was a sword hung among a collection of axes and knives?
The Last shadow warrior
39 was a character’s superpower stubbornness?
The Last shadow warrior
64 did a character’s notes look like a traffic accident
The Last shadow warrior
91 was a character so tall they easily qualify for the NBA?
The Last shadow warrior
127 was a character asked to fake a case of mad cow disease?
The Last shadow warrior
152 did a gigantic green tentacle shoot out of a pool?
The Last shadow warrior
184 did a character shoot a ball so hard it broke five layers of glass?
The Last shadow warrior
215 did VIC stand for Virtual Immersion Chamber?
The Last shadow warrior
250 did water stop midair?
The Last shadow warrior
286 did a character get a bump on their head because they were shoved in a trash bin?
The Last shadow warrior
292 did a character state “Never mess with a girls dolls or her knife collection?
The Last shadow warrior
245 Does a character shake their head at their foolishness?
Blackthorn key
237 Does a latch corrode slowly?
Blackthorn key
89 Does a character pull out an arm?
Blackthorn key
289 Does a ladder stop rattling a third of the way down?
Blackthorn key
101 Does a character’s cheek sting after being hit in the face?
Blackthorn key
344 Does a characters eyelids flutter?
Blackthorn key
17 Does a character squint through smoke?
Blackthorn key
210 Is there a symbol for the planet mercury?
Blackthorn key
236 Does a character first think of making gunpowder to try to blow open a lock?
Blackthorn key
159 Does a character motion another character into the back seat?
Blackthorn key
272 Does someone have a small tattoo (emphasis on the small)?
the seventh Most Important Thing
207 Is someone mournful of two lost souls?
the seventh Most Important Thing
236 Are two friends connected by one’s dad and one’s boss?
the seventh Most Important Thing
229 Is a someone told to “not get any ideas”?
the seventh Most Important Thing
264 Does a ghost leave a message?
the seventh Most Important Thing
275 Is something in D.C.?
the seventh Most Important Thing
273 Does it say “some Angels are like peacocks others less flashy like city pigeons”?
the seventh Most Important Thing
99 Does someone get a silver bead?
the seventh Most Important Thing
141 Is someone called a saint?
the seventh Most Important Thing
10 Does someone not realize an obvious fact?
the seventh Most Important Thing
97 Does a character live in 3 different rooms in a building further away?
the seventh Most Important Thing
132 Does a character take their fathers hat for wings?
the seventh Most Important Thing
182 Does a character picture someone as a slime ball person?
the seventh Most Important Thing
203 Does a character save another persons project?
the seventh Most Important Thing
57 Does a character hate looking at people when they are speaking?
the seventh Most Important Thing
89 would a character normally have pulled the covers off their head and pretended it’s a regular day?
the seventh Most Important Thing
172 Does a character state “it’s not easy to wrap a lightbulb with tiny scraps of foil?”
the seventh Most Important Thing
227 Does a character flat out state, “school was impossible?”
the seventh Most Important Thing
217 Is a character second in charge of creating something?
the seventh Most Important Thing
27 Does a character question if their school is a school for bad for kids?
the seventh Most Important Thing
32 does someone say “These clothes won’t put themselves away over here” and then helps put clothes in the bureau?
33 did the twin sister of one of the character’s mom go missing in a city?
47 is there a reptile pet named after southern cuisine?
72 will students earn Saturday detention if they get ten demerits in a week?
106 does a character have a skill his mother calls his “sonar”?
112 does someone say “repeat after me – the tongue tells truth”?
150 do star messengers deliver the mail?
176 does someone open a lesson with a discussion of the Underworld on Halloween?
214 is there a “Restricted Lift”?
215 does a character feel “a familiar spark rising in her spirit. It was the feeling of home.”?
104 does someone’s dad always talk about their fiery spirit?
The last shadow warrior
116 does someone call a geriatric lead singer of a band a “nice boy”?
The last shadow warrior
117 is someone surprised at the heavy weight of a beach bag?
The last shadow warrior
141 is there a thin, fragile book that had been on reserve for a long time?
The last shadow warrior
144 do characters look at surveyor’s maps from the early 1800 hundreds?
The last shadow warrior
145 does someone find a letter that starts “My dearest Eunice”?
The last shadow warrior
150 is a room described as being “as quiet as a tomb, other than a faint dripping noise coming from somewhere in the shadows”?
The last shadow warrior
157 does someone come up with an idea to get a monster to eat lots of balls in order to defeat it?
The last shadow warrior
166 does everything from a certain place “come in only one size: enormous”?
The last shadow warrior
287 would a pair of characters “go around the house for days shouting the villain Vizzini’s catchphrase” after watching The Princess Bride?
The last shadow warrior
6 Can an inanimate object talk?
21 Does someone joke that they can shoot lasers out of their butt?
24 Does a character have a stupid and scary dream about French fries?
17 Is there a blue ink stain on a characters thumb?
37 Is a book not for public consumption?
41 Does a boy look like a wet rat?
46 Are two people called Ron and Hermione?
287 Does someone get a hat with a drawing on it?
301 Is there a surprise mowhawk?
313 Does someone say “I’m gonna master that F chord today if it kills me”?
11 Does a character sprint to the front door and yank it open?
Amari and the Night Brothers
14 Does a character have framed photographs of Stephen Hawking and Martin Luther King?
Amari and the Night Brothers
131 Does a character approach someone as if gazelles feel when a lion shows up?
Amari and the Night Brothers
213 Does a busted out window make a room feel like an oven?
Amari and the Night Brothers
244 Does a character flip open a book to a random spot?
Amari and the Night Brothers
319 Does a character read that the Great Wall of China mysteriously grows an extra 10 meters overnight again?
Amari and the Night Brothers
335 Does a character state that someone looks a lot like the boy version of Tinkerbell?
Amari and the Night Brothers
382 Does a character pass a sign that says, “The Boonies Medical Clinic Country Doctorin’ at it’s finest?”
Amari and the Night Brothers
89 Do numbers rise and fall on a little screen?
Amari and the Night Brothers
171 Do people bring boots that all look so cool and crazy expensive?
Amari and the Night Brothers
176 Does a character find a small rubber duck with a sailor’s hat?
453 Does a character lay back down and rest a photo on their chest?
297 Does a character feel a shiver run through them that had nothing to do with cold water?
83 Does a character pour red liquid into a measuring cup?
41 Does a character keep up a stream of steady questions?
15 Does a character practically inhale a breakfast bar?
325 Does a character wake up on potato sacks?
407 Does a whole crowd chant “To make the whole world smile?”
289 Does a limo pull into someone’s driveway?
184 Does a character state that someone always did look excellent in hats?
88 Does a character give someone a mixtape before they leave?
196 Does a character yell at the top of their lungs, “Denny! Study break!”
234 Is a character eventually going to loose their vision?
249 Does a character awaken noticing the absence of good tunes?
313 Does a character cherish every Blah Blah Blah?
56 Does a character spend hours splashing around and catching crawdads?
7 Does a characters vocabulary of scientific terms grow by leaps and bounds in the last few months?
133 Does a character kick off their neon orange high tops?
217 Does a character reach over and flick another characters ear?
241 Does a character give a comically disgusted look?