5th/6th questions 2 of 3 Flashcards
39 Does it take place in Colorado?
18 Does a character share a room with their baby brother?
13 Does a character stay at their grandparents apartment?
82 Does the power go out for months?
49 Does a character call 911 and no one answered?
84 Do characters run low on fresh food?
58 Does a character listen to the radio?
65 Does a character have a nightmare about their mom?
99 Would a character disapprove of the outfit another character is wearing?
82 Does a character fill up a bucket with wine?
158 Does a rabbit get killed?
135 Are there empty packages on the floor of a supermarket?
90 Does someone use dirty water to flush the toilet?
211 Does a tornado strike from out of nowhere?
40 DOes a news reporter describe people sleeping on cots?
32 Does someone miss a transport?
67 Are there cookie jar shards all over the floor?
125 Is there a coyote in the middle of the backyard?
7 Does someone have their “mediatation pants” on?
184 Do looters kill a cat?
84 Is a character a dentist?
The 7th most important thing
102 Does a character save another character and still get in trouble?
The 7th most important thing
110 Does a character always bring foil with their food?
The 7th most important thing
138 Does a character save another character twice without knowing?
The 7th most important thing
147 Does a character have stomach cancer?
The 7th most important thing
1 Does it take place in washington DC?
The 7th most important thing
97 Does a character give another character a silver toaster knob?
The 7th most important thing
179 Does a character get a boy friend and didn’t tell their kid?
The 7th most important thing
182 Is a character a carpenter?
The 7th most important thing
256 Does a character get their artwork put into a museum?
The 7th most important thing
30 Does someone pull their hair over their face to think?
Greetings from Witness Protection
60 Is a character not allowed to go online?
Greetings from Witness Protection
92 Are someone’s earbuds shoved so far back that they might have tied a knot where their cerebellum should be?
Greetings from Witness Protection
121 Is it said that guilt will keep you up longer than a triple shot of espresso?
Greetings from Witness Protection
180 Does someone offer a courtesy giggle?
Greetings from Witness Protection
220 Are coaches impressed that someone can dribble?
Greetings from Witness Protection
241 Does someone “show their butt” on facebook?
Greetings from Witness Protection
254 Will one misstep doom people to twenty minutes of conversation?
Greetings from Witness Protection
282 Does someone allternate between sobs and sickness?
Greetings from Witness Protection
313 Does someone throw their arms up in a weird hallelujah?
Greetings from Witness Protection
314 Are someone’s eyes miserable and furious?
Greetings from Witness Protection
3 Was the only thing a character learned from someone was to drown their problems in copious amounts of sugar?
the last shadow warrior
4 Did a character try to fix a squeaky stair but said it remained hopelessly incorrigible?
the last shadow warrior
11 Was a character having trouble forming coherent thoughts?
the last shadow warrior
14 Was everything in a room probably older than a character?
the last shadow warrior
18 Was a character busy singing along with “Let it be” on the radio?
the last shadow warrior
22 Did a character make a construction paper cereal bowl for someone in second grade?
the last shadow warrior
39 Has a character not used “daddy” in a long time?
the last shadow warrior
43 Did a character think that someone was murdering a duck with a chainsaw slowly?
the last shadow warrior
56 Was someone that looked like a Latin phrase carved over a door?
the last shadow warrior
63 Did something remind a character Bob Ross that their mom used to watch TV on?
the last shadow warrior
64 Did a character’s notes look like a traffic accident?
the last shadow warrior
72 Does a character think that the more colors on your plate the healthier you’re eating?
the last shadow warrior
98 Did a character move their fingers over buttons like a kid with a new toy?
the last shadow warrior
108 Did a character feel like their whole reason for existence had just been washed away?
the last shadow warrior
121 Did a character pull a Mary Poppins?
the last shadow warrior
147 Was a day’s topic genetics?
the last shadow warrior
174 Would a character have given anything to be dealing with nothing worse than too much homework and maybe a bad case of acne?
the last shadow warrior
193 Did a noise sound like one of those tone-deaf American Idol contestants to a chracter?
the last shadow warrior
241 Did a character’s taste buds want to climb into a cup and do the backstroke in it?
the last shadow warrior
257 Are characters described as being like Tweedledee and Tweedledum?
the last shadow warrior
286 Did a character bite into a carrot stick just to make someone feel better?
the last shadow warrior
308 Did a character wish that a ball was a crystal ball that could tell them the future?
the last shadow warrior
5 Did a character finger a letter like it was a slice of hummingbird cake?
The Marvellers
15 Did a character not let themselves think about what not smoothly looked like?
The Marvellers
16 Could a character not make out the words on science even when they squinted?
The Marvellers
33 Did a character ask someone “what did you find out?” because they knew that person wanted them to say that?
The Marvellers
49 Does a character hate the word famous?
The Marvellers
56 Did a character try to figure out what was so special about someone other than their last name and excellent hair?
The Marvellers
80 Did a character stiffen as they heard more of the bad versus the good?
The Marvellers
89 Did a character hum and then look down at their book which made someone know that they were done talking?
The Marvellers
98 Was a character grateful that many people still wore their name tags?
The Marvellers
104 Did a character’s mom always say “we could melt an iceberg, baby?”
The Marvellers
116 Did a character love how someone didn’t think twice about yelling at people when they were being mean?
The Marvellers
130 Did a character feel like being a good friend which meant you waited?
The Marvellers
146 Did a character count down the hours and do their homework twice because they were so excited to meet someone?
The Marvellers
165 Did a character’s feet remember a route even though they hadn’t walked on it for a long time?
The Marvellers
192 Is something’s motto “neatly, completely, and with pride”?
The Marvellers
206 Was the only thing a character had ever stolen in thier life a dollop of raw cookie dough when someone turned their back in a kitchen?
The Marvellers
230 Does a character’s mom say that they are a pack rat?
The Marvellers
236 Are dreid roots and plants labeled in latin?
The Marvellers
347 Did a character not feel the closest bit like a hero and feel like a chicken most of the time?
The Marvellers
373 Did camels have wings?
The Marvellers
286 Does a 5 mean that someone is showing signs of mastery?
The Marvellers
1 Does a bitter November day in Washington D. C. feel metallic?
The seventh Most Important Thing
2 Does a 13 year old boy attack a city man?
The seventh Most Important Thing
3 Was president Kennedy died and the person who killed Kennedy died too?
The seventh Most Important Thing
5 Is someone wearing a funeral suit that didn’t fit them?
The seventh Most Important Thing
8 Is there an old man with an A across their chest?
The seventh Most Important Thing
15 Does someone take wine bottles out of the trashcan and put them into his coat pocket?
The seventh Most Important Thing
22 Is going home the best part of someone’s sentence?
The seventh Most Important Thing
26 Is a paper bag the only thing someone can use?
The seventh Most Important Thing
30 Does someone look up the word redemption?
The seventh Most Important Thing
38 Is there a lame map for a street called 7th street?
The seventh Most Important Thing
56 Does someone blow into the phone and then hang up?
The seventh Most Important Thing
57 DOes someone feel like they’re stuck in an invisible box?
The seventh Most Important Thing
60 Does someone’s locker smell like foot odor?
The seventh Most Important Thing
62 Is the last step putting on foggy eyeglasses?
The seventh Most Important Thing
99 Does someone leave their sceince textbook in their locker?
The seventh Most Important Thing
105 Is someone’s name squeak?
The seventh Most Important Thing
108 Does someone say dangerous is good?
The seventh Most Important Thing
112 Does someone sit next to the same person everyday because they don’t want to hurt their feelings?
The seventh Most Important Thing
113 Does someone slide a piece of paper across the table?
The seventh Most Important Thing
17 Did a character swipe thing from the US Marshals?
Greetings from Witness Protection
33 Did a character join the US Marshals?
Greetings from Witness Protection
98 Is a girl supposed to keep a family safe?
Greetings from Witness Protection
165 Is pig the best thing a character ate?
Greetings from Witness Protection
182 Did kids call it pirate year?
Greetings from Witness Protection
191 Is a character trying to solve a mystery?
Greetings from Witness Protection
235 Is a character reading names of winners?
Greetings from Witness Protection
242 Does a character have a facebook page?
Greetings from Witness Protection
266 Is a character going to take her brother to a party?
Greetings from Witness Protection
335 Did a character see her enemy?
Greetings from Witness Protection
10 Did a character’s mom’s sister go missing?
The Marvellers
17 Did a character have a pet alligator?
The Marvellers
39 Is there a tree in a room?
The Marvellers
63 Does a character sense danger?
The Marvellers
117 Did a character find the founder’s room?
The Marvellers
173 Is a character not practicing?
The Marvellers
215 Is conjurors not new to Arcanum?
The Marvellers
269 Does a character have a gatherfeast?
The Marvellers
296 Does a character never leave a room?
The Marvellers
346 Did a character go on a rescue mission?
The Marvellers
9 DId a character scream?
The last shadow warrior
16 Is a character a viking?
The last shadow warrior
26 Did a character have no eyes?
The last shadow warrior
56 Did a character see a Lamborghini?
The last shadow warrior
140 Did someone put a book on reserve for a character 4 years ago?
The last shadow warrior
169 Is a character turned into the first Grendel?
The last shadow warrior
193 Is someone singing?
The last shadow warrior
222 Does a character have 48 hours to live?
The last shadow warrior
253 Did a flower give off an illusion?
The last shadow warrior
255 Is a character the only Valkyrie that can’t fly?
The last shadow warrior
1 Did a character give a “stuck-up little miss princess daughter” a tiny shove?
Amari and the Night Brothers
9 Did a character go missing?
Amari and the Night Brothers
13 Did a character get a black briefcase with a stick note on top?
Amari and the Night Brothers
68 Does a hotel look like royals from other countries would stay?
Amari and the Night Brothers
62 Is there an artificial intelligent elevator?
Amari and the Night Brothers
95 Can you live forever by eating human blood?
Amari and the Night Brothers
101 Does a character say “people assume stuff about you based on the things you can’t change”?
Amari and the Night Brothers
104 Did World war II start because of aliens?
Amari and the Night Brothers
109 Is there 3 major(?) steps to finding a missing person?
Amari and the Night Brothers
114 Is there a weredragon that can’t shift?
Amari and the Night Brothers
117 Does a character show an “I’m better than you” attitude?
Amari and the Night Brothers
120 Is there a social media website you’re not supposed to pronounce?
Amari and the Night Brothers
184 Is there a wall of fire that isn’t real fire at all?
Amari and the Night Brothers
229 Is a hurricane actually a war between merpeople and ocean nymphs?
Amari and the Night Brothers
230 Is there fair magick and foul magick?
Amari and the Night Brothers
298 DO you use jazz music to replace people’s memories?
Amari and the Night Brothers
320 Can you ask newspapers questions to hear about articles?
Amari and the Night Brothers
332 Is a city of gold right under Las Vegas?
Amari and the Night Brothers
378 Does a character’s best friend breath fire?
Amari and the Night Brothers
400 Is there an international league of magicians?
Amari and the Night Brothers
51 Does a character say taht someone reminds them of a black and white popsicle?
88 Does a character dress up as Deadpool for Halloween?
132 Does a character say that something is like a quote language they never knew they needed?
33 Does a character say that a close encounter with another character is like handling a grizzly bear?
105 Does someone spot a partially eaten pop-tart sticking out of someone’s pocket?
199 Does someone say that someone else looks like a grizzly on a tricycle?
100 DOes someone say that they quote knew they were in a room with the smartest person they had ever met?
87 Does a character say taht they have been nuked like a microwave corn dog?
242 Does a character say to another character “Dang son, you can draw”?
196 Does a character know someone who tests games?
56 Does a character say someone slid smoothly like they were swaggering out of a music video?
The last shadow warrior
59 Did someone say that another person had “like a dozen phDs”?
The last shadow warrior
288 Does a character say in a dry raspy voie that they’re dying for a cheeseburger?
The last shadow warrior
124 Is there a table with a clean plastic cube on top which looked like it was filled with ping-pong balls?
The last shadow warrior
189 Does someone compare bitter cold air to a slap on the face?
The last shadow warrior
224 Does a character love old songs?
The last shadow warrior
294 Is there a PR team aka Proximate Reality team?
The last shadow warrior
284 Does a character say that another character eats like a grizzly bear?
The last shadow warrior
49 Does someone call a statue bellyflop burrni?
The last shadow warrior
54 Does a red pickup speed towards a character?
The last shadow warrior
8 Does a character have a puffy eyelid?
22 Did a character call Starbucks “Bucky’s”?
30 Did a character have the strictest teacher in the school as his teacher?
67 Does a character have to start wearing hats?
78 Is a character about to pee himself?
113 Is a character moving?
144 Does a character throw a book at someone?
183 Does a character call someone selfish?