5.Indian Capital Markets Flashcards
Write a note about the functions of merchant banker.
Functions of Merchant Bankers: The basic function of merchant banker or investment
banker is marketing of corporate and other securities. In the process, he performs a number of
services concerning various aspects of marketing, viz., origination, underwriting, and
distribution, of securities. During the regime of erstwhile Controller of Capital Issues in India,
when new issues were priced at a significant discount to their market prices, the merchant
banker’s job was limited to ensuring press coverage and dispatching subscription forms to
every corner of the country. Now, merchant bankers are designing innovative instruments and
perform a number of other services both for the issuing companies as well as the investors the
activities or services performed by merchant bankers, in India, today include:
(a) Project promotion services.
(b) Project finance.
(c) Management and marketing of new issues.
(d) Underwriting of new issues.
(e) Syndication of credit.
(f) Leasing services.
(g) Corporate advisory services.
(h) Providing venture capital.
(i) Operating mutual funds and off shore funds.
(j) Investment management or portfolio management services.
(k) Bought out deals.
(l) Providing assistance for technical and financial collaborations and joint ventures.
(m) Management of and dealing in commercial paper.
(n) Investment services for non-resident Indians.
Write short note on Asset Securitisation.
Asset Securitisation: Securitisation is a process of transformation of illiquid asset into
security which may be traded later in the open market. It is the process of transformation of
the assets of a lending institution into negotiable instruments. The term ‘securitisation’ refers
to both switching away from bank intermediation to direct financing via capital market and/or
money market, and the transformation of a previously illiquid asset like automobile loans,
mortgage loans, trade receivables, etc. into marketable instruments.
This is a method of recycling of funds. It is beneficial to financial intermediaries, as it helps in
enhancing lending funds. Future receivables, EMIs and annuities are pooled together and
transferred to a special purpose vehicle (SPV). These receivables of the future are shifted to
mutual funds and bigger financial institutions. This process is similar to that of commercial
banks seeking refinance with NABARD, IDBI, etc.
Write a note on buy-back of shares by companies.
Buyback of shares: Till 1998, buyback of equity shares was not permitted in India. But now
they are permitted after suitably amending the Companies Act, 1956. However, the buyback of
shares in India are permitted under certain guidelines issued by the Government as well as by
the SEBI. Several companies have opted for such buyback including Reliance, Bajaj, and
Ashok Leyland to name a few. In India, the corporate sector generally chooses to buyback by
the tender method or the open market purchase method. The company, under the tender
method, offers to buy back shares at a specific price during a specified period which is usually
one month. Under the open market purchase method, a company buys shares from the
secondary market over a period of one year subject to a maximum price fixed by the
management. Companies seem to now have a distinct preference for the open market
purchase method as it gives them greater flexibility regarding time and price.
As impact of buyback, the P/E ratio may change as a consequence of buyback operation. The
P/E ratio may rise if investors view buyback positively or it may fall if the investors regard
buyback negatively.
Rationale of buyback: Range from various considerations. Some of them may be:
(i) For efficient allocation of resources.
(ii) For ensuring price stability in share prices.
(iii) For taking tax advantages.
(iv) For exercising control over the company.
(v) For saving from hostile takeover.
(vi) To provide capital appreciation to investors this may otherwise be not available.
This, however, has some disadvantages also like, manipulation of share prices by its
promoters, speculation, collusive trading etc.
Briefly explain ‘Buy Back of Securities’ and give the management objectives of buying
Back Securities.
Buy Back of Securities: Companies are allowed to buy back equity shares or any other
security specified by the Union Government. In India Companies are required to
extinguish shares bought back within seven days. In USA Companies are allowed to hold
bought back shares as treasury stock, which may be reissued. A company buying back
shares makes an offer to purchase shares at a specified price. Shareholders accept the
offer and surrender their shares.
The following are the management objectives of buying back securities:
(i) To return excess cash to shareholders, in absence of appropriate investment
(ii) To give a signal to the market that shares are undervalued.
(iii) To increase promoters holding, as a percentage of total outstanding shares, without
additional investment. Thus, buy back is often used as a defence mechanism
against potential takeover.
(iv) To change the capital structure.
Explain the term ‘Insider Trading’ and why Insider Trading is punishable.
Insider Trading: The insider is any person who accesses the price sensitive information
of a company before it is published to the general public. Insider includes corporate
officers, directors, owners of firm etc. who have substantial interest in the company.
Even, persons who have access to non-public information due to their relationship with
the company such as internal or statutory auditor, agent, advisor, analyst consultant etc.
who have knowledge of material, ‘inside’ information not available to general public.
Insider trading practice is the act of buying or selling or dealing in securities by as a person
having unpublished inside information with the intention of making abnormal profit’s and
avoiding losses. This inside information includes dividend declaration, issue or buy back of
securities, amalgamation, mergers or take over, major expansion plans etc.
The word insider has wide connotation. An outsider may be held to be an insider by
virtue of his engaging himself in this practice on the strength of inside information.
Insider trading practices are lawfully prohibited. The regulatory bodies in general are imposing different fines and penalties for those who indulge in such practices. Based on
the recommendation of Sachar Committee and Patel Committee, SEBI has framed
various regulations and implemented the same to prevent the insider trading practices.
Recently SEBI has made several changes to strengthen the existing insider Trading
Regulation, 1992 and new Regulation as SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading)
Regulations, 2002 has been introduced. Insider trading which is an unethical practice
resorted by those in power in corporates has manifested not only in India but elsewhere in
the world causing huge losses to common investors thus driving them away from capital
market. Therefore, it is punishable.
Write short note on Stock Lending Scheme.
Stock Lending: In ‘stock lending’, the legal title of a security is temporarily transferred from a
lender to a borrower. The lender retains all the benefits of ownership, other than the voting
rights. The borrower is entitled to utilize the securities as required but is liable to the lender for
all benefits.
A securities lending programme is used by the lenders to maximize yields on their portfolio.
Borrowers use the securities lending programme to avoid settlement failures.
Securities lending provide income opportunities for security-holders and creates liquidity to
facilitate trading strategies for borrowers It is particularly attractive for large institutional
shareholders as it is an easy way of generating income to offset custody fees and requires
little involvement of time. It facilitates timely settlement, increases the settlements, reduces
market volatility and improves liquidity.
The borrower deposits collateral securities with the approved, intermediary. In case the
borrower fails to return the securities, he will be declared a defaulter and the approved
intermediary will liquidate the collateral deposited with it. In the event of default, the approved
intermediary is liable for making good the loss caused to the lender. The borrower cannot
discharge his liabilities of returning the equivalent securities through payment in cash or kind.
Current Status in India: National Securities Clearing Corporation Ltd. launched its stock
lending operations (christened Automated Lending & Borrowing Mechanism – ALBM) on
February 10, 1999. This was the beginning of the first real stock lending operation in the
country. Stock Holding Corporation of India, Deutsche Bank and Reliance are the other three
stock lending intermediaries registered with SEBI.
Under NSCCL system only dematerialized stocks are eligible. The NSCCL’S stock lending
system is screen based, thus instantly opening up participation from across the country
wherever there is an NSE trading terminal. The transactions are guaranteed by NSCCL and
the participating members are the clearing members of NSCCL. The main features of NSCCL
system are:
(i) The session will be conducted every Wednesday on NSE screen where borrowers and
lenders enter their requirements either as a purchase order indicating an intention to
borrow or as sale, indicating intention to lend.
(ii) Previous day’s closing price of a security will be taken as the lending price of the
(iii) The fee or interest that a lender gets will be market determined and will be the difference
between the lending price and the price arrived at the ALBM session.
(iv) Corresponding to a normal market segment, there will be an ALBM session.
(v) Funds towards each borrowing will have to be paid in on the securities lending day.
(vi) A participant will be required to pay-in-funds equal to the total value of the securities
(vii) The same amount of securities has to be returned at the end of the ALBM settlement on
the day of the pay-out of the ALBM settlement.
(viii) The previous day’s closing price is called the lending price and the rate at which the
lending takes place is called the lending fee. This lending fee alone is determined in the
course of ALBM session.
(ix) Fee adjustment shall be made for any lender not making full delivery of a security. The
lender’s account shall be debited for the quantity not delivered.
(x) The borrower account shall be debited to the extent of the securities not lend on account
of funds shortage.
Write a short note on ‘Book building’.
Book Building: Book building is a technique used for marketing a public offer of equity shares
of a company. It is a way of raising more funds from the market. After accepting the free
pricing mechanism by the SEBI, the book building process has acquired too much significance
and has opened a new lead in development of capital market.
A company can use the process of book building to fine tune its price of issue. When a
company employs book building mechanism, it does not pre-determine the issue price (in case
of equity shares) or interest rate (in case of debentures) and invite subscription to the issue.
Instead it starts with an indicative price band (or interest band) which is determined through
consultative process with its merchant banker and asks its merchant banker to invite bids from
prospective investors at different prices (or different rates). Those who bid are required to pay
the full amount. Based on the response received from investors the final price is selected. The
merchant banker (called in this case Book Runner) has to manage the entire book building
process. Investors who have bid a price equal to or more than the final price selected are given allotment at the final price selected. Those who have bid for a lower price will get their
money refunded.
In India, there are two options for book building process. One, 25 per cent of the issue has to
be sold at fixed price and 75 per cent is through book building. The other option is to split 25
per cent of offer to the public (small investors) into a fixed price portion of 10 per cent and a
reservation in the book built portion amounting to 15 per cent of the issue size. The rest of the
book-built portion is open to any investor.
The greatest advantage of the book building process is that this allows for price and demand
discovery. Secondly, the cost of issue is much less than the other traditional methods of
raising capital. In book building, the demand for shares is known before the issue closes. In
fact, if there is not much demand the issue may be deferred and can be rescheduled after
having realised the temper of the market.
Explain the term “Offer for Sale”.
Offer for sale is also known as bought out deal (BOD). It is a new method of offering equity
shares, debentures etc., to the public. In this method, instead of dealing directly with the
public, a company offers the shares/debentures through a sponsor. The sponsor may be a
commercial bank, merchant banker, an institution or an individual. It is a type of wholesale of
equities by a company. A company allots shares to a sponsor at an agreed price between the
company and sponsor. The sponsor then passes the consideration money to the company and
in turn gets the shares duly transferred to him. After a specified period as agreed between the
company and sponsor, the shares are issued to the public by the sponsor with a premium.
After the public offering, the sponsor gets the shares listed in one or more stock exchanges.
The holding cost of such shares by the sponsor may be reimbursed by the company or the
sponsor may get the profit by issue of shares to the public at premium.
Thus, it enables the company to raise the funds easily and immediately. As per SEBI
guidelines, no listed company can go for BOD. A privately held company or an unlisted
company can only go for BOD. A small or medium size company which needs money urgently
chooses to BOD. It is a low cost method of raising funds. The cost of public issue is around
8% in India. But this method lacks transparency. There will be scope for misuse also. Besides
this, it is expensive like the public issue method. One of the most serious short coming of this
method is that the securities are sold to the investing public usually at a premium. The margin
thus between the amount received by the company and the price paid by the public does not
become additional funds of the company, but it is pocketed by the issuing houses or the
existing shareholder.
What is the procedure for the book building process? Explain the recent changes made in the
allotment process.
The modern and more popular method of share pricing these days is the BOOK BUILDING
route. After appointing a merchant banker as a book runner, the company planning the IPO,
specifies the number of shares it wishes to sell and also mentions a price band. Investors
place their orders in Book Building process that is similar to bidding at an auction. The willing investors submit their bids above the floor price indicated by the company in the price band to
the book runner. Once the book building period ends, the book runner evaluates the bids on
the basis of the prices received, investor quality and timing of bids. Then the book runner and
the company conclude the final price at which the issuing company is willing to issue the stock
and allocate securities. Traditionally, the number of shares is fixed and the issue size gets
determined on the basis of price per share discovered through the book building process.
Public issues these days are targeted at various segments of the investing fraternity.
Companies now allot certain portions of the offering to different segments so that everyone
gets a chance to participate. The segments are traditionally three - qualified institutional
bidders (Q1Bs), high net worth individuals (HNIs) and retail investors (general public). Indian
companies now have to offer about 50% of the offer to Q1Bs, about 15% to high net worth
individuals and the remaining 35% to retail investors Earlier retail and high net worth
individuals had 25% each. Also the Q1Bs are allotted shares on a pro-rata basis as compared
to the earlier norm when it was at the discretion of the company management and the
investment bankers. These investors (Q1B) also have to pay 10% margin on application. This
is also a new requirement. Once the offer is completed, the company gets listed and investors
and shareholders can trade the shares of the company in the stock exchange.
Explain briefly the advantages of holding securities in ‘demat’ form rather than in physical
Advantages of Holding Securities in ‘Demat’ Form: The Depositories Act, 1996 provides
the framework for the establishment and working of depositories enabling transactions in
securities in scripless (or demat) form. With the arrival of depositories on the scene, many of
the problems previously encountered in the market due to physical handling of securities have
been to a great extent minimized. In a broad sense, therefore, it can be said that ‘dematting’
has helped to broaden the market and make it smoother and more efficient.
From an individual investor point of view, the following are important advantages of holding
securities in demat form:
• It is speedier and avoids delay in transfer
• It avoids lot of paper work.
• It saves on stamp duty.
From the issuer-company point of view also, there are significant advantages due to
dematting, some of which are:
• Savings in printing certificates, postage expenses.
• Stamp duty waiver.
Easy monitoring of buying/selling patterns in securities, increasing ability to spot takeover
attempts and attempts at price rigging.
Write short notes on the Stock Lending Scheme – its meaning, advantages and risk involved.
Stock Lending Scheme: Stock lending means transfer of security. The legal title is
temporarily transferred from a lender to a borrower. The lender retains all the benefits of
ownership, except voting power/rights. The borrower is entitled to utilize the securities as
required but is liable to the lender for all benefits such as dividends, rights etc. The basic
purpose of stock borrower is to cover the short sales i.e. selling the shares without possessing
them. SEBI has introduced scheme for securities lending and borrowing in 1997.
(1) Lenders to get return (as lending charges) from it, instead of keeping it idle.
(2) Borrower uses it to avoid settlement failure and loss due to auction.
(3) From the view-point of market this facilitates timely settlement, increase in settlement,
reduce market volatility and improves liquidity.
(4) This prohibits fictitious Bull Run.
The borrower has to deposit the collateral securities, which could be cash, bank guarantees,
government securities or certificates of deposits or other securities, with the approved
intermediary. In case, the borrower fails to return the securities, he will be declared a defaulter
and the approved intermediary will liquidate the collateral deposited with it.
In the event of default, the approved intermediary is liable for making good the loss caused to
the lender.
The borrower cannot discharge his liabilities of returning the equivalent securities through
payment in cash or kind.
National Securities Clearing Corporation Ltd. (NSCCL), Stock Holding Corporation of India
(SHCIL), Deutsche Bank, and Reliance Capital etc. are the registered and approved
intermediaries for the purpose of stock lending scheme. NSCCL proposes to offer a number of
schemes, including the Automated Lending and Borrowing Mechanism (ALBM), automatic
borrowing for settlement failures and case by case borrowing.
How is a stock market index calculated? Indicate any two important stock market indices.
- A base year is set alongwith a basket of base shares.
- The changes in the market price of these shares is calculated on a daily basis.
- The shares included in the index are those shares which are traded regularly in high
volume. - In case the trading in any share stops or comes down then it gets excluded and another
company’s shares replace it. - Following steps are involved in calculation of index on a particular date:
Calculate market capitalization of each individual company comprising the index.
Calculate the total market capitalization by adding the individual market
capitalization of all companies in the index.
Computing index of next day requires the index value and the total market
capitalization of the previous day and is computed as follows:
Total tioncapitalisa of the dayprevious
marketTotal fortioncapitalisa daycurrent I Valuendex = onIndex Previous Day X
It should also be noted that Indices may also be calculated using the price weighted
method. Here the share prices of the constituent companies form the weights.
However, almost all equity indices world-wide are calculated using the market
capitalization weighted method.
Each stock exchange has a flagship index like in India Sensex of BSE and Nifty of NSE
and outside India is Dow Jones, FTSE etc.
What is a depository? Who are the major players of a depository system? What advantages
does the depository system offer to the clearing member?
(i) A depository is an organization where the securities of a shareholder are held in the form
of electronic accounts in the same way as a bank holds money. The depository holds
electronic custody of securities and also arranges for transfer of ownership of securities
on the settlement dates.
(ii) Players of the depository system are:
• Depository
• Issuers or Company
• Depository participants
• Clearing members
• Corporation
• Stock brokers
• Clearing Corporation
• Investors
• Banks
(iii) Advantages to Clearing Member
• Enhanced liquidity, safety, and turnover on stock market.
• Opportunity for development of retail brokerage business.
• Ability to arrange pledges without movement of physical scrip and further increase
of trading activity, liquidity and profits.
• Improved protection of shareholder’s rights resulting from more timely
communications from the issuer.
• Reduced transaction costs.
• Elimination of forgery and counterfeit instruments with attendant reduction in
settlement risk from bad deliveries.
• Provide automation to post-trading processing.
• Standardisation of procedures.
Write a short note on depository participant.
Under this system, the securities (shares, debentures, bonds, Government Securities, MF
units etc.) are held in electronic form just like cash in a bank account. To speed up the transfer
mechanism of securities from sale, purchase, transmission, SEBI introduced Depository
Services also known as Dematerialization of listed securities. It is the process by which
certificates held by investors in physical form are converted to an equivalent number of
securities in electronic form. The securities are credited to the investor’s account maintained
through an intermediary called Depository Participant (DP). Shares/Securities once
dematerialized lose their independent identities. Separate numbers are allotted for such
dematerialized securities. Organization holding securities of investors in electronic form and
which renders services related to transactions in securities is called a Depository. A depository
holds securities in an account, transfers securities from one account holder to another without
the investors having to handle these in their physical form. The depository is a safe keeper of
securities for and on behalf of the investors. All corporate benefits such as Dividends, Bonus,
Rights etc. are issued to security holders as were used to be issued in case of physical form.
Write short note on Advantages of a depository system.
Advantages of a Depository System
The different stake-holders have advantages flowing out of the depository system. They are:-
(I) For the Capital Market:
(i) It eliminates bad delivery;
(ii) It helps to eliminate voluminous paper work;
(iii) It helps in the quick settlement of dues and also reduces the settlement time;
(iv) It helps to eliminate the problems concerning odd lots;
(v) It facilitates stock-lending and thus deepens the market.
(II) For the Investor:
(i) It reduces the risks associated with the loss or theft of documents and securities
and eliminates forgery;
(ii) It ensures liquidity by speedy settlement of transactions;
(iii) It makes investors free from the physical holding of shares;
(iv) It reduces transaction costs; and
(v) It assists investors in securing loans against the securities.
(III) For the Corporate Sector or Issuers of Securities:
(i) It provides upto date information on shareholders’ names and addresses;
(ii) It enhances the image of the company;
(iii) It reduces the costs of the secretarial department;
(iv) It increases the efficiency of registrars and transfer agents; and
(v) It provides better facilities of communication with members.
Write short note on Green shoe option.
Green Shoe Option: It is an option that allows the underwriting of an IPO to sell additional
shares if the demand is high. It can be understood as an option that allows the underwriter for
a new issue to buy and resell additional shares upto a certain pre-determined quantity.
Looking to the exceptional interest of investors in terms of over-subscription of the issue,
certain provisions are made to issue additional shares or bonds to underwriters for distribution.
The issuer authorises for additional shares or bonds. In common parlance, it is the retention of
over-subscription to a certain extent. It is a special feature of euro-issues. In euro-issues the
international practices are followed.
In the Indian context, green shoe option has a limited connotation. SEBI guidelines governing
public issues contain appropriate provisions for accepting over-subscriptions, subject to a
ceiling, say, 15 per cent of the offer made to public. In certain situations, the green-shoe
option can even be more than 15 per cent.
What are derivatives?
(i) Derivative is a product whose value is to be derived from the value of one or more basic
variables called bases (underlying assets, index or reference rate). The underlying
assets can be Equity, Forex, and Commodity.
Enumerate the basic differences between cash and derivatives market.
(iii) The basic differences between Cash and the Derivative market are enumerated below:-
In cash market tangible assets are traded whereas in derivate markets contracts based
on tangible or intangibles assets likes index or rates are traded.
(a) In cash market tangible assets are traded whereas in derivative market contracts
based on tangible or intangibles assets like index or rates are traded.
(b) In cash market, we can purchase even one share whereas in Futures and Options
minimum lots are fixed.
(c) Cash market is more risky than Futures and Options segment because in “Futures
and Options” risk is limited upto 20%.
(d) Cash assets may be meant for consumption or investment. Derivate contracts are
for hedging, arbitrage or speculation.
(e) The value of derivative contract is always based on and linked to the underlying
security. However, this linkage may not be on point-to-point basis.
(f) In the cash market, a customer must open securities trading account with a
securities depository whereas to trade futures a customer must open a future
trading account with a derivative broker.
(g) Buying securities in cash market involves putting up all the money upfront whereas
buying futures simply involves putting up the margin money.
(h) With the purchase of shares of the company in cash market, the holder becomes
part owner of the company. While in future it does not happen.
What is the significance of an underlying in relation to a derivative instrument?
The underlying may be a share, a commodity or any other asset which has a marketable value
which is subject to market risks. The importance of underlying in derivative instruments is as
• All derivative instruments are dependent on an underlying to have value.
• The change in value in a forward contract is broadly equal to the change in value in the
• In the absence of a valuable underlying asset the derivative instrument will have no
• On maturity, the position of profit/loss is determined by the price of underlying
instruments. If the price of the underlying is higher than the contract price the buyer
makes a profit. If the price is lower, the buyer suffers a loss.
What are Stock futures?
Stock future is a financial derivative product where the underlying asset is an individual
stock. It is also called equity future. This derivative product enables one to buy or sell the
underlying Stock on a future date at a price decided by the market forces today.
What are the opportunities offered by Stock futures?
Stock futures offer a variety of usage to the investors Some of the key usages are
mentioned below:
Investors can take long-term view on the underlying stock using stock futures.
(a) Stock futures offer high leverage. This means that one can take large position with
less capital. For example, paying 20% initial margin one can take position for 100%,
i.e., 5 times the cash outflow.
(b) Futures may look over-priced or under-priced compared to the spot price and can
offer opportunities to arbitrage and earn riskless profit.
(c) When used efficiently, single-stock futures can be effective risk management tool.
For instance, an investor with position in cash segment can minimize either market
risk or price risk of the underlying stock by taking reverse position in an appropriate
futures contract.
What is a “derivative”? Briefly explain the recommendations of the L.C. Gupta Committee on
The derivatives are most modern financial instruments in hedging risk. The individuals and firms
who wish to avoid or reduce risk can deal with the others who are willing to accept the risk for a
price. A common place where such transactions take place is called the ‘derivative market’.
Derivatives are those assets whose value is determined from the value of some underlying
assets. The underlying asset may be equity, commodity or currency.
Based on the report of Dr. L.C. Gupta Committee the following recommendations are accepted
by SEBI on Derivatives:
• Phased introduction of derivative products, with the stock index futures as starting point
for equity derivative in India.
• Expanded definition of securities under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act (SCRA)
by declaring derivative contracts based on index of prices of securities and other
derivatives contracts as securities.
• Permission to existing stock exchange to trade derivatives provided they meet the
eligibility conditions including adequate infrastructural facilities, on-line trading and
surveillance system and minimum of 50 members opting for derivative trading etc.
• Initial margin requirements related to the risk of loss on the position and capital adequacy
norms shall be prescribed.
• Annual inspection of all the members operating in the derivative segment by the Stock
• Dissemination of information by the exchange about the trades, quantities and quotes in
real time over at least two information vending networks.
• The clearing corporation/house to settle derivatives trades. This should meet certain
specified eligibility conditions and the clearing corporation/house must interpose itself
between both legs of every trade, becoming the legal counter party to both or
alternatively provide an unconditional guarantee for settlement of all trades.
Two tier membership: The trading member and clearing member, and the entry norms for
the clearing member would be more stringent.
• The clearing member should have a minimum networth of ` 3 crores and shall make a
deposit of ` 50 lakhs with the exchange/clearing corporation in the form of liquid assets.
• Prescription of a model Risk Disclosure Document and monitoring broker-dealer/client
relationship by the Stock Exchange and the requirement that the sales personnel working
in the broker-dealer office should pass a certification programme.
• Corporate clients/financial institutions/mutual funds should be allowed to trade
derivatives only if and to the extent authorised by their Board of Directors/Trustees.
• Mutual Funds would be required to make necessary disclosures in their offer documents
if they opt to trade derivatives. For the existing schemes, they would require the approval
of their unit holder. The minimum contract value would be ` 1 lakh, which would also
apply in the case of individuals.
Write short note on Marking to market.
Marking to market: It implies the process of recording the investments in traded securities
(shares, debt-instruments, etc.) at a value, which reflects the market value of securities on the
reporting date. In the context of derivatives trading, the futures contracts are marked to market
on periodic (or daily) basis. Marking to market essentially means that at the end of a trading
session, all outstanding contracts are repriced at the settlement price of that session. Unlike
the forward contracts, the future contracts are repriced every day. Any loss or profit resulting
from repricing would be debited or credited to the margin account of the broker. It, therefore,
provides an opportunity to calculate the extent of liability on the basis of repricing. Thus, the
futures contracts provide better risk management measure as compared to forward contracts.
Suppose on 1st day we take a long position, say at a price of ` 100 to be matured on 7th day.
Now on 2nd day if the price goes up to ` 105, the contract will be repriced at ` 105 at the end
of the trading session and profit of ` 5 will be credited to the account of the buyer. This profit
of ` 5 may be drawn and thus cash flow also increases. This marking to market will result in
three things – one, you will get a cash profit of ` 5; second, the existing contract at a price of
` 100 would stand cancelled; and third you will receive a new futures contract at ` 105. In
essence, the marking to market feature implies that the value of the futures contract is set to
zero at the end of each trading day.
What are the reasons for stock index futures becoming more popular financial derivatives over
stock futures segment in India?
Stock index futures is most popular financial derivatives over stock futures due to following
1. It adds flexibility to one’s investment portfolio. Institutional investors and other large
equity holders prefer the most this instrument in terms of portfolio hedging purpose. The
stock systems do not provide this flexibility and hedging.
2. It creates the possibility of speculative gains using leverage. Because a relatively small
amount of margin money controls a large amount of capital represented in a stock index
contract, a small change in the index level might produce a profitable return on one’s
investment if one is right about the direction of the market. Speculative gains in stock
futures are limited but liabilities are greater.
3. Stock index futures are the most cost efficient hedging device whereas hedging through
individual stock futures is costlier.
4. Stock index futures cannot be easily manipulated whereas individual stock price can be
exploited more easily.
5. Since, stock index futures consists of many securities, so being an average stock, is
much less volatile than individual stock price. Further, it implies much lower capital
adequacy and margin requirements in comparison of individual stock futures. Risk
diversification is possible under stock index future than in stock futures.
6. One can sell contracts as readily as one buys them and the amount of margin required is
the same.
7. In case of individual stocks the outstanding positions are settled normally against
physical delivery of shares. In case of stock index futures they are settled in cash all
over the world on the premise that index value is safely accepted as the settlement price.
8. It is also seen that regulatory complexity is much less in the case of stock index futures
in comparison to stock futures.
9. It provides hedging or insurance protection for a stock portfolio in a falling market.
Write short note on Options.
Options: An option is a claim without any liability. It is a claim contingent upon the occurrence
of certain conditions and, therefore, option is a contingent claim. More specifically, an option is
contract that gives the holder a right, without any obligation, to buy or sell an asset at an
agreed price on or before a specified period of time. The option to buy an asset is known as a
call option and the option to sell an asset is called put option. The price at which option can be exercised is called as exercise price or strike price. Based on exercising the option it can be
classified into two categories:
(i) European Option: When an option is allowed to be exercised only on the maturity date.
(ii) American Option: When an option is exercised any time before its maturity date.
When an option holder exercises his right to buy or sell it may have three possibilities.
(a) An option is said to be in the money when it is advantageous to exercise it.
(b) When exercise is not advantageous it is called out of the money.
(c) When option holder does not gain or lose it is called at the money.
The holder of an option has to pay a price for obtaining call/put option. This price is known as
option premium. This price has to be paid whether the option is exercised or not.
State any four assumptions of Black Scholes Model
The model is based on a normal distribution of underlying asset returns. The following
assumptions accompany the model:
1. European Options are considered,
2. No transaction costs,
3. Short term interest rates are known and are constant,
4. Stocks do not pay dividend,
5. Stock price movement is similar to a random walk,
6. Stock returns are normally distributed over a period of time, and
7. The variance of the return is constant over the life of an Option.
Write a short note on Straddles and Strangles.
Straddles: An options strategy with which the investor holds a position in both a call and put
with the same strike price and expiration date. Straddles are a good strategy to pursue if an
investor believes that a stock’s price will move significantly, but is unsure as to which
direction. The stock price must move significantly if the investor is to make a profit. However,
should only a small movement in price occur in either direction, the investor will experience a
loss. As a result, a straddle is extremely risky to perform. Additionally, on stocks that are
expected to jump, the market tends to price options at a higher premium, which ultimately
reduces the expected payoff should the stock move significantly. This is a good strategy if
speculators think there will be a large price movement in the near future but is unsure of which
way that price movement will be. It has one common strike price.
Strangles: The strategy involves buying an out-of-the-money call and an out-of-the-money put
option. A strangle is generally less expensive than a straddle as the contracts are purchased
out of the money. Strangle is an unlimited profit, limited risk strategy that is taken when the
options trader thinks that the underlying stock will experience significant volatility in the near
term. It has two different strike prices.
Give the meaning of ‘Caps, Floors and Collars’ options.
Cap: It is a series of call options on interest rate covering a medium-to-long term floating rate
liability. Purchase of a Cap enables the a borrowers to fix in advance a maximum borrowing
rate for a specified amount and for a specified duration, while allowing him to avail benefit of a
fall in rates. The buyer of Cap pays a premium to the seller of Cap.
Floor: It is a put option on interest rate. Purchase of a Floor enables a lender to fix in
advance, a minimal rate for placing a specified amount for a specified duration, while allowing
him to avail benefit of a rise in rates. The buyer of the floor pays the premium to the seller.
Collars: It is a combination of a Cap and Floor. The purchaser of a Collar buys a Cap and
simultaneously sells a Floor. A Collar has the effect of locking its purchases into a floating rate
of interest that is bounded on both high side and the low side.
What do you know about swaptions and their uses?
(i) Swaptions are combination of the features of two derivative instruments, i.e., option and
(ii) A swaption is an option on an interest rate swap. It gives the buyer of the swaption the
right but not obligation to enter into an interest rate swap of specified parameters
(maturity of the option, notional principal, strike rate, and period of swap). Swaptions are
traded over the counter, for both short and long maturity expiry dates, and for wide range
of swap maturities.
(iii) The price of a swaption depends on the strike rate, maturity of the option, and
expectations about the future volatility of swap rates.
(iv) The swaption premium is expressed as basis points
Uses of swaptions:
(a) Swaptions can be used as an effective tool to swap into or out of fixed rate or floating
rate interest obligations, according to a treasurer’s expectation on interest rates.
Swaptions can also be used for protection if a particular view on the future direction of
interest rates turned out to be incorrect.
(b) Swaptions can be applied in a variety of ways for both active traders as well as for
corporate treasures. Swap traders can use them for speculation purposes or to hedge a
portion of their swap books. It is a valuable tool when a borrower has decided to do a
swap but is not sure of the timing.
(c) Swaptions have become useful tools for hedging embedded option which is common in
the natural course of many businesses.
(d) Swaptions are useful for borrowers targeting an acceptable borrowing rate. By paying an
upfront premium, a holder of a payer’s swaption can guarantee to pay a maximum fixed
rate on a swap, thereby hedging his floating rate borrowings.
(e) Swaptions are also useful to those businesses tendering for contracts. A business,
would certainly find it useful to bid on a project with full knowledge of the borrowing rate
should the contract be won.
Explain the significance of LIBOR in international financial transactions.
LIBOR stands for London Inter Bank Offered Rate. Other features of LIBOR are as follows:
• It is the base rate of exchange with respect to which most international financial
transactions are priced.
• It is used as the base rate for a large number of financial products such as options and
• Banks also use the LIBOR as the base rate when setting the interest rate on loans,
savings and mortgages.
• It is monitored by a large number of professionals and private individuals world-wide.
Write short notes on the following:
(a) Embedded derivatives
(b) Arbitrage operations
(c) Rolling settlement.
(d) Mention the functions of a stock exchange.
(e) Interest Swap
(a) Embedded Derivatives: A derivative is defined as a contract that has all the following
• Its value changes in response to a specified underlying, e.g. an exchange rate,
interest rate or share price;
• It requires little or no initial net investment;
• It is settled at a future date;
• The most common derivatives are currency forwards, futures, options, interest rate
swaps etc.
An embedded derivative is a derivative instrument that is embedded in another contract -
the host contract. The host contract might be a debt or equity instrument, a lease, an
insurance contract or a sale or purchase contract. Derivatives require to be marked-to-
market through the income statement, other than qualifying hedging instruments. This
requirement on embedded derivatives are designed to ensure that mark-to-market
through the income statement cannot be avoided by including - embedding - a derivative
in another contract or financial instrument that is not marked-to market through the
income statement.
An embedded derivative can arise from deliberate financial engineering and intentional shifting of certain risks between parties. Many embedded derivatives, however, arise
inadvertently through market practices and common contracting arrangements. Even
purchase and sale contracts that qualify for executory contract treatment may contain
embedded derivatives. An embedded derivative causes modification to a contract’s cash
flow, based on changes in a specified variable.
(b) Arbitrage Operations: Arbitrage is the buying and selling of the same commodity in
different markets. A number of pricing relationships exist in the foreign exchange market,
whose violation would imply the existence of arbitrage opportunities - the opportunity to
make a profit without risk or investment. These transactions refer to advantage derived in
the transactions of foreign currencies by taking the benefits of difference in rates
between two currencies at two different centers at the same time or of difference
between cross rates and actual rates.
For example, a customer can gain from arbitrage operation by purchase of dollars in the
local market at cheaper price prevailing at a point of time and sell the same for sterling in
the London market. The Sterling will then be used for meeting his commitment to pay the
import obligation from London.
(c) Rolling Settlement: SEBI introduced a new settlement cycle known as the ‘rolling
settlement cycle’. This cycle starts and ends on the same day and the settlement take
place on the ‘T+5’ day, which is 5 business days from the date of the transaction. Hence,
the transaction done on Monday will be settled on the following Monday and the
transaction done on Tuesday will be settled on the following -Tuesday and so on. Hence
unlike a BSE or NSE weekly settlement cycle, in the rolling settlement cycle, the decision
has to be made at the conclusion of the trading session, on the same day, Rolling
settlement cycles were introduced in both exchanges on January 12, 2000.
Internationally, most developed countries follow the rolling settlement system. For
instance both the US and the UK follow a roiling settlement (T+3) system, while the
German stock exchanges follow a (T+2) settlement cycle.
(d) Functions of Stock Exchange are as follows:
1. Liquidity and marketability of securities- Investors can sell their securities whenever
they require liquidity.
2. Fair price determination-The exchange assures that no investor will have an
excessive advantage over other market participants
3. Source for long term funds-The Stock Exchange provides companies with the
facility to raise capital for expansion through selling shares to the investing public.
4. Helps in Capital formation- Accumulation of saving and its utilization into productive
use creates helps in capital formation.
5. Creating investment opportunity of small investor- Provides a market for the trading
of securities to individuals seeking to invest their saving or excess funds through the
purchase of securities.
6. Transparency- Investor makes informed and intelligent decision about the particular
stock based on information. Listed companies must disclose information in timely,
complete and accurate manner to the Exchange and the public on a regular basis.
(e) Interest Swap: A swap is a contractual agreement between two parties to exchange, or
“swap,” future payment streams based on differences in the returns to different securities
or changes in the price of some underlying item. Interest rate swaps constitute the most
common type of swap agreement. In an interest rate swap, the parties to the agreement,
termed the swap counterparties, agree to exchange payments indexed to two different
interest rates. Total payments are determined by the specified notional principal amount
of the swap, which is never actually exchanged. Financial intermediaries, such as banks,
pension funds, and insurance companies, as well as non-financial firms use interest rate
swaps to effectively change the maturity of outstanding debt or that of an interest-bearing
Swaps grew out of parallel loan agreements in which firms exchanged loans
denominated in different currencies
Write a short note on the factors affecting the value of an option.
There are a number of different mathematical formulae, or models, that are designed to
compute the fair value of an option. You simply input all the variables (stock price, time,
interest rates, dividends and future volatility), and you get an answer that tells you what an
option should be worth. Here are the general effects the variables have on an option’s price:
(a) Price of the Underlying: The value of calls and puts are affected by changes in the
underlying stock price in a relatively straightforward manner. When the stock price goes
up, calls should gain in value and puts should decrease. Put options should increase in
value and calls should drop as the stock price falls.
(b) Time: The option’s future expiry, at which time it may become worthless, is an important
and key factor of every option strategy. Ultimately, time can determine whether your
option trading decisions are profitable. To make money in options over the long term, you
need to understand the impact of time on stock and option positions.
With stocks, time is a trader’s ally as the stocks of quality companies tend to rise over
long periods of time. But time is the enemy of the options buyer. If days pass without any
significant change in the stock price, there is a decline in the value of the option. Also,
the value of an option declines more rapidly as the option approaches the expiration day. That is good news for the option seller, who tries to benefit from time decay, especially
during that final month when it occurs most rapidly.
(c) Volatility: The beginning point of understanding volatility is a measure called statistical
(sometimes called historical) volatility, or SV for short. SV is a statistical measure of the
past price movements of the stock; it tells you how volatile the stock has actually been
over a given period of time.
(d) Interest Rate- Another feature which affects the value of an Option is the time value of
money. The greater the interest rates, the present value of the future exercise price is
Write a short note on Forward Rate Agreements.
borrower/ lender protects itself from the unfavourable changes to the interest rate. Unlike
futures FRAs are not traded on an exchange thus are called OTC product.
Following are main features of FRA.
♦ Normally it is used by banks to fix interest costs on anticipated future deposits or interest
revenues on variable-rate loans indexed to LIBOR.
♦ It is an off Balance Sheet instrument.
♦ It does not involve any transfer of principal. The principal amount of the agreement is
termed “notional” because, while it determines the amount of the payment, actual
exchange of the principal never takes place.
♦ It is settled at maturity in cash representing the profit or loss. A bank that sells an FRA
agrees to pay the buyer the increased interest cost on some “notional” principal amount
if some specified maturity of LIBOR is above a stipulated “forward rate” on the contract
maturity or settlement date. Conversely, the buyer agrees to pay the seller any decrease
in interest cost if market interest rates fall below the forward rate.
♦ Final settlement of the amounts owed by the parties to an FRA is determined by the
Payment = (N)(RR - FR)(dtm/DY) ×100
[1 + RR(dtm/DY)]
N = the notional principal amount of the agreement;
RR = Reference Rate for the maturity specified by the contract prevailing
on the contract settlement date; typically LIBOR or MIBOR
FR = Agreed-upon Forward Rate; and
dtm = maturity of the forward rate, specified in days (FRA Days)
DY = Day count basis applicable to money market transactions which could be 360
or 365 days.
If LIBOR > FR the seller owes the payment to the buyer, and if LIBOR < FR the buyer owes the
seller the absolute value of the payment amount determined by the above formula.
♦ The differential amount is discounted at post change (actual) interest rate as it is settled
in the beginning of the period not at the end.
Thus, buying an FRA is comparable to selling, or going short, a Eurodollar or LIBOR futures
Explain the meaning of the following relating to Swap transactions:
(i) Plain Vanila Swaps
(ii) Basis Rate Swaps
(iii) Asset Swaps
(iv) Amortising Swaps
(i) Plain Vanilla Swap: Also called generic swap andit involves the exchange of a fixed rate
loan to a floating rate loan. Floating rate basis can be LIBOR, MIBOR, Prime Lending
Rate etc.
(ii) Basis Rate Swap: Similar to plain vanilla swap with the difference payments based on the
difference between two different variable rates. For example one rate may be 1 month
LIBOR and other may be 3-month LIBOR. In other words two legs of swap are floating
but measured against different benchmarks.
(iii) Asset Swap: Similar to plain vanilla swaps with the difference that it is the exchange fixed
rate investments such as bonds which pay a guaranteed coupon rate with floating rate
investments such as an index.
(iv) Amortising Swap: An interest rate swap in which the notional principal for the interest
payments declines during the life of the swap. They are particularly useful for borrowers
who have issued redeemable bonds or debentures. It enables them to interest rate
hedging with redemption profile of bonds or debentures.
Define the following Greeks with respect to options:
(i) Delta
(ii) Gamma
(iii) Vega
(iv) Rho
(i) Delta: It is the degree to which an option price will move given a small change in the
underlying stock price. For example, an option with a delta of 0.5 will move half a rupee
for every full rupee movement in the underlying stock.
The delta is often called the hedge ratio i.e. if you have a portfolio short ‘n’ options (e.g.
you have written n calls) then n multiplied by the delta gives you the number of shares
(i.e. units of the underlying) you would need to create a riskless position - i.e. a portfolio
which would be worth the same whether the stock price rose by a very small amount or
fell by a very small amount.
(ii) Gamma: It measures how fast the delta changes for small changes in the underlying
stock price i.e. the delta of the delta. If you are hedging a portfolio using the delta-hedge
technique described under “Delta”, then you will want to keep gamma as small as
possible, the smaller it is the less often you will have to adjust the hedge to maintain a
delta neutral position. If gamma is too large, a small change in stock price could wreck
your hedge. Adjusting gamma, however, can be tricky and is generally done using
(iii) Vega: Sensitivity of option value to change in volatility. Vega indicates an absolute
change in option value for a one percentage change in volatility.
(iv) Rho: The change in option price given a one percentage point change in the risk-free
interest rate. It is sensitivity of option value to change in interest rate. Rho indicates the
absolute change in option value for a one percent change in the interest rate.