5_Appearance Flashcards
široké plecia
broad shoulders
On je dobre stavaný
He is well built.
Je vysoký a vyziabnutý ale je v dobrej forme.
He´s tall and skinny, but he´s in good shape.
On má husté obočie a strnisko.
He´s got thick eyebrows and stubble.
Je tmavej pleti (on)/bledej pleti.
He´s dark-skinned/ light/pale skinned.
Je dosť bucľatý s tučnou tvárou.
He is quite plump with a fattish face.
Je hladko oholený a holohlavý
He´s clean-shaven and bald.
Na hlave má jazvu. (on)
He has a scar on his head.
Plešivie (on) / On stráca vlasy
He´s going bald / He´s losing his hair.
jeho vlasy ubúdajú/ustupujú
His hair ´s receding.
Bolestivé spomienky postupne mizli v jej mysli.
The painful memories gradually receded in her mind.
(Ona) je v zlej forme.
She is in bad shape.
Toto je moja mama v 27 (rokoch) keď bola tehotná.
This is my mother at 27 when she was pregnant.
Vlastne, očakávala mňa.
In fact, she was expecting me.
Je stále štíhla s dobrou postavou.
She is still slim with a good figure.