5.8. Analysis of published accounts Flashcards
Define profitability ratio
used to asses how successful tha management of a business has been at arning profits for the business from sales and from capital employed
Define capital employed
the total value of all long term finance invested in the business. Equal to fixed assets + current assets - current liabilities OR long term liabilities + shareholder’s equity
Return on capital employed (ROCE)
(Net/operating profit/capital employed) x 100
Points about ROCE
- The higher the value of the ratio, the greater the return on the capital invested in the business
- The return can be compared both with other companies or past data to identigy trends of profitability
- Can also be compared with the return from interest accounts - could the capital be invested in a bank at a higher rate of interest with no risk?
- Should be compared with the interest cost of borrowing finance - if it is less than this interest rate, then any increase in borrowings will reduce returns to shareholders
- Calculation is not universally agreed => causes problems for comparisons
- Not related to the risks involved in the business. A high return may be the result of a successful undertaking with high risk rather than managerial efficiency
Possible strategies to increase ROCE
- increase operating profit
- raise prices
- reduce variable costs
- reduce overheadsd, such as delayering or reducing promotion costs
- reduce capital employed: sell assets that contribute nothing/little to profit
Potential limitations:
- demand could be price elastic
- cheaper materials -> quality
- may not be effective in the long ron
- assets may be needed in the future
Define financial efficiency ratio
Used to assess how cost-effective the assets/resources are being used by management
Inventory turnover ratio
cost of goods sold/value of inventories
Points about inventory ratio
- Result is not a percentage but the number of times stock turns ober in the time period
- The higher the number, the more efficient the managers are in selling stock rapidly. Efficient stock mgmt - such as the use of JIT
- The normal result for a business depends on the industry it operates in
- For service-sector firms, this ratio has little relevance
Days’ sales in receivables ratio
- accounts receivable x 365/sales turnover
- measures how long, on average, it takes the business to recover payments from customers who have bought goods on credit (debtors)
- the shorter the time period, the better the mgmt is at controlling its working capital
Points to note about receivables ratios
- There is no right or wrong result, it will vary from business to business and industry to industry
- A high days’ sales in receivables ratio may be a deliberate mgmt strategy - customers will be attracted to businesses that give extended credit
- Value of this ratio could be reduced by giving shorter credit terms or improving credit control => conflict between departments since finance wants all customers to pay asap but marketing wants to increase credit terms for customers to sell more
Define shareholder ratios
Financial tools used by prospective investors who are particularly interested in the business activities
give indication of the prospects for financial gain => help with decision making to see if it is bang for the buck
Dividend per share
total annual dividends/total number of issued shares
Dividend yield ratio
dividend per share x 100 / current share price
Points to note about dividend yield ratio
- If share price rises, perhaps due to improved prospects for the business, then with an unchanged dividend, the dividend yield will fall
- If the directors propose an increased dividend but the share price does not change, then the dividend yield will increase
- Rate of return can be compared with other investments such as bank interest rates and dividend yields from other companies
- The result needs to compared with previous years and companies operating in the same industry
- Directors may decide to reduce annual dividends for retained profts for long term objectives
- A high dividend yield may not indicate a wise investment - the yield could be high because the share price has recently fallen
Pay out ratio
dividends/ net income
high pay out ratios (low retention of earnngs) imply that the firm lacks growth opportunities, money is paid out to shareholders who can chooe where else to invest
low pay out ratios (high rentention of earnings) imply that the firm has growrh opportunities and want to invest