573 exam2 Flashcards
1st non-hormone therapy for vasomotor symptoms (how flashes) associated with menopause.___
Paroxetine mesylate/brisdelle
- TEST Q: Give ____ for: menopause + osteoporosis
Duavee / CE + bazedoxifene
(1st line = SERM, vaginal insert); dyspareunia DHEA: ___
Ospemifene / intrarosa
___ class: good for white/elderly/HTN + osteoporosis
Adverse effects of HRT: ___
bloating, mstodynia, vaginal bleeding, headaches + estrogen,
rx of thromboembolic events (strokes), increased risk of pancreatitis
HRT does NOT increase rx of CV disease when started in women under age__ and does not affect the rx of dying from CV disease.
ARB is THE drug for the type __diabetic
sideroblastic anemia
Iron- increased
Ferritin- increased
TIBI- decreased
• Immature RBCs in bone marrow, cannot utilize iron, builds up in mitochondria and blood, binds to transferrin
_____ sideroblasts within bone marrow (biopsy)= diagnostic
Vulvovaginal atrophy: mild ___, mod/severe ____
mild- lube
mod/severe (vag estrogen / HT)
______: menopause + osteoporosis (SERM + CE)
Duavee / CE + bazedoxifene
____spine/low impact hip fx/osteoporosis;
osteopenia + FRAX scores = hip >3%; major fx >20% can tx with
biphos.; full glass of H2O, upright 40 min after; 5 yr cont à half-life
bone is 10 year; follow-up BMD
Bisphosphonates (Fosomax):
Side effects of SERMS Raloxifene/Evista:
HF, vag dry, dec breast cx, NOT for preg/dvts
Osteoporosis: tx
______ new bone matrix; need Ca+VitD, biphos 2 yr post tx
Osteoporosis: tx
_____ SubQ q6mo; if dc – start biphos r/t inc fx risk
Osteoporosis: tx
____ every other day nasal spray; incr risk cx; not tolerated well
Osteoporosis: tx
___surgery; vertebral comp fx; relief of pain immediately
Early menopause
The vaginal epithelium is ____due to thinning/capillaries showing through
brighter red
Mid to late menopause
Vaginal walls are ____
Use HRT sooner rather than later (before age 60 or within 10 years of menopause onset when symptoms are worse and benefit is greatest).
Using later indicates an increased risk for:
Colorectal cancer
CAD* and myocardial infarction
Total mortality
Estrogens are best option to relieve hot flushes and most symptoms menopausal women complain about.
But, if the woman has a uterus, unopposed estrogen can cause ______1.
So, add a progesterone to prevent the hyperplasia.
But adding progesterones increases 2.____ risk.
So, reduce the risk by, adding the progesterone just during the last half of the cycle.
But, then due to ‘withdrawal’ of the progesterone, DUB 3.____ may occur.
(Women do not like that if they are supposed to be menopausal).
In patients without a uterus, estrogen can be given, unopposed.
But, estrogens can increase the risk of 4._____
But, the risk is dose-related and determined by the vehicle used for administration.
So, use low dose, transdermal, or vaginal (topical) estrogen.
1- endometrial hyperplasia.
2-breast cancer
4- thromboembolic events, including strokes.
1-____ may be given to patients on acid blockers
Calcium carbonate should be given with food to enhance absorption
Calcium (in general) may be given with food to decrease risk for 2.____
1- Calcium citrate
2-kidney stones