5.7 There are physical causes and human causes of water Flashcards
The growing mismatch and demand has led to a global pattern of water what?
Water stress and scarcity
Why is there a greater mis-match for the increasing gap between rising demand and diminishing supplies? (population)
Can be due to population - possibly fuelled by an additional 3 billion people by 2030.
Why is there a greater mis-match for the increasing gap between rising demand and diminishing supplies? (rising standards of living)
Rising standards of living - as countries such as China adopt meat-rich diets, which lead to a higher consumption for agricultural purposes, increased domestic use for drinking, bathing and cleaning, increasing costs of water infrastructure can put pressure on water supplies. Growing economic activities like fracking where the mining of energy put huge pressures on water.
Physical distribution of water is spread unevenly across the world which what % being contained in 10 countries?
Physical factors influencing water insecurity - climate leading to altered precipitation.
Climate - precipitation varies globally as a result of atmospheric pressure systems, with low-pressure zones of mid latitude and equatorial regions have the highest rainfall and are deemed water secure.
Physical factors influencing water insecurity - Topography of and distance from the sea -
High relief of the sea promotes increased precipitation rates and rapid run-off. Also provides greater opportunities for surface water storage in natural lakes and artificial reservoirs and is combined with permeable geology has allowed water to be kept above ground for use and evapotranspiration rates can flourish.
Glacier meltwater can be used to support what and what kind of glaciers can be talked about?
Water security and tropical glaciers.
Human factors influencing water security - Pollution (Affects quality)
Human action pollute both water surface and groundwater supplies, so diminishing the quality of both sources have a knock on effect of the security of supplies it is widespread through the world. where 2.3 billion people lack adequate sanitisation through water, this has cause for concern in emerging countries like China where 300 million people use contaminated water daily and 190 million suffer from water-related illnesses like cholera annually.
Human factors influencing water security - Over-abstraction (Quantity)
Human abstraction from rivers and lakes and groundwater sources, for domestic purposes (drinking and cleaning). By 2025 total projected water withdrawals are predicted to reach 5000 cubic kilometres per year where agricultural use will take up 2/3 of this. Usually other influences will generally affect the supply demand through urbanisation and a growing population and economic development.