5.4.1 Micropropagation Flashcards
What are clones
Clones are genetically identical individuals
The cloning of plants has many important, what?
commercial uses
Cloning allows a variety of plant with desirable characteristics to be produced:
With a greater yield (a large number of plants can be produced per square metre)
Quickly (the plantlets are ready to grow into mature plants)
At any time of the year
Identical to each other (so they retain the desired characteristic)
Disease-free or resistant plants can be bred
What does closing also ensure?
diseases prevalent in other areas of the world are not imported and spread by ensuring native varieties of plants are produced in large enough quantities to supply demand in one country without importing plants from abroad
Tissue culture can also be an important process in, what?
preserving rare plant species
There are a number of drawbacks to using micropropagation, what are they?
Trained personnel and a sterile laboratory are required
All the plants produced are genetically identical and so will all be vulnerable to the same diseases and pests (the lack of genetic variation makes them less able to adapt to environmental change)
What is Tissue Culture
Tissue culture is a process in which very small (‘micro’) pieces of plants (‘tissue’) are grown (‘cultured’) using nutrient media
Because they are initially grown in petri dishes on nutrient agar we say they are grown, what?
‘in vitro’ – outside a living organism
Give the 6 steps of how to micro propagate plants in vitro
1. Cells are scraped from the parent plant (these cells are known as explants)