5.4 Viral diseases Flashcards
-regular shape
-smaller than bacteria
-need host cells
-take over cells in body
-live and reproduce inside them destroying them
-can cause brain damage
-Spread by droplet infection
-can be vaccinated against
Tobacco mosaic virus
-spread by contact and vectors
-is a plant disease
-no vaccine against it
-spread by transfer of sexual fluid
-works by damaging immune system
Measles spread by
droplet infection
Way to reduce measles
-isolate infected person
-vaccination program for children
-causes blindness and brain damage
-high temp
-red sore eyes
Symptoms measles
-red skin rash
Measles treatment
HIV/AIDS way spread
-direct sexual contact
-exchange of body fluids(blood)
-mother to child breast milk
HIV/AIDS reduce spread
-using condoms
-not using same needles
-screening blood used for transfusions
-HIV pos mothers bottle feed babies
HIV/AIDS symptoms
-develops into AIDS
-attacks immune cells
-mild flu like illness to being with 2-6 weeks
HIV/AIDS treatment
-antiretroviral medication
Tobacco Mosaic Virus way spread
-insects act like vectors
-contact between diseased plant material and healthy plant
Tobacco Mosaic Virus reduce spread
-good field hygiene
-good pest control
-remove decaying leaves
Tobacco Mosaic Virus symptoms
-‘mosaic’ pattern on leaves
-affected areas don’t photosynthesise