5.4 - Selection of Categories of Psychological Disorders Flashcards
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
mental condition that affects how your brain functions
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
have trouble with inattention (staying focused and on task), hyperactivity (can’t stay still and always on the go), and impulsivity (interrupting conversations and can’t wait turn)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
experience difficulty in establishing social interaction and emotional regulation, flexibility with routines, and hypersensitivity, cause is link to genetics
Schizophrenic Spectrum Disorders
have issues with delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking or speech, disorganized motor behavior, and negative symptoms; has too many dopamine receptors and brain is shrinking
false beliefs; ex: feeling like someone is out to get you/watching you
false perceptions; especially auditory but any sense
Disorganized Thinking/Speech
can’t keep thoughts straight; word salad (words don’t make sense)
Disorganized Motor Behavior
make weird movements that don’t make sense
Catatonic excitement
full of excitement; “bouncing off walls”
Catatonic stupor
sit motionless and not move for hours
Flat affect
showing no emotion to anything
Negative Symptoms
more disabling symptoms
Positive Symptoms
symptoms are in addition of
Acute schizophrenia
involves sudden onsets, in reaction to stress, substance abuse, etc.; involves more positive symptoms
Chronic schizophrenia
develops slowly, long-term and persistent, with both negative and positive symptoms
Depressive Disorders
mental health disorder with persistent depressed mood and loss of interests; have less norepinephrine and serotonin
Major Depressive Disorder
experience symptoms of depressed mood most of the day, diminished interest or pleasure in activities, etc.
Persistent Depressive Disorder
depressed mood most of the day for at least 2 years; also experience at least 2 other symptoms of depression
Bipolar Disorders
experience two polar opposite mood; depression and mania
Bipolar I Disorder
must have maniac episode, may be preceded by hypomanic and depression
Bipolar II Disorder
no maniac episode, but hypomanic followed by depression.
period of hyper-elevated that is euphoric, hyperactive, and implusive
Bipolar cycling
frequency of mood change
Anxiety Disorders
mental health disorder where person has constant worry and fear that interacts with daily activities; low levels of serotonin and GABA and high levels of glutamate
Specific Phobia
uncontrollable, irrational, intense desire to avoid the same object or situation
avoidance of situation where a person will fear having a panic attack
Panic Disorder
frequent panic attacks; feel sweating/trembling and shortness of breath
Social Anxiety Disorder
intense fear of being watched and judged by others
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
person experiences constant worrying for many months; difficult to control worry
fear of heights
fear of spiders
Taijin kyofusho
culture-bound anxiety disorder, experienced mainly by Japanese people, where they feel others are judging their bodies as undesirable, offensive, or unpleasing
Ataque de nervios
culture specific to Latino and Caribbean people, occures in response to intense stress and described as “nervous attack”
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
anxiety-related disorder; worries popping up in mind and then need to carry out action
intense, unwanted worries, ideas, and images pop up in mind
repeated strong feeling of “needing” to carry out action, even though it doesn’t feel like it makes sense
Hoarding Disorder
difficulty in discarding possessions
Dissociative Disorders
mental health condition where someone loses connection between self, thoughts, and memories
Dissociative Amnesia
loss of memory with no known physical cause
Dissociative Fugue
“Running away” state; wandering away from one’s life, memory, and identity with no memory of these
Dissociative Identity Disorder
development of separate personalities; not present at same time
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
traumatic event that causes stress; leads to people not being able to handle stress well; experience repeated thought/nightmares of event
Anorexia Nervosa
experience restriction of food intake, fear of weight gain, distorted body image
Eating Disorders
mental disorder of abnormal eating behaviors that harm mental and physical health
Bulimia Nervosa
experience recurrent binge eating episodes, recurrent behaviors to prevent weight gain by vomiting/laxatives, self-evaluation is influenced by body shape and weight
sensory sensitivity
involuntary traumatic memory from the past
Personality Disorders
long-lasting patterns of social and other behavior that impair social functioning
Cluster A
odd and eccentric cluster
Paranoid Personality Disorder
pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others
Schizoid Personality Disorder
neither desires nor enjoys close relationships; prefers to be alone
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
odd thinking and speech; odd or eccentric behavior or appearance
Cluster B
dramatic, emotional, erratic cluster
Antisocial Personality Disorder
lack of conscience; disregard rights of others; lack of remorse
Borderline Personality Disorder
intense and unstable emotions and moods; impulsive behaviors, moment to moment swings in mood
Histrionic Personality Disorder
overact and do dramatic displays for attention; want to be center of attention
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
grandiose over inflated sense of self; self-centered, conceited, arrogant; can’t take criticism
Cluster C
anxious, fearful cluster
Avoidant Personality Disorder
hypersensitive to rejection; need constant acceptance and affection or will avoid situations
Dependent Personality Disorder
allows others to take responsibility for major areas of life; has trouble making decisions
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
picky perfectionist; preoccupied with details; insists others do things their way