530-534. Adjustment to Chronic Illness and Disability Flashcards
What is meant by the term “sick role”?
A role of sanctioned deviance (allows people to break away from the normal strict rigor of life in civilisation)
What are the rights of people who need to adopt a sick role?
Exempted from normal social roles
Not blamed for illness
What are the responsibilities of a person in the sick role?
Try to get better
To seek help and cooperate with help given
Define what is meant by “illness behaviour”
The way in which symptoms are perceived, evaluated, and acted upon by a person who recognises some pain, discomfort or other signs of organic malfunction
What 5 elements have been identified as facilitating successful adjustment to chronic illness?
- Successful performance of adaptive tasks
- Absence of psychiatric disorder
- Presence of high positive affect
- Adequate functional status
- Satisfaction and wellbeing in various life-domains
List some of the symptoms which may be induced by cytokine activity in chronic illness
Non-specific illness: Anorexia Fatigue Weakness Lethargy
Can also influence psychological symptoms e.g. after MI, diabetes, cancer, stroke
List illness behaviours which can impact someone’s adjustment to illness
Consulting behaviours
Adherence to treatment
Health promoting behaviours
Avoidance - social, physically not leaving the house
Unhelpful coping strategies
What are the 5 stages of grief?
- Denial
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
Define the term “locus of control”
The degree to which a person believes that control to influence events resides within themselves or others
What does it mean if someone has an internal locus of control?
Believe they have agency in their behaviour and ability to influence the world around them
Take responsibility in their illness - adjust better
However, extremes can lead to a person feeling very responsible, guilty and anxious
What does it mean if someone has an external locus of control?
Believe they have little control over what happens to them and believe that outcomes are determined by others or fate
Why is locus of control important in chronic illness?
Determines how much control a patient believes they have over the illness/symptoms; and illness related events (e.g. treatment, consultations)
Can affect how the patients sees their relationship with professionals - in partnership or place full responsibility on them
Can determine patient’s beliefs on what influences the outcomes
What does secondary gain mean?
When something unconsciously perpetuates or reinforces illness being there for benefit
List some of the chronic coniditions that have stigma attached to them
Mental disorders HIV STIs Skin diseases Facial disfigurement
List some of the ways in which a person may need to adjust to chronic illness
Need for emotional support
Need for medical support
Managing uncertainty of the future
Dealing with loss of control
Having a need for openness
Searching for meaning
List the barriers to adjustment
Characteristics of the illness
Characteristics of treatment
Societal barriers - stigma, rejection, discrimination
Co-morbid psychiatric illness
Personality/locus of control
Social circumstances - finances, social support
What are some of the potentially positive experiences of illness?
Changed priorities ? Improved health Creativity Adaptability Reappearing values Changes in life choices and relationships