53. Physiological Challenges Flashcards
What are some different measures for metabolic rate?
- O2 consumption
- CO2 production
- Combined heat and work output
What is exercise?
The voluntary exertion of muscles.
In exercise, what do we use as a typical indicator of metabolic rate?
Oxygen consumption
What is the symbol for oxygen consumption?
What is the basal oxygen consumption?
250ml/min (at STP)
Under what conditions is basal oxygen consumption quoted?
- Morning
- Lying down
- Fasted
- Neutral temperature (no shivering or sweating)
- Body temperature 37*C
- No exciting thought
For a normal mixed diet, how much energy is each ml of oxygen consumed associated with?
Estimate the power dissipation of the body under basal conditions.
How does power dissipated by the body change from the basal state to doing mild exercise (stepping up on a box repeteadly)?
Oxygen consumption rises hugely, so the power dissipated does also.
Describe how you can calculate the efficiency of exercise, such as climbing stairs.
Draw a graph of useful energy output against total energy expended for different intensities of exercise.
When doing some exercise experiments, only expired gas is collected. How can oxygen consumption be determined from this?
- We assume nitrogen balance, so that the amount of oxygen breathed in is the same as the amount breathed out
- This allows us to know how much air is being breathed in and therefore how much oxygen is being breathed in
- By measuring the expired oxygen, the consumption can be calculated
What type of exercise has a mechanical efficiency of 0?
What are the ATP yields per molecule of:
- Glucose (aerobic)
- Glucose (anaerobic)
- Fatty acids
- Glucose (aerobic) -> 36-39 ATP/molecule
- Glucose (anaerobic) -> 2-3 ATP/molecule
- Fatty acids -> 16 ATP/CH2CH2 unit
Draw a graph to show how the usage of different fuel sources changes over time in exercise.
Draw the process of actin-myosin cross-bridge cycling.
What is the respiratory quotient?
- The ratio of CO2 produced to O2 consumed
- RQ = CO2 eliminated / O2 consumed
Compare the respiratory quotient for pure carbohydrate metabolism and pure lipid metabolism.
- Carbohydrate -> RQ = 1
- Lipid -> RQ = 0.7
How do the ratio of carbohydrate to lipid usage and the respiratory quotient change during prolonged exercise?
- At first, carbohydrates provide most of the energy, meaning the RQ is closer to 1
- As time goes on, lipids provide progressively more of the energy, meaning the RQ is closer to 0.7
State the total amount of energy stored in these energy stores:
- Creatine phosphate
- Glycogen
- Lipid
Write an equation for the oxygen concentration of arterial blood.
Write an equation for the oxygen concentration of venous blood.
Write an equation for the oxygen consumption of the body.
How much does oxygen consumption increase by during exercise?
It can increase up to 12-fold, from 250ml/min to 3000ml/min.
Oxygen consumption rises up to 12-fold in exercise. How is this increased consumption emabled by the cardiovascular system?
- 4 times increase due to 4 times increase in cardiac output
- 3 times increase due to 3 times as much oxygen being extracted from venous blood
(Note: SaO2 cannot be increased because arterial blood is almost completely saturated already)
Draw a graph to show how extraction of oxygen from venous blood increases during exercise.
Venous saturation must drop from around 0.73 to around 0.25.
How much does cardiac output increase during exercise?
4 times
How much blood flow is there to muscles during exercise?
It is a rise of 20-fold (compared to just a 4-fold increase in cardiac output).
Draw a graph to show how blood flow to different parts of the body changes during exercise.
- Muscles -> Increases
- Heart and brain -> Around constant
- Viscera -> Decreases
- Skin -> Depends on need for heat loss
Describe how much oxygen consumption of muscle changes during exercise and how this is achieved.
VO2 increases about 40-fold due to:
- Blood flow increases 20-fold due to:
- 4-fold increase in blood velocity
- 5-fold increase in number of capillaries open
- Oxygen extraction from blood doubles
4 x 5 x 2 = 20
How do heart rate and stroke volume change between rest and exercise?
Heart rate:
- Increases linearly
- Increase from around 70 to 190bpm
Stroke volume:
- Plateaus at around 1/3rd VO2
- Increase from around 70 to 100ml
State the relationship between cardiac output and blood pressure.
(Note that blood pressure here ignores venous pressure because it is so small, but this induces some error. So could consider it as the difference in blood pressure, really.)
During exercise, cardiac output must increase. Describe how the cardiovascular system accomodates this increase.
- Blood pressure increases are quite small (which is sort of intuitive)
- Therefore, the body must accomodate most of the increase in BP by decreasing the systemic vascular resistance
- This is done mostly by dilation of arterioles supplying muscles and other respiring tissues
How does systemic vascular resistance change during exercise?
It decreases.
If systemic vascular resistance falls during exercise, how is blood pressure maintained?
- Systemic vascular resistance falls in exercise due to vasodilatation in active skeletal muscles
- Blood pressure is maintained at normal or elevated levels during exercise by increasing cardiac output (CO) and increasing sympathetic vasomotor tone as exercise intensity increases.
In other words, skeletal muscle arterioles vasodilate, but the rest of the system vasoconstricts.
Compare how blood pressure changes during static and dynamic exercise.
How much does ventilation increase by during exercise?
12-fold (in proportion to increased oxygen consumption)
Write an equation for the components that define ventilation.
Ventilation = Tidal volume x Respiratory rate
Describe how ventilation changes with exercise.
- Ventilation increases pretty linearly with oxygen consumption up until a ‘break point’ where the ventilation increases rapidly (1st graph)
- This increase is mostly due to tidal volume at first (2nd graph), and then due to respiratory rate (3rd graph)
Is gas exchange in the lungs diffusion or perfusion limited?
- At rest, it is perfusion limited due to the large excess area of lungs
- During exercise, the lungs may become diffusion limited at times
What are two examples of humoral changes during exercise?
Summarise the effects of rising adrenaline during exercise.
During exercise, extracellular potassium can reach levels that would be otherwise dangerous at rest. Why is it not dangerous during exercise?
The adrenaline protects the heart from dysrhythmias.
Draw how lactate levels change with exercise in trained, untrained and heart failure patients.
What effects does lactate have?
- It contributes to the pain and fatigue seen during exercise
- It makes the blood more acidic -> This means that the anaerobic threshold at which lactate starts being produced is often associated with the ‘breaking point’ of ventilation, where the ventilation rapidly increases
What are some factors that may limit exercise (i.e. what limits oxygen consumption)?
- Total body haemoglobin
- Heart size
- Flow rates in ventilation are lower than maximally possible
- Has to be diffusion gradient for oxygen to diffuse into lungs (so cannot extract too much oxygen from the venous blood)
- Heart rate
In general, in healthy people it is the cardiovascular system that limits exercise, not the respiratory system.
Give some evidence for how total body haemoglobin can limit exercise.
(Astrand, 1952):
- Compared the maximum oxygen consumption in individuals with their total body haemoglobin
- A roughly proportional relationship was seen
- The thinking behind this was that a larger total body haemoglobin is associated with a higher volume of blood, which is associated with a higher cardiac output
Give some evidence for how the size of the heart may limit exercise.
(Hammond, 1992):
- Operated on two groups of sheep, cutting the pericardium of one group (since the pericardium limits the size of the heart)
- The group with the cut pericardium showed an increased cardiac output upon follow up, while the control group showed a small decrease
Draw an inspiratory-expiratory flow loop for:
- At rest
- During exercise
- Maximal inspiration and expiration
Note how the exercise loop is not as large as the maximal loop, suggesting that it may be ventilation that is the limiting factor occasionally. However, it is usually cardiovascular factors that are limiting, not ventilation.
How does maximum heart rate change with age?
Give a summary of the factors that can limit exercise.
What factors change the most in athletes that allow them to perform better?
Most of all, stroke volume.
Give some experimental evidence showing how an athlete’s heart adapts to exercise.
(Scharhag, 2002):
- Compared 21 male athletes with untrained controls
- Scans showed that heart volume and wall thickness were increased in the athletes
- The athletes also had a 62% larger VO2 max
What part of the brain controls ventilation?
Give a summary of the control of ventilation.
The medulla, which controls ventilation, receives input from:
- Voluntary inputs
- Stretch receptors in the lungs
- Chemoreceptors:
- Central (in medulla) -> Respond to PaCO2 mostly
- Peripheral -> Respond to PaO2 mostly
Muscle spindles in thoracic wall also lead to spinal reflexes that affect ventilation.
Draw graphs to show how blood oxygen and carbon dioxide affect ventilation. How does exercise fit onto these?
These curves are at rest. You can see that, during exercise, the carbon dioxide and oxygen do not change much, but the ventilation does, which implies that something else must be at play during exercise!
At the central and peripheral chemoreceptors important in maintaining correct ventilation at rest and during exercise?
- At rest, they are important
- However, during exercise, blood oxygen and carbon dioxide do not change much, while ventilation must increase, meaning that they cannot be the only signals
Describe the different stages of breathing during exercise.
- Phase 1 -> Rapid increase in breathing within seconds of starting the exercise
- Phase 2 -> More slow increase in breathing later
- Phase 3 -> Plateau in breathing
What are some hypotheses for why the ventilation increases rapidly at the very start of exercise (phase 1)?
- Central command -> This would allow a faster response since there is no need to wait for feedback. Learning plays a major role in this
- Peripheral chemoreceptors:
- Mean PaCO2 does not change majorly, but there are oscillations in PaCO2, which increase during exercise. Chemoreceptors could detect this increased oscillation.
- Lactate, potassium and adrenaline all stimulate peripheral chemoreceptors.
- Reflex feedback from muscle ‘work receptors’ via the spinal cord (experiments in dogs suggest this is the case, but experiments in paraplegics suggest it is not)
After these fast responses, the feedback mechanisms, such as from the peripheral chemoreceptors, can also assist in ventilation control.
Summary control of heart rate.
What are the main parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves that supply the heart?
- Parasympathetic -> Vagus
- Sympathetic -> Superior, middle and inferior cardiac nerves
Describe an experiment to show the relative importance of the different factors that control heart rate.
(Donald, 1968):
- Exercised 4 groups of greyhounds: 2 with all heart innervation removed and 2 with beta blockade due to propranolol
- The heart rate increased more slowly in the black line on the right graph than the left graph, showing that circulating catecholamines work more slowly
- The heart rate was slightly lower in the red graph on the left than the black line, which is due to partial blockage of the noradrenaline by propranolol
- The red line on the right was flat due to complete blockage by propranolol
Draw a graph to show how the heart rate changes with exercise.
The phases are called phases 1, 2 and 3, just like with ventilation changes.
What are some hypotheses for why the heart rate increases rapidly at the very start of exercise (phase 1)?
- Central command -> This would allow a faster response since there is no need to wait for feedback. Learning plays a major role in this
- Feedback from muscles from ‘work receptors’ -> Potassium and H+ are probably sensed
After these fast responses, the feedback mechanisms, such as from the peripheral chemoreceptors and the baroreflex, can also assist in ventilation control.
What type of receptors are muscle ‘work receptors’?
Give some experimental evidence for the importance of muscle ‘work receptors’ during exercise.
(Rowell, 1976):
- A cuff was used to trap metabolites in the thighs after exercise
- This showed that the trapped metabolites maintained blood pressure and (to a lesser extent) heart rate after exercise, but not ventilation
- Release of occlusion showed a spike in all three, due to stimulation the peripheral chemoreceptors, etc.
Compare the control of muscle blood flow at rest and during exercise.
At rest:
- Mostly controlled by sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerves
- Blood flow is normally 30ml/kg/min, but can go as low as 6ml/kg/min when there is haemorrhage
During exercise:
- Mostly due to local metabolic vasodilation (increases flow up to 20 times)
- Not certain which factors produce this vasodilation, but could include: K+, H+, ADP and low PO2
- Flow to muscle is also increased by vasoconstriction of blood vessels supplying other tissues, such as voscreal organs
- Adrenaline also increases vasodilation by acting on beta-2 receptors
- The ‘muscle pump’ -> Contraction of muscles pushes blood through the veins
Describe the limitation of exercise at altitude.
What are some symptoms of disease related to exercise?
Give some clinical relevance relating to treating exercise capacity in heart failure.
(Ponikowski, 2015):
- Showed that iron supplementation was beneficial to heart failure patients, even without any anaemia
- Supplementing iron was shown to improve the distance the patient could walk in 6 minutes
Give an example of a rare disease relating to exercise.
McArdles’ disease: Patients cannot break down glycogen and become easily fatigued
What are some of the challenges of being at high altitude?
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Solar radiation
- Remoteness
- Hypoxia
Draw a graph to show how PO2 changes with altitude.
(Peacock, 1998)
Draw a graph of how PO2 changes along the airways (from the air to the venous blood) at both sea level and 5800m.
(Peacock, 1998)
Describe the changes in physiological measurements that are seen in the first 7 days after a person rises to high altitude.
- Breathing increases so the alveolar partial pressure of CO2 decreases
- Heart rate increases
- Red blood cell production increases
- Systolic pulmonary blood pressure increases
Summarise the control of ventilation.
- Peripheral chemoreceptors (carotid body) -> Samples arterial blood for decreases in PO2 or to a lesser extent increases in pH and PCO2
- Central chemoreceptors (medullary) -> Sample CSF pH, which is dependent on blood PCO2 and HCO3-
These communicate with medullary respiratory neurons, which control breathing.
Compare the carotid sinus and carotid body.
Which chemoreceptors respond to hypoxia?
Mostly the carotid body (peripheral).
Which chemoreceptors respond to hypercapnia?
Central chemoreceptors (medullary)
Describe and explain the ventilatory response to altitude.
Assuming that there is a sudden change of altitude:
- PO2 drops and this hypoxia drives hyperventilation via the carotid bodies
- This increases PO2 and decreases PCO2
- The fall in PCO2 leads to alkalosis, which reduces ventilation via reduced stimulation of the central chemoreceptors
- This leads to a balance between hypoxia and hypocapnia
- Over several days, acclimatisation occurs, causing a shift towards hyperventilation
How does acclimatisation to high altitudes via hyperventilation happen?
It could be either by:
- Reduced inhibition of ventilation by hypocapnia
- Increased stimulation of ventilation by hypoxia
We are not sure about the balance of these two.
Draw a graph of ventilation against PCO2 and show how this graph changes during acclimatisation at high altitude.
- Parallel shift of line to the left (shown on the left graph)
- This is due to increased sensitivity of the central chemoreceptors to PCO2
- This change in sensitivity may be due to prolonged alkalinisation of the body as PCO2 falls
- The result is increased ventilation
- Increased slope of the line (shown on the right graph)
- This is due to an increase in the sensitivity of the peripheral chemoreceptors to PO2
- The result is increased ventilation
(Remember that this change only occurs over a few days as the body acclimatises to high altitude)