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> 5.2.2 Manages aftercare of pxs wearing RGP CLs > Flashcards
5.2.2 Manages aftercare of pxs wearing RGP CLs Flashcards
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(29 decks)
1.2.1 Understands px's expectations and manages situations where these cannot be met
2.2.1 Able to manage all px including those who have additional clinical or social needs
2.2.4 Creates and keeps full, clear, accurate and contemporaneous records
2.2.6 Makes an appropriate judgement regarding referral and understands referral pathways
3.1.4 Identifies abnormal colour vision and appreciates its significance
3.1.5 Investigates visual fields of patients with all standards of acuity and analyses and interprets the results
3.1.6 Uses both non-contact and contact tonometer to measure IOP and analyses and interprets results
3.1.8 Uses a slit lamp to assess anterior chamber signs of ocular inflammation
3.1.10 Uses diagnostic drugs to aid ocular examination
4.2.1 Advises on use of and dispenses simple LVAs & 4.2.2 Understands application of complex LVAs
5.1.3 Chooses, fits and orders rigid lenses
5.2.1 Manages aftercare of pxs wearing soft lenses
5.2.2 Manages aftercare of pxs wearing RGP CLs
5.3.1 Chooses and manages fitting of toric CLs
5.3.2 Chooses and manages the correction of presbyopic pxs
6.1.5 Recognises common ocular abnormalities and refers when appropriate
6.1.8 Evaluates glaucoma risk factors to detect glaucoma and refer accordingly
6.1.10 Recognises, evaluates and manages diabetic eye disease and refers accordingly
6.1.13 Recognises ocular manifestations of systemic disease
7.1.2 Uses appropriate diagnostic drugs to aid refraction
7.1.3 Assesses children's visual function using appropriate techniques
7.1.4 Understands techniques of assessment of infants
7.1.5 Assesses pxs with impaired visual function & understands use of specialist charts
7.1.6 Understands special examination needs of pxs with learning and other disabilities
8.1.2 Understands management of px with anomay of BV
8.1.3 Investigates & manages adult pxs presenting with heterophoria
8.1.5 Manages children at risk of developing an anomaly of BV
8.1.6 Manages children presenting with anomaly of BV
8.1.7 Manages pxs presenting with an incomitant deviation