5.2 Tropical Coral Reef Flashcards
Marine animals that capture food using stinging cells
Stinging cells that cover the tentacles of cnidarians
Non-moving, cup-like life stage of cnidarians
The harpoon-like organelle inside of cnidocytes that contains toxin to be delivered to the prey
Basal Plate
Lower part of the coral calyx that separates the polyp from the substrate
The stony cup in which a coral polyp lives its life
Walls of the calyx
Hard Corals
Stony corals capable of reef-building that have a relationship with zooxanthellae
Soft Corals
Corals that do not build reefs and lack calcification
Symbiotic, photosynthetic dinoflagellates living within the tissues of many invertebrates
Fringing Reef
A reef close to and surrounding newer volcanic islands or that borders continental landmasses
Barrier Reef
A reef separated by a lagoon from the land mass with which it is associated
A coral reef somewhat circular in shape with a central lagoon
Patch Reef
Small, isolated reef usually located within the lagoon of a barrier reef
A shallow, sheltered body of water with a soft sediment bottom
Reef Erosion
When a coral loses more of its calcium carbonate skeleton per year than it gains
Reef erosion caused by living organisms
Ocean Acidification
A process where the pH of the ocean is reduced over an extended period of time; generally attributed to a rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide
Climate Change
Changes in global or regional climate patterns since the late twentieth century
Coral Bleaching
Whitening of coral that results from the loss of a coral’s symbiotic zooxanthellae
The removal of moisture or drying out of an organism
Artificial Reef
An underwater structure built by humans to mimic the characteristics of a natural reef