5.1.2 Population Studies Part 3 Flashcards
What are suburbs?
residential satellite communities located in the peripheral regions of major urban centers that are often connected to the cities in some fashion
What is white flight?
historical example of suburbanization that involves the migration of whites from cities to more racially homogeneous suburbs
What is urban sprawl?
migration of people from urban areas to otherwise remote areas
What is urban blight?
occurs when less functioning areas of large cities degrade as a result of urban decline
What is gentrification?
renovation of urban areas in a process of urban renewal
What are the two theories of population change?
demographic transition
What is demographic transition?
transition from overall higher to overall lower birth and death rates as a result of a country’s development from a pre-industrial to industrial framework
What is Malthusianism?
states that the possible rate of population increase exceeds the possible rate of resource increase
What is the Malthusianism catastrophe?
occurs when the means of sustenance are not enough to support the population resulting in population reduction through actual or predicted famine
What is neo-malthusianism?
movement based on the malthusianism principles that advocates for population control in order to reduce the negative effects of population strain
What is demography?
study of human population dynamics including size, structure, and distribution of a population and changes in the population over time due to birth, death, and migration
What is the definition of minority?
demographic groups that receive differential treatment through processes of prejudice and discrimination due to their shared characteristics
What are dominant groups?
those with the social power to assign these labels
What is the definition of age cohorts?
statistical cohorts in which a group of subjects share the characteristic of age
What is the definition of generational cohorts?
groups of people born in the same period
What is population aging?
occurs when there is a disproportionate amount of older people in a population
What is the definition of ageism?
discrimination against a person based on age
What is the definition of sex?
biological characteristic that is assigned at birth and permanent in most cases
What is the definition of gender?
social characteristic that is based on behavioral role expectations
What is the nature effect on gender?
biological measures can have behavioral effects such as hormones
What the nurture effect on gender?
social surroundings have a profound effect on the development of our gender identities
What are gender roles?
describes the social and behavioral expectations for men and women