5.1.1 Diagnosis of Mental Disorders Flashcards
- Decided by 4 D’s which are 4 dimensions of diagnosis
- Influenced by factors such as time and culture
What to consider
- No clear cut definitions of abnormal
- Seen as a scale
- Emotions are normal but context, length of time and severity should be considered
- E.g. crying after a death is normal but crying for years and quitting a job and not being able to perform tasks is worrying
- Different to societal norms
- Deviate from social norms and also viewed as unacceptable
- E.g. being unnecessarily angry in public shouting and swearing
- Used with ICD-10 and DSM-5
- E.g. combination of deviance, dysfunction and danger may be anti social personality disorder
- They’re valid in helping to provide diagnosis and understand whether someone needs one
- Those labelled as deviant and abnormal may be avoided
- Social isolation can produce depressive symptoms
- Those in society wont want to be around them
- Extent to which the individual perceives their own behaviour and/or emotions as upsetting
- Subjective as what is distressing may differ between people
Strength (distress)
- Qualitative data
- Scales such as K-10
- Using questions about anxiety and depressive symptoms over the past 4 weeks to gage how distress levels
- Individualised to that person, valid diagnosis based on specific symptoms
Weakness (distress)
- Uses self report data
- May not be truthful due to social desirability bias
- Lower credibility of the diagnosis preventing correct treatment
- Disturbances in psychological state prevents us from effectively doing our social and occupational roles
- Impact aspects of daily life
- E.g. being too scared of people to go into public
Strength (dysfunction)
- Objective measures
- WHODAS II covers six domains of functioning including self care and life activities
- Scales of 1 to 5
- Valid because can be compared across people without concern of mental health to see if there are significant issues in areas
- Subjectivity in what counts as dysfunctional
- Individual may not believe its dysfunctional
- May be more dysfunctional for society not the individual
- Behaviour and feelings that pose a threat to themselves or others
- Severe psychological problems often marked by carelessness, hostility, poor judgement
- E.g. violence or suicidal thoughts
- Using all 4 can avoid diagnosis errors
- if only one was considered then people with high/low on the others may be missed
- E.g someone quirky but harmless and not dysfunctional may be diagnosed
- Labels
- Self fulfilling prophecy
- Leads to more dangerous as they believe the dangerous behaviour is what’s expected of them