5.1.1: Chooses, fits & orders soft lenses Flashcards
What are the features of SS Serima sphere?
- SiHy - ofilcon B
- Dk/t at -3.00: 171
- UV blocker
- BC 8.7mm, Dia 14.1mm
- 47% water content
- -12 to +8, 0.50 steps at +/- 6.00
- sphere only
What are the features of SS Linarial/Coopervision MyDay?
- SiHy - stenfilcon A
- Dk/t at -3.00: 100
- UV blocker
- BC 8.4mm, Dia 14.2mm
- 54% water content
- -12 to +8, 0.50 steps at +5.50 and -6.50
What are the features of SS Umere/Coopervision Clariti 1 day?
- SiHy - somofilcon A
- Dk/t - 86
- UV blocker
- BC 8.6mm, Dia 14.1mm
- 47% water content
- -10 to +8
What are the features of Acuvue Moist 1day?
- Hydrogel - etafilcon A
- Dk/t - 33
- UV blocker
- BC 8.5 or 9.0mm, Dia 14.2
- 58% water content
- +6 to -12
What are the features of Acuvue Oasys 1day?
- SiHy - senofilcon A
- Dk/t - 121
- UV blocker
- BC 8.5 or 9.0, Dia 14.2
- 38% water content
- -12 to +6
What are the features of SS Linarial Toric/Coopervision MyDay toric?
- SiHy - stenfilcon A
- Dk/t @ -3.00: 80
- BC 8.6mm, Dia 14.5mm
- 54% water content
- UV blocker
- +8 to -10, 0.50 steps at +/-6.00
- Cyl: -0.75, -1.25, -1.75, -2.25, 10-180° (10° steps)
What are the features of SS Umere toric/Coopervision Clariti 1day toric?
- SiHy - somofilcon A
- Dk/t @-3.00: 57
- BC 8.6mm, Dia 14.3mm
- 56% water content
- UV blocker
- Marking at 6 o’clock
- +4 to -9 (0.50 steps from -6.50)
- Cyl: -0.75 to -2.25, 10, 20, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 160, 170, 180
Describe Coopervision Aquaform Technology?
- Attracts & binds water throughout lens material to retain moisture even during times of reduced blinking
- Forms hydrogen bonds with water molecules to lock water into lens –> highly wettable surface for comfortable wearing experience
- Long chains mean less raw silicon needs to be used to optimise oxygen transmissibility & increased oxygen levels keep eyes clear, white & healthy
- Reduced silicon content also results in optimum modulus making lens softer & more flexible to enhance comfort
Describe Coopervision Aberration Neutralising System?
Used in CV Avaira Vitality (SS Uvicia), Biofinity (SS Opteyes), MyDay (SS Linarial).
- Lens front surface design is customised to px’s Rx to help neutralise impact of spherical aberration in eye
- Incoming light rays converge for better focus & sharp vision
Describe Coopervision Optimised Toric Lens Geometry?
Stabilises lens
1. Uniform horizontal ISO thickness
Improves lens stability and reduces rotation for better visual acuity
2. Smooth, continuous ballast
Maximizes comfort during eyelid interaction
3. Larger toric optic zone - Provides clear visual acuity
4. Optimized ballast toric design - Provides a stable, comfortable fit
What are the features of SS Linarial MF/ Coopervision MyDay MF?
- SiHy
- Dk/t @-3.00: 100
- Centre Near
- +8 to -10, -10.50 to -12
- Low (+0.75 to +1.25 add)
- Medium (+1.50 to +1.75 add)
- High (+2.00 to +2.50 add)
What are the features of SS Umere MF/Coopervision Clariti 1 day MF?
- SiHy - somofilcon A
- Dk/t @-3.00: 86
- BC 8.6mm, Dia 14.3mm
- 56% water content
- UV blocker
- +5.00 to -6.00
- Low add up to +2.25
- High add +2.50 to +3.00
What are the features of Alcon Dailies Total 1?
- SiHy - delfilcon A
- Dk/t @ -3.00: 156
- BC 8.5mm, Dia 14.1mm
- +6 to -6, -6.50 to -12 (0.50 steps)
- Low H20 content, High 02
Describe Alcon Water Gradient Technology?
increased water content near outer lens surface, so comfortable & cushioned on eye
Describe Alcon SmarTears Technology? Toric stabilisation
- Release phosphatidylcholine (PC) - phospholipid found naturally in tears that helps stabilise lipid layer of tear film
- 8/4 stabilisation tecnology
- Prism ballast
What are the features of SS Opteyes/Coopervision Biofinity? Monthly
- SiHy - comfilcon A
- BC 8.6mm, Dia 14.0 mm
- Dk/t @-3.00: 160
- 48% water content
- Licensed for EW
- +8 to -12, 0.50 steps from +/- 6.50
- XR range, XR toric (up to -5.75DC cyl), MF (centre D & N)
- Biofinity toric MF available
- Prism ballast, marking at 6 o’clock
Describe SiHy as a material?
- SiHy – Blend hydrogel characteristics (wetting, comfort, movement) with Silicone characteristic (High oxygen
permeability. Surface treated due to hydrophobic nature of silicone - SiHy – More prone to lipid deposition, stiffer less flexible lenses, thicker, high modulus. SEAL mechanical more
common in SiHy due to high modulus - SiHy – More Silicone higher Dk – less water
- Daily, 2 weekly, Monthly, Extended Wear.
Describe SS Omnipurpose Solution?
- Manufacturer: EM Pharma
- Store lenses in closed lens case up to 7 days
- Use within 60 days
- Soak for 4 hours
- EDTA - chelating agent (prevents proteins depositing on lens surface, assists in protein removal)
- PHMB - disinfectant/preservatie (cleans lens - destroys biocides (life))
- Hydroxyethylcellulose - wetting agent (similar to comfort drops of tear supplements)
- Hyaluronic acid - lubricates & protects CL from adhesion of lipids - more comfort throughout day
- Sodium phosphate - cleaning agent/ buffer (helps maintain pH of soln close to neutral, helps maintain comfort)
- Sodium chloride - tonicity adjuster (maintains salt levels)
- Sodium hydroxide
- Purified water
Describe SS Unipurpose solution?
- Manufacturer: Avizor
- Store in closed lens case up to 30days
- Use within 90 days
- Soak for 4 hours
- Sodium hyaluronate - wetting agent (provides lubrication & comfort)
- EDTA - chelating agent (prevents Na bound particles from depositing on lens surface)
- Polaxamer - surfactant cleaner
- Polyhexanide - disinfectant/preservative
Describe Bausch & Lomb BioTrue solution?
- Store lenses up to 30days
- Use within 90 days
- Soak for 4 hours
- Hyaluronan - lubricant
- Sulfobetaine - disinfectant
- Polaxamine - surfactant (soap)
- Boric acid - disinfectant
- Sodium borate - buffer
- Edetate disodium - preservative
- Sodium chloride - tonicity adjuster - maintains salt levels
- Polyaminopropyl biguanide (PAPB) - preservative
- Polyquaternium - preservative
Describe Hydrogen Peroxide - Alcon AO Sept Plus with Hydraglyde?
- Preservative free
- Use within 90 days
- Hydrogen peroxide 3%
- Phosphonic acid - stabiliser
- Sodium chloride
- Phosphate - buffer system
- Polaxamer - surfactant
- Hydraglyde Moisture Matrix - reconditioning agent
1. Wash & dry hands & place lens into case holder & rinse w/ soln
2. Fill case up to line w/ fresh soln. Place lens holder into case & tighten lid. Do not shake.
3. Leave case upright for 6 hours minimum to neutralise. Bubbling effect caused by neutralising disc helps mechanically clean lenses. Keep case at room temp
4. Rinse with saline before putting in eye
Don’t let hydrogen peroxide come in direct contact with skin or eyes
Describe comfort drops: Hycosan Extra, Hycosan Plus, Hycosan Dual, Hyloforte?
- Hycosan Extra
o Sodium Hyaluronate 0.2%. – stores and absorbs moisture, lubricates and
filters inflammatory molecules
o Preservative Free - Hycosan Plus
o Sodium Hyaluronate 0.1% - stores and absorbs moisture, lubricates and
filters inflammatory molecules
o Dexpanthenol 2% - Lens moisturiser, creates a barrier inhibiting moisture
evaporation and therefore prevents lens dehydration
o Preservative Free - Hycosan Dual
o Sodium Hyaluronate 0.1% - stores and absorbs moisture, lubricates and
filters inflammatory molecules
o Ectoin – Flushes allergens from the eye and protects allergens from
entering the tear film
o Preservative Free - Hyloforte
o Hyaluronic Acid 0.2% - Aids in epithelial healing, can retain water making it
a valuable wetting agent for dry eyes.
o Preservative Free
Describe antimicrobiral flat case or barrel case for CLs? Describe protein remover tablets?
Antimicrobial Flat Case or Barrel Case: Contains Silver Ions on the inner walls of the case,
making it more resistant to bacteria.
Protein Remover Tablets: Enzymatic Cleaner that removes Protein build up in reusable
lenses. Tablets are placed in multipurpose sol with the CLs and left overnight.
What are lens parameters you need to think about and choose when selecting first CL?
o BOZR – 0.6mm – 1.0mm flatter than average keratometry curvature
o Total Diameter – 2.0mm greater than the HVID
o BVD Calculation – CL Power = Spec Power / [1- (vertex distance (m) x spec power)]
o BVD – convert Spec Rx accounting for BVD (+/- 4.00DS)
o Lens Brand – Wettability, Modulus and Oxygen transmissibility
What is needed for health assessment for suitability for CLs?
- Diffuse (10x-16x):
Þ Conjunctival Redness
Þ Blepharitis
Þ MGD - Indirect Retroillumination (25x)
Þ Limbal Redness
Þ Neovascularisation - Optic Section and Parallelopiped (25x)
Þ Corneal Ulcers
Þ Tear Quality
Þ TPH - Sclerotic Scatter (25x)
Þ Corneal Infiltrates - Instil Fluorescein (BN, Exp) with Lights On, Cobalt Blue + Wratten 32:
Þ Fluorescein TBUT
Þ Corneal Staining
Þ Conjunctival Staining
Þ Papillary conjunctivitis
What should be included in lens fit assessment?
o Lens Details – Brand, Lens Material, Lens Type, Base Curve, Total Diameter, Power
o Settling Time
o Centration and Coverage
o Comfort – 0 (needs to be taken out) to 10 (can’t feel)
o Lens Movement
➢ - : Minus movement indicate a steep fitting lens
➢ 0 : Zero movement indicate an optimal fitting lens
➢ + : Plus movement indicate a flat fitting lens
o Movement on Blink – Upgaze blink
➢ B-: <0.25mm
➢ B0: 0.25mm – 0.50mm
➢ B+: >0.50mm
o Horizontal Lag Movement
➢ L-: <50%
➢ L0: 50% - 100%
➢ L+: >100%
o Push Up Recovery Movement
➢ P-: Slow Recovery
➢ P0: Moderate Recovery
➢ P+: Quick Recovery
o Visual Acuity
o Over-refraction
How to overrefract a CL fit?
- VA Dist
- VA Near
- +/-0.25 Flippers
- Duochrome
- +1.00
- New distance and near VA
What is the management after a CL fit?
- Initial Wearing Schedule (2,4,6…)
- How many hours a day
- How many days per week
- Do not swim/sleep/shower in lenses
- No tap water
- Any redness/dryness/pain/irritation/blurred vision à remove the lenses and return
to optometrist. - Recall 1 yr